Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

So here is one disturbing fact that the national news media refused to cover, it’s a very disturbing item of fact. Of the thousands of people doing undercover investigations concerning the President of the United States of America my group, with reasonable suspicion and luck made the first rookie mistake. We trusted MSNBC CNBC CNN ABC CBS NBC and even Fox News and other national agencies to help us clear up and round up all the facts.

So here is one disturbing fact that the national news media refused to cover, it’s a very disturbing item of fact.  Of the thousands of people doing undercover investigations concerning the President of the United States of America my group, with reasonable suspicion and luck made the first rookie mistake.  We trusted MSNBC CNBC CNN ABC CBS NBC and even Fox News and other national agencies to help us clear up and round up all the facts.

We discovered “Eddie” “The Master Spy” right after we discovered he was a significant contributor to the2008 mortgage-meltdown crisis.

Thousands of people have now been arrested and occupy jail cells around the nation.  You don’t hear or see anything on the news and that’s the exact reason for this letter.  There is a war inside the United States and we’re on the verge of an outbreak of cowboys and Indians.  The old lady New York Times won’t touch it.  The internet channel POLITICO won’t touch it but they did offer apologies for tossing me out of their main office and calling the police.

In 2003 George W. Bush warned the world and the U.S. citizens of systemic risks to the entire economy if the Congress continued to expand Fannie and Freddie by the Democrats.  In 2003 Barney had several meetings daily with powerful and wealthy bankers, capitalists, globalists and foreign leaders and a man named “Eddie Whitman” attended most of these meetings?  Barney was defending Fannie and Freddie and this “Eddie Whitman” man kept offering up a robust reform package which was really a money deal offered by the I.M.F. and the U.N. United Nations under Planned Agenda 21 which I had never heard of before.

We looked for conclusive evidence for a conspiracy against the United States of America and we even tried taking a few people to court (ACLU) but they were of little help.  The only group that gave us a second look was the Heritage Foundation and a couple of rascal students from Hillsdale College. 

“Eddie” made it clear to one group that the affordable housing scheme was a scam and American Bankers had better correct the problem before the bubble burst.  The I.M.F. and the U.N. could cover up the 11 Billion dollar Fannie and Freddie accounting mistake discovered by President George W. Bush but the offer was only good for five days. 

We contacted every group that might be able to help us from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and even Bill O’Reilly with Fox News.  The good guys had to have legal satisfaction before they could proceed with the story. 

They told us when you play with Congress, I.M.F. and the United Nations it got negative real quick.

The lawyers even took us to court to keep my little group from naming names and places of our meetings with the national print media, television stations and producers.  Our group had to pay over twenty thousands of dollars per month just in legal fees and we’re treated like aliens most of the time.

There is an evacuation taking place right now.  There is an evacuation taking place right now in Iraq because you see it on the news every night.  President Barack Hussein Obama makes sure you see the obvious but that’s not the story.  The thousands of U.S. Military troops are being pulled out of Iraq very quickly and in fact they’re out of harm’s way.  I’m sure you heard about the withdrawal on one day and then presto they’re out for good.

Military theater operations take months to put in place and months to shut down.  The Iraq military theater had over one hundred thousand U.S. troops only a few months ago and we’re told that not one single U.S. solder remains inside the hostile borders of Iraq.  You saw the Secretary of Defense hand over the flag and the burden to the Iraqi government. 

The big secret is that the U.S. Military has been pulled south into Kuwait which is the biggest open secret in the history of the world.  The Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force personnel are all still in place only a couple of hundred miles south.  You’re being told this is the staging area for the returning U.S. Military troops.

What you have not been told is that Japanese, German and Italian Military personnel are staged in Washington Oregon for extensive training and mission planning.  The President of the United States issued an executive order that allowed foreign troops to enter the United States for training and officer development.  Now this has been done many times over the years but this time is a lot different.  Many foreign nations get trained by Uncle Sam on using advanced U.S. Military hardware like advanced TANKS, MISSLES, and WEAPONS SYSTEMS along with strategy and tactics.  Then they send us a few billion dollars and we place high tech weapon systems on ships and make direct deliveries.  It’s just how the military business is done.  We show them how to shoot our weapons and then they buy our systems and off they go back to their country.

The Japanese, German and Italian connections made no sense at all so amateurs were having trouble putting the story together.  Then it was discovered that Japanese, German and Italian Naval ships were sailing off the coast of Iran for some joint military exercise with the United States Navy task forces on station.  Just like a jigsaw puzzle the tiny bits of information started to come together and using his code name (Eddie) patched together a wild idea.

Our own F.B.I. Federal Bureau of Investigation started spending their part of the Home Land Security budget on an investigation of a rape crime in Washington Oregon by a Japanese Army officer that put some legitimate into the story.

Using code name (Eddie) a dot-and-dash message was sent painstakingly to ANONYMOUS that world-wide hacker underground revolutionary radical group.  The first-real clamp-down on our story happened just 72 hours later when the F.B.I. knocked on (Eddie’s) front door with the authority to take him to the F.B.I. headquarters in Portland Oregon.

(Eddie) wasn’t arrested but he did drink a lot of cold coffee at the F.B.I. location in Portland.  Then on February 20th, this year, the President of the United States, issued another secret executive order giving the U.S. Army authority to evacuate anyone they wanted, alien or U.S. citizen, from military areas within the United States and also including all the foreign bases and posts around the world.  It was said that the C.I.A. Central Intelligence Agency was advised of some pending actions around the world. 
The world-wide black operations fraternity of Home Land
Security HLS, NSA National Security Agency, DOD Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of the U.S. Military and dozens of other departments were notified by messenger that anti-espionage missions to protect the United States of America were to begin at once.

This is the reason (Eddie) is now underground because he’s wanted by several agencies.  You can go to the F.B.I. Wanted Web Site and see his picture and his real name. 

The secret gets bigger and darker as it is a fact that Japanese, German and Italian military forces have landed in Kuwait with force.  With force means that it’s not an exercise and they brought their battle tanks, helicopters, cargo trucks, weapon systems, fuel supplies, foodstuffs and portable hospitals. The Joint Chiefs of the U.S. Military complex have defined Kuwait again as a hostile military area and you sure don’t see that on CNN CBS ABC NBC or even FOX news because only a few top layers of our government know the truth. 

The U.S. military officers on station inside Kuwait had all their leaves cancelled about four months ago and ordered to stay on station.  I’m sure you’ve noticed that you don’t see the thousands of returning U.S. troops coming home for Christmas because they’re not coming home.

It’s bigger still.  The entire West Coast of the United States has been considered operational ready. This means that inside the U.S. military which includes Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and the United States Marine Corp the west coast belongs to our military.  So when you plan to shop at Wal-Mart or buy your groceries over the weekend at Safeway doesn’t be surprised when squads of soldiers carry your stuff to that big S.U.V. you drive.

At this point we have a couple dozen people patching together signals from around the world.  (Eddie) is fiddling with the dials of his short-wave receiver this very minute I’m almost sure.  (Eddie) remains on the move and his friends hide him and feed him but these little helpers code named (HAMS) are running out of cash and places to hide (Eddie).

There is not a single doubt that what (Eddie) and the (HAMS) have put together is not very real in their minds at least. 

The Japanese, Germans and Italians are training another group you should know about.  It’s not the biggest shock of the story but it’s true.  The Japanese, German and Italian Army Officers are inside the United States of America around Washington Oregon training illegal aliens (Mexican Latino) in advanced infantry ground tactics.  The order to train illegal aliens is nothing new as we now have tens of thousands of illegal aliens from around the world inside the U.S. Military and once they serve they can become a taxpaying legal citizen. 

This new combination of military power even has a name (AXIS DESCENT) which we’re guessing that they have formed an alliance, partnership or some kind of federation with our United States Government based in Washington D.C.   Another training area for the (AXIS DESCENT) is within the State of Arkansas around the Fort Smith Arkansas area.  It is also thought that other training areas can be found in the deserts of Southern California between San Bernardino and Las Vegas Nevada.  

We’ve got people scouting such areas and we’re finding old or run down military bases including one massive Air Force Base that seems to be occupied and off limits to citizens even though it was closed over ten years ago.  The old Norton Air Force Base is humming with activity and it’s been closed for years. 

Our spotters on the ground observed three flights to the old Norton Air Force Base every Saturday for the last several months.  What’s strange is that out of the (36) flights inbound the outbound flights have only amounted to 16.  That places at best guess 20 C-5 cargo jets on station at a closed military Air Force Base that is zoned for a retail mall construction project.

The President of the United States has made it clear that he wants another four years in the White House.  He’s also made it clear that there are just too many illegal aliens to round up and deport so therefore the United States is powerless to really solve the problem.  The Department of Justice of the United States has advised the F.B.I. and Homeland Security, Border Patrol, I.C.E. and many local sheriff’s department to stop deporting illegal aliens at once.

Let us make this very clear.  We don’t really think that the F.B.I. or your local Sheriff has anything to do with any of this because they are being kept in the dark.  These types of agencies simply get their orders from above and do what their told.  If you remember the investigations post the 9-11 attack on the United States you’ll also remember that lone F.B.I. agents and even local cops were putting things together and were told to shut up and sit down.  Even the terrorists that flew the planes were noticed by the F.B.I. and it was considered no big deal. 

Now let’s dig deeper,

A joint military attack force made up of the United States of America, Japan, Germany and the Italians has been formed and positioned in Kuwait and they are at force readiness.  We also have reports that some of these troops and their equipment are also staged inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and are concealed by the vastness of the deserts.

Each of these countries and maybe more have supplied enough Naval Military Ships to create their own world-force-navy which includes advanced attack jets, submarines and aircraft carriers.  We’ve been told that over 300,000 troops are inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia right now made up of what is called the (AXIS DESCENT) operations.

Before this is over the lives and fortunes of entire countries are being put into play and we have several ideas.  Israel is getting ready to strike Iran and destroy the Nuclear and Naval facilities of the Islamic Nut Case Nation.

We’re also being told that out of the 300,000 troops in Saudi Arabia over 95 percent of them are U.S. supported illegal alien troops with their own uniforms and important to note without American flags or other U.S. signage.  We’ve also found out that this AXIS DESCENT ARMY inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a mercenary army and the Kingdom is paying for the army with barrels of oil.

The supply of crude oil has increased and no industry expert can really put their finger on it.  The Saudi crude oil output nudged up and some experts say that the Saudi Kingdom is flooding the world with oil to save America.

(Eddie) found out that the Kingdom is paying America to save Saudi Arabia by killing the Iranian threat and they use oil vs. cash because the dollar is about worthless even to Americans.

(Eddie) and the (HAMS) with the help of others around the world estimate that these black operation called the AXIS DESCENT ARMY has over 625,000 troops in the Persian Gulf area not including naval personnel which could number another 100,000 marines from the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy and some even include Mexico.

We’re convinced that Israel is going to strike first against Iran and it’s going to be very big and very fast but non nuclear.  Israel is a very long way from Iran so they’re going to need a lot of support in the air and on the ground.

It’s also thought that Iran will shut down the Persian Gulf area and all oil flow to the West which includes the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy and most like England and several other countries.

It seems the job of the Axis Descent Army is to check any Iranian Army and Naval movements when the shooting starts.  We have also confirmed that the North Korean Leader didn’t simply die he was simply killed.  The China connection to North Korea is very real and the Chinese plan to take the North Korean Army (One Million Men) on a little adventure to the Persian Gulf Region.

The land of opportunity seems to be Syria as we’re confident that you’ve noticed that the Syrian leader has no problem in killing thousands of his own citizens.

The plot gets bigger and harder to explain.  (Eddie) and his (HAMS) developed several deep connections inside Israel and not everybody thinks Israel can kill off Iran by dropping bombs from thirty thousand feet. 

The Military Movements seem to indicate that the entire region will be affected and does include Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan and our old friend Iraq.

To make the whole design work will cost hundreds of billions of dollars and the Kingdom is footing the bill.  Painstakingly the Israel Air Force will strike first (non-nuclear) the nation of Iran with over 413 fighter jets.  Now for the record Israel doesn’t have 413 fighter jets which takes another piece of the puzzle out of order. 

This must mean that the AXIS DESCENT MILITARY COMPLEX will supply the massive amounts of supplies and equipment for the engagement.  We’re talking about World War III here if you’re starting to understand.

(Eddie’s) connection inside Israel Intelligence goes by the codename of (Good) or it might even be (God) but we do know he has a habit of being right most of the time.

(Good-God) advised (Eddie) via short-wave radio that the (Fraternity) (AXIS DESENT MILITARY COMPLEX) was getting ready and willing to move. 

At this point we think many U.S. federal agencies were listening to all the dots-dashes as they fiddled with their own listening post dials.  Internet traffic jumped up about six weeks ago and band-width usage multiplied by a thousand percent within 36 hours.  The (Good-God) enthusiast found a back channel and transferred top-secret war documents to Wiki-leaks but even this fringe group cannot get attention. 

The (Good-God) secret documents were sent to Wiki-leaks but they were sealed by the government (Israel) and it took, we can only guess, several top-secret clearance operatives from inside Israel to break the computer codes.

Then something strange happened.  The F.C.C. Federal Communications Commission announced that they now have the authority (Department of Homeland Security) (DHS) to stop all communications within the United States and the system would be tested.  On the day announced your telephone, internet connection, television broadcast, satellite relays all came under the control of the White House and only a few people noticed.

This U.S. Government Control (F.C.C.) has never been lifted because we’ve discovered that it was not a test but a take-over of all communications and transmissions including your local radio station. Every email you may send is now filtered through Langley Virginia (C.I.A.) which is against the law and also the (F.B.I.) monitors email, phone, cell phone, physical mail delivery, satellite up-links, toll road electronic payments, bank transfers, food-stamp recipients and a thousand other things. If you use a credit card you’re on the U.S. government watch list.  If you have a passport they know how to find you because a (RF Chip) (Radio Frequency Computer Chip) is now embedded within every passport and they forgot to tell you.  Every new automobile created in the United States has a Global Positioning Device installed and it all started with General Motors.  The government doesn’t care if you get lost driving through the woods they just want to know where you are, where you sleep, have you bought a gun or made any large cash advances.

The major players the military players and their movements  seem to include the United States Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Mexico and China.

You might notice that the Soviet Union (Russia) has not made our list which means something is very wrong.  Russia is the supporter of Iran and a major trading partner with North Korea concerning anything military and everything nuclear.

It is our opinion and the facts support that U.S. Military forces including the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marines and the U.S. Air Force has been consolidated inside Kuwait and there is a very dangerous reason.

We also know that this (AXIS DESCENT MILITARY COMPLEX) is being paid for by Saudi Arabia by giving crude oil to the United States which is passing out the paychecks to other players. 

A signal was received from (Good-God) and nothing made sense.  The message was gibberish and (EDDIE) with swift and sure actions contacted every national media empire with this story.  After (EDDIE) contacted MSNBC it was quickly noticed that the Chairman of the Board of General Electric joined the political machine in the White House.  After stories broke out about some kind of Communist, Socialist, Marxists takeover of the United States Andy Stern of the SEIU was working for the President of the United States.

(EDDIE) discovered that the gibberish was U.S. military secret code and his Army sergeant friend who had a captain friend recognized the gibberish code immediately.  Eventually the coded message found its way into G-12, the Department of Military Intelligence where a patriot worked and things started to happen.

We had the proof that something very big was about to happen and America was right in the middle of it and it was above top-secret and reached the black-operations security clearance levels.

Inside of Iraq a secret U.S. military mission continues to this day as elaborate wireless equipment, concealed in trucks and outbuildings run up their antennas daily and sit down to listen to Iraq, Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia transmissions.

Also concealed inside these U.S. military vehicles are computers and satellite links that send outbound signals to U.S. Naval Battle Groups sailing up and down the Persian Gulf region.

What we’ve confirmed and already knew is that Israel does not have 413 fighter jets so the Israel jet fighter attack against Iran will be real but it might just be for show. The real attack on Iran is going to come from the United States Naval Battle Groups via ship based missile systems.

Israel will send fighter just to drop laser guided bombs on Iran and strike nuclear and military facilities all across Iran but the big stuff will be delivered by U.S. missile ships at the same time.  By the time the smoke clears the Iranian Navy should be at the bottom of the Persian Gulf and the Iranian nuclear capability should be diminished.

Israel will first kill Iranian radar and tracking facilities and headquarter positions.  When the Iranians become blind in a military sense the U.S. missiles will launch and we must suppose hundreds or maybe thousands of missiles will fly against Iran.

This entire mission is called (Dirt-Farm) and two months ago we think the green-go switch went green.   Two months ago the mysterious (Good-God) went silent and nothing was being sent out of Israel which means, we think, that jets are on the runways and tanks are crewed up to defend Israel against Egypt and Syria.

The soundless nights came back to life and (Good-God) sent several long messages and we’re not sure they were meant for (EDDIE) but they were concerning (Dirt-Farm) and China moving troops from North Korea inner facilities to coastal ports and waiting Chinese Naval ships.

Apparently asleep the Iranian Army Staff doesn’t think the U.S. or Israel will strike first but we do think that they know about North Korean troop movements via the Chinese Navy and we also think their destination is Syria which borders Israel.

It seems that the world power is in motion and we’re going to be the last ones to know.  Iran might be thinking about striking Israel just like they advertise after the North Korean troops and Chinese Naval support is in position inside Syria and off the coast of Israel.

(EDDIE) and his (HAMS) with the help of (Good-God) inside of Israel and U.S. military (maybe contractors) listening posts inside of Iraq think that the pawns of power are in play and there’s going to be a fight.

If you started drawing lines on a map you can almost see how this will play out.  If Iran strikes first and the North Korean (One-Million-Man-Army) is in place in Syria and the Chinese Naval forces are off the shore of Israel the battle will last only a matter of a few weeks.  Experts have told us that Israel can be destroyed (removed from the face of the earth) in less than three days if this plan is true.  In a few minutes these military experts from the best war colleges in the world told us “there’s nothing to stop them” and the United States could offer little resistance if any. 

We advised the military experts our information and ideas and all our widely separated points and they determined by their own back channels that we might be right on the mark.

The (AXIS DESCENT MILITARY COMPLEX) made up of the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy and maybe others seemed to be positioned to protect the oil fields (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and their information also indicated that this alliance might have up to one million armed troops.

But the experts assured us that nothing about war was this simple and we would need hundreds of men in the field to even attempt to understand these events. 

Then on a slope of a hill in Israel about two miles outside of a fishing village the first of many Gaze Strip Flotilla Ships were seen off the coast by an Israeli coast watcher.  It seems like our lines of thought might come together when it was discovered that these Gaza Peace Ships also were carrying missiles, machine guns, rocket launchers and shock troops from Iran and Syria. 

The dirt road leading up to the slope of the hill was well traveled as Israel watched their coast line night and day.  The Israeli soldier’s radio failed that night so he mounted up in his vehicle and started downhill to eventually connect with the main highway leading to his base camp.  His buddy was left on top of the hill to continue watching and the young Israeli soldier reported directly to his sergeant. 

The enemy watched this same road as they also continued their vigil in watching Israel watching them.  Egypt and Syria had undercover operative’s fresh and ready to go at all times and they kept up a constant flow of information concerning Israel and any troop or equipment movements.  But something was changing as reported by the national Israeli media. 

A wholesale fish truck exploded while driving through the ocean side village which was not very unusual but it wasn’t a regular wholesale fish truck.  This truck was full of Japanese soldiers and the explosion killed sixteen troops and wounded another forty or so people.  The news told the story about the explosion but only local residents knew about the Japanese soldiers. 

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