Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

U.S. Senator Robert Casey believes in the wholesale disobedience of the voters and taxpayers voice because he’s in bed, under the covers with Big Business, Big Unions and sponsors Obama’s Marxist Socialist Big Government.

U.S. Senator Robert Casey believes in the wholesale disobedience of the voters and taxpayers voice because he’s in bed, under the covers with Big Business, Big Unions and sponsors Obama’s Marxist Socialist Big Government.

Robert Casey Jr disregards the voters.  Bob Casey could care less about your home value, the weekly cost of your groceries or the price you pay for gasoline at the pump next time.  The result of Robert Casey and his always voting with Barack Hussein Obama is that your country is bankrupt, mostly owned by the Communist Chinese, Mexican drug cartels and their Fast and Furious Guns crossing the border and Islamic Muslim (CAIR) nut jobs planning world domination while Michelle Obama is planning her next vacation.

Senator Robert Casey Pennsylvania Older persons can forget about dog food because it will cost too much and SNAP food stamps won’t pay for it anyway.  Drug dealers are on welfare, will enjoy Obama Care Nationalized Socialized Health care while people over 55 are still scratching at the AARP Socialist Cash Window for more and more lies.

With Robert Casey Bob Casey U.S. Senator generally in disregard to your wishes you have to wonder how he got into office and how he plans to stay in office.  Big Unions, Big Business and Big corrupt government officials.  With the absence of any sense of responsibility the Bob Casey Barack Hussein Obama government continues to borrow Communist money from the Chinese, who back up North Korea, Iran and other villains around the world. The U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey and Barack Hussein Obama is almost universal in their goal to destroy you and your U.S. Constitutional rights of liberty and freedoms.  Your home is losing value; the schools are driven by Communist Unions and bribes to local schools boards and local mayors.  The police department pension is breaking the banks but nobody including Bob Casey and Barack Obama could care less.  Your local teachers are not what you think because they continue to support their corrupt union.  The SEIU breeds contempt for the federal laws and hires illegal aliens by the millions that cleans your office building, teacher break-rooms and even federal government buildings.

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