Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, September 30, 2012

YouTube 8 Million Views Robert Casey Pa Senator Over eight million people now understand that President Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim Radical. This is a safe link, YouTube, that you can watch and listen to Barack Obama claim his Islamic Muslim faith which explains his adverse actions against the United States of America. We would recommend that U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Pennsylvania Senator Watch and Explain his President Barack Hussein Obama.

Warning; Barack Obama Discovered;

Eight Million People Learn the Truth
10 minute movie changes everything

Over eight million people now understand that President Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim Radical.  This is a safe link, YouTube, that you can watch and listen to Barack Obama claim his Islamic Muslim faith which explains his adverse actions against the United States of America.  We would recommend that U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Pennsylvania Senator Watch and Explain his President Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama doesn’t wear the American flag, until we caught him.

Obama, we will never be at war with Islam.

Obama, I am one of them.

9-11 Terrorist Attack World Trade Center

Egypt now kills Americans

Hillary Rodham Clinton continues to fund radicals Egypt Syria North Korea

Iran and Israel will wage war after the presidential elections

Gasoline prices will soar to $10 to $15 per gallon in less than a year

Food Shortages will arrive in the United States

Up to 100 Million American Citizens will receive SNAP Food Stamps by 2016

Nationalist Socialist Health Care ObamaCare will collapse the medical device industry

ObamaCare destroys family health care and kills off the elderly

Only productive citizens will receive health care

Foreign Wars will increase, against the United States

Iran will close the Persian Gulf and stop 25% of the worlds oil supply

Radical Black Panthers now in open conflict with no restraint.

The United States Main Stream Media, organizations like CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, FOX NEWS and others not really worth mentioning have embargoed the real news that can save the United States Constitution and your individual liberties and freedoms.  If you cannot hear and see the real truth called news it’s like removing all the gasoline on earth, nothing moves and you stop.  To conserve their own financial and political power CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and FOX News and the others will deny you the entire truth about the future of you and your family.  Incidentally they deny these charges all the time and your future shipment of news will be predisposed to favor Senator Robert Bob Casey Pennsylvania and President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama.
These two men are militants and are fully inclined to socialism and communism or at the very least an administrative national state where they control you and even your health care.  Vital supplies of truth have been almost cut off and that was predicted.  Your rights under freedom of speech and freedom of the press has very little armament left in its defense.  You have been so silent that your independence has been removed day by day by people like President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. Pennsylvania, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Joe Biden, Ex President Bill Clinton and even local mayors of little towns across the country.
In tense and dramatic moves President Barack Hussein Obama is playing the chessboard a lot better than most but in the area of international politics and U.S. domestic debt, unemployment, national healthcare and military defense we’re all about to lose more than we could imagine.  The big news about Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and many other nations is being tucked away and hidden from your few.  The real unemployment numbers, the millions of Americans homeless, millions of food stamps families have never truly been revealed.  Like a bayonet the truth will be revealed very suddenly and violently after the national presidential elections.  You’re not supposed to know now because you would vote out people like President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania and hundreds of others.
I was at Giant the other day buying gasoline for my car and the gasoline tanker pulled up and I truly thought that’s just a rolling bomb waiting for a terrorist to blow up.  We have shiploads of natural gas, train loads of hazardous materials and whole squadrons of politicians like President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania sitting around and bleeding us to death.  Fortunately we get to vote so we have the raw voting power to make things right again but a lot of people have been fooled, across the country, that abundance of jobs and wealth is just around the corner if we all stick with fools like President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania because they have some secret or magic advantage that nobody understands.
The idiot politicians use the money power from big unions and big business to control the airwaves and the taxpayer pockets.  Out of necessity 47% of Americans now enjoy government funding in the form of food on their tables.  Our resources as a nation have been stolen by the guards of the U.S. Constitution.  Our national resources, once the greatest in all the world has been stolen or simply given away to foreign enemies like the Muslim Brotherhood that wants to shape the world, including America, by Sharia Law.  President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania fully support the destruction of our U.S. Constitution and our total transformation as a country into some kind of socialist, communist, Marxist, Muslim Brotherhood Islamic administrative state because they never speak against it.  It won’t be long that Israel will be flying bombers to their death over Iran because they don’t have the total capability to stop the Iranian nut jobs from building nuclear weapons.  In the mean time Obama gives Israel time enough for a phone call and then most likely takes a nap or watches some more T.V.  As we complain about the high prices of gasoline Israel gets ready for global war due to necessity.  China sits back and smiles as our resources are wasted and foreign countries drill for crude oil off our shores.  You never hear about North Korea anymore because I’m confident that Hillary Rodham Clinton has backed in hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the foreign little bastards that want Americans dead.  After all that’s what Bill Clinton did when he was president.  Give them ample money, food and oil, regardless of the cost to keep North Korea off the front pages of newspapers in America.  President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania now are again talking about large stocks of our oil reserves being used to ease the pressure on gasoline prices.  The Army, Air-Force, Navy, Marines and other U.S. defense forces don’t like the idea but President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania don’t much like them.  Think about running out of aviation fuels and jet fuels when Israel bombs Iran and Iran fires missiles at our naval ships?
Wars are now fought from the air in the form of fighter jets and missiles.  The navy launches fighter jets that fire missiles.  We try to fight from a distance but the Persian gulf war about to explode won’t be that simple.  Petroleum products are essential to your way of life and to make sure we have ample supply tens of thousands of U.S. troops could die in a matter of days or millions if Iran constructs and uses a nuclear weapon.  Right now only Israel stands between you and the Muslim nut jobs so pray for our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines because President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania keeps defunding our front line troops, reducing their numbers and next year we’ll have a navy about the size of a bathtub fleet.  All along this same time line China is building and launching aircraft carriers and expanding their mechanized warfare capabilities.  Russia is loaning us money and re-building their economy and military using our money just like China.  China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Egypt and a host of other hostile countries have already picked sides and we’re on the short list of targets.
When you consider the food and water shortages that President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania never speaks to you about we have even more problems.  As you shop at the largest retailer in the world, fully supported by direct supply by the largest Communist nation on earth you better check your kitchen cabinet.  Your food supply has been outsourced around the world and the governments of President Barack Obama, Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania are even talking about not letting you plant vegetables in your back yard.  War or peace you have to eat and you eat every day.  If we have a shortage of gasoline we can park our cars once in a while and wait in long lines for fuel but, if we have a shortage of food the SNAP federal food stamp program collapses and the riots start.
I know you think about illegal alien’s crossing over from Mexico.  I know you give thought to foreign agents and terrorists strolling across our borders but, you never once thought about apricots or wheat.  You’re concerning about communist backed unions, teacher strikes that demand more and more even when a state and nation is in decline.  You wonder about big business unions and their contributions to President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania and what they’ve promised in return.  You worry about the quality of education, the loss of good paying jobs, open borders, medical care and foreign wars.  When you run out of foodstuffs nothing else matters.  You don’t choose between a new fighter jet and food.  Humans always pick food and let’s be clear, China and Russia knows how you think.  You want cheap gasoline and cheap bread and milk but those days are over, for the moment.  President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania have sold us down the road and have already paved the way to rationing of food, fuel, all energy, education, health medical services and thousands of other things you take for granted today.
They (President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania) know full well that you’ll skip the new battle tank for cheap butter and bread.  You see the SNAP food stamp program is already a rationing of foodstuffs.  Millions and millions of people this very day can only eat as much as the government allows them.  When sugar costs $10 a pound because of fuel costs and coffee is $20 a pound it’s too late to remove President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania.  When you and your children are hungry you will do what you’re told when you’re told to do it.
The only armament that you have to defend your honor and freedom is the U.S. Constitution that allows you to speak out and speak up.  You must find it necessary to remove President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania to save the nation.  If you truly think that this is just another presidential and senate election you’re bordering on being too slow to vote.
If you don’t think after the election President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania won’t shut down every coal mine in Pennsylvania you should seek help within your education.  Enormous reserves of coal and gas are under your feet in Pennsylvania that could save the United States for hundreds of years, yes hundreds of years.  Even as our demand for energy may grow why is it that President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania won’t support, fully support, coal, natural gas and domestic oil drilling?  Every gallon of gasoline you buy funds the redistribution of wealth around the world.  One World Order or New World Order under the banner of the United Nations is a real event around the world.  Agenda 21 from the United Nations will assure that you and your children will become tax slaves of the world.
We now have global commercial arrangements that President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania fully support that will guarantee your financial failure in the future.  Globalization is a decision and big American fortune 100 international companies have made arrangements with poor nations to make products cheaper, through cheaper labor, no environmental protections, no minimum wages, no child labor laws, no maximum hour laws and no legal protection against unsafe working conditions. These same global American companies are well known as they have created the greatest wealth in the entire world and millions of jobs, none of them in America.
President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania have stolen your country and froze your constitutional rights.  Your future has been mortgaged and the Communist nation of China truly owns your home mortgage, your automobile loan and even your credit card debt.  When China owns the debt it really means that they own you, your children and your grandchildren.
Under negotiation the United Nations plans on taxing the rich around the world and re-distributing the wealth to the poor nations.  You do not live in a poor nation.  You still live within the richest nation on earth.  Your money will be sent to China.  Your money is being sent to Syria.  Your money is being sent to Africa.  Your money is being sent everywhere except within our U.S. borders. The U.N. with the consent of President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania plans open borders, making legal all the illegal aliens, importing your foodstuffs, restricting health care to only productive people, pay slavery restitution to every non-white person that files a claim, make the internal combustion engine illegal, stop private property ownership, control the profitability of industry, absolute control over the internet thus killing the free press and free flow of information, eliminate personal ownership of guns, restrict internal U.S. travel and a thousand other things.  The simple title U.N. Agenda 21 is the American killer and President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania endorse the whole thing.
Your overcoats for winter are produced in Vietnam, China and other cheap slave type labor countries.  With little difficulties Wal-Mart, Sears, Staples Inc, K-Mart, Best Buy and other national brands continue to support their wealth and kill off the United States.  The blanket you cover your children with tonight is most likely made by a foreign slave that gets little pay and little food.  As you save a couple of bucks the middle class working family is being destroyed.  President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania never discuss the weaknesses of their plans and actions.  Comfortably they eat expensive taxpayer funded meals, travel the world, make deals with their big business, big union and rich friends and boast about protecting teachers, firefighters, police officers while you eat government funded food and drain all your savings and hopes for the future.
The many months or years it takes to build a bridge, to plan a project, to fund a new invention or to develop the shale gas drilling in Pennsylvania or start a new energy producing nuclear plant has all been wasted because of President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania and their socialist actions.  You are no longer a free thinker and free speaker or a free doer.  Try having your cigarette in a federal building or standing on the street corner of New York City.  Understand the cigarette tax in New York state is $5 per pack and some people make $8 an hour working at McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King or the other President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania job creators.  HP Hewlett Packard is laying thousands and thousands of people but, you never really hear the story.
The illegally funded solar energy plans of President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania have closed their corrupt factories and there is no production and therefore no jobs in American.  Hundreds of millions of dollars have been wasted and at this critical point in our nation President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania keep their lunch and dinner dates.  They continue to make their promises to unions, teachers, teamsters and janitors to maintain their political power.  With no factories there will be no jobs.  Without jobs there is not income.  We’re in a national emergency and President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania could care less because they hope the water doesn’t rise too high as the flood of truth is about to hit you and your family.
President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania are strategic idiots and they prove it over and over.  They put socialist and communist programs into effect and gigantic piles of debt continue to build.  Government agencies are taking over your local schools and your neighbors are eating government cheese.  India cannot create or maintain electrical power to millions of their people but they continue to slave them out as workers.  Strategic minerals are being bought and horded by China and they will control and in some cases do control the world markets.  Africa is full of blazing guns and blood diamonds while Turkey is now a full blast Muslim anti-American country while at the same time Russia (Soviet Union) makes military incursions over American airspace in Alaska.  Russian submarines have been located in the gulf of Mexico and the national news media makes no mention and President Barack Obama and Senator Democrat Robert Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania fall silent.

Your grandchildren will learn the name and title of President Barack Hussein Obama and they’ll also learn more about Pennsylvania history in the name of Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Senator but several questions will be left unanswered.  President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress was a member that did nothing to stop the destruction of the absolute human freedoms found within the U.S. Constitution.
Journalists will question the survivors of the Obama administration and in the footnotes of history President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress will be pictured together and writers will pour over the whys of the great transformation of the United States. 
You have now spent almost four years in pondering and wondering while your freedoms and wealth were gradually removed from the U.S. Constitutional protections.  Correspondents that cover politics picked sides and never told you the true living history that was unfolded by President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress.  Police reports cover crimes but only a few little articles ever reached the internet for public viewing.  Major main street news organizations like CNN CBS ABC NBC MSNBC FOX and national newspapers spent four years in meetings but not one wrote the entire story.  The readers of newspapers like the Patriot News Harrisburg Pennsylvania walked away because they couldn’t find the facts behind the true destruction of the United States.  Newspaper, press associations and magazines all spoke of the first black president but they didn’t represent their audience.  The biggest news was not to be told and the people summarized that things must be getting better but they really didn’t know.
President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress became fantastic weapons against the people of the United States.  They said one thing but then closed the door and removed wealth and freedom.  President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress became the new drug for the underemployed the unemployed and the hungry.  They promised more good food and better health care and every man woman and child would gain from the great re-distribution of the world’s wealth.  The dreaded man-man disease of study, work and toil the only natural way to wealth was removed for the majority of the people and they have and have-nots warfare began.
President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress used the drugs discovered from the days of Franklin Roosevelt and put millions of people on the dole because when the number of hungry and desperate people reached the magic 51 percent of the population the United States would collapse.
Your children today and your grandchildren later will read the story that you did nothing and failed to learn the truth.  They will read about the Jewish people complaining but voting for President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress.  The Christians will be remembered that they prayed for a plentiful America but voted for President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress.  Regular working people, like me and you, struggled against the poverty and unemployment but lost the home and the ability to feed the family and create the wonderful life. 
President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress developed weapons against the people found in laws that were passed but never truly authored by the House of Representatives or the Senators sent from all the states.
The sunshine was wonderful but the food would not grow.  The government unionized schools were open but the children did not learn.  Chicago became the murder capitol of the world buy the successful still lived there but they no longer cared for the rest of the country.  President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress have split us by plan.  They have been splitting us because it’s about time to vote again and they knew it was the only way to force the richest and most powerful nation on earth to destroy their own foundations based in law, private property ownership with liberty and freedoms for all.
President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress knew if the splitting of the citizens worked they could bribe and buy their continued power by taking from you and me and simply giving away wealth and prosperity to the other half for continued power, and it’s working.
Obama and Senator Robert Casey Pa revolutionized the U.S. Congress as they did what they wanted and told large numbers of citizens to go away. They split the citizens between Muslim and Christian.  They split us between white and black.  They split us between rich and poor and they plan to split us again after the presidential election.
We now have troops capable of firing into crowds of U.S. citizens.  We have concentrations of holding areas using FEMA that can restrain hundreds of thousands of people. 
Technological brains have invented flying drones that fly over U.S. cities and you should wonder why.  Annual expenditures for domestic warfare have increased a thousand times over as federal agencies have bought millions of rounds of ammunition.  Federal agencies like the I.R.S. have stockpiled weapons and high powered ammunition. 
This means, that they believe, President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress plan to put down and restrain the population.  It will come first as some supposed emergency and the internet will be cut off.  We’ll be able to see and smell the smoke but we won’t know the reasons.  Faster than you can react fuel and food will be short which keeps you close to home and too weak to run. The New York Times will still be authored and published and the readers will be told by their writers that developments of food shortages, fuel shortages, lack of medical treatment, low pressure water in certain areas, lack of emergency response teams in certain areas and riots at major employers, illegal aliens flowing over the border, jails being emptied and guns being confiscated by government is not the story to follow.
The people with arthritis will not be able to get their medication.  The grocery store will run out of bread and milk and the canned goods will be long gone. The Pennsylvania coal mines will be shut down and Three Mile Island nuclear power will not be produced.  The people with other diseases will simply fall silent in their favorite chairs and will be buried by your local government in a potter’s field because you have no money.
This chain of processes to clutch your liberty and remove your freedom is not another story is the story of this very day. President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress discovered the missing link of absolute power which is to make you very hungry, remove your wealth of home and money, restrain your ability to communicate, control the education of the generation of students living today, allow millions of hungry and disease ridden illegal aliens to flood the labor market, import everything and manufacture nothing, support government corrupted unionized schools, allow newsprint newspapers to fail thus stopping real local news if anyone of them would be brave enough to print opinions against President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress.
Harvard University will release studies that will show you that we’re on a new path of globalized prosperity while at the same time saving the planet that is spinning out of control and being heated by the human being.  The biggest science brains around the world will agree because it’s the only way to get grants and funding dollars.  Teachers will teach what their told because their union tells them so.  The major newspapers will write stories about hopes and dreams and promise you that health care will be no more expensive than an aspirin tablet.  Many of us will become impressed by free health care and government food and smaller cars because we won’t understand that President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress are the virus and bacteria combined.
With space created between the people we’ll stop talking to each other.  The virus of Barack Obama and the bacteria of Senator Robert Casey Jr. Pennsylvania will provoke our human defense forces and thousands and then millions could be killed.  As they continue to create agonizing pains of underemployment, unemployment, lack of total education, re-distribution of wealth, lack of ample good food, home loss and racial divides their theory is that we will not be able to combine again to stop their One World New World Order power. 
You must understand that President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress have created space between us.  They have provoked us and are waiting to crush us.  The war between the two half’s is the hypersensitivity that is required to start and sustain another U.S. civil war.  The swelling of the unemployment, the swelling of the massive numbers of SNAP food stamps, the millions of people that have lost their homes created the state of national need that only President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress can solve.
The swelling numbers of people in poverty and the crippling effects of national debt, illegal aliens, inflation of food and fuel prices will create some reaction by the people.  The mother’s milk of the United States will always be the founding principles, the concepts of liberty and freedom that have been proven over and over again.  The baffling diseases of socialism, communism, Marxism, Maoism and other dystrophies have always destroyed the freedom and rights of the people.
The only antibodies known to work against tyrants like President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress is a legal vote to remove them and the rights of the people to remove them to be upheld.  President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress started out as cold sores but there black and yellow fever is now infecting your babies.
The U.S. Government is giving billions of dollars to start up companies to build solar energy and electric cars.  These same company organizations are now bankrupt and Chinese Communist backed organizations are now buying these U.S. bankrupt companies for pennies on the dollar.  Many ask why but the answer is simple.  The Yellow Fever of Chinese Communists are buying up the international patents that may be worth trillions of dollars in the future.  The basic research is worth hundreds of millions of dollars but when combined they will be worth trillions of dollars.  President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress understand the potentially national threat the Yellow Fever of China represents and that this U.S. basic research and development could change the modern world.  When these great discoveries are combined the Yellow Fever will continue to spread around the world protected by federal judgment and international laws passed by the United Nations.
You as a silent citizen have proven very useful.  Your usefulness will end within the next generations as your property, wealth and freedom will be gone.  The problems of man will be solved through a scientific approach which you are familiar with by remembering the names of Mao, Stalin, Hitler and hundreds of other tyrants.
The final cure for freedom will be fought around the world and it’s not what you’re seeing on the national television news today.  They tyranny is in place in many parts of the world including the United States.  Egypt now kills Americans but we still send the taxpayer money which is borrowed from foreign governments that want to destroy America.  You have been lulled to sleep by Apple Inc smart phones, promised of low cost or free college degree, smaller and affordable government backed electric cars from General Motors GM while watching the news bought and paid for by General Electric GE.
Synthetically you are being killed off one day at a time.  A practicing teacher must join the union and so goes the police officer guarding your home at night.  You can watch your computer screen that is now cheap brought to you by the Yellow Fever you know as China. The United Nations Agenda 21 is designed to destroy and transform your organic community of churches, schools and honest community organizations one little step at a time.  Google has already been caught screening entire communities electronically and storing the wireless information they have gathered. Newsweek, once a popular magazine was recently sold for one dollar because their readers have left by the millions.  Our own Patriot News Newspaper Harrisburg Pennsylvania will only be published three days per week because the readers maintain their distance because the truth will never be printed.
Your last vote had consequences and President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress cannot control the weather yet but they can control you.  The whole world is begging for help but the mercy will not come.
The highly controversial President Barack Hussein Obama and U.S. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr. Democrat U.S. Congress has been disastrous for the U.S. citizen and the U.S. Constitution.


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