Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The History of Scandal Revealed Barack Obama - Records Discovered - Secrets Revealed - The Occidental and Harvard College Records and other Documents concerning Barack Hussein Obama have been acquired and paints the picture of a life based on fear, anger and love and are being sheltered by a College in the city of Detroit Michigan. Doctor Gregory William's, as the director of History for the faculty of the college gained access to the secret documents of Barack Obama, the now President of the United States while he attended Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard University.

Barack Obama - Records Discovered - Secrets Revealed - 

The Occidental and Harvard College Records and other Documents concerning Barack Hussein Obama have been acquired and paints the picture of a life based on fear, anger and love and are being sheltered by a College in the city of Detroit Michigan.

Doctor Gregory William's, as  the director of History for the faculty of the college gained access to the secret documents of Barack Obama, the now President of the United States while he attended Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard University. 

The college records of Barack Hussein Obama while being a student at Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard University have been held in secret.

Doctor Gregory William's is well known for absorbing history and has authored many important books and papers concerning the characteristics of well known people and celebrities.

These secret records concerning the life of Barack Obama entered into the private collectors market and the association of historians joined together and paid the five million dollars, the asking price, to be paid in full over the next five years.
The Natural History of Barack Obama indicates a very slow development which is clearly displayed as an inferiority complex of the President today.  Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama set out to conquer the world and often bragged that he would become president some day and rid the world of evil people and evil doings.  The inferiority complex is a result of interference.  Barack Obama has the desire but his thinking reveals that other people and their interference has always stopped him from self-assertion.

People with the inferiority complex or interference complex are mostly day-dreamers or braggarts and most interesting Barack Obama clearly displays both classes.

Barack Obama loves to brag and talk big in front of weaker groups and radically acts in different ways in front of different audiences.  His inability to meet the ordinary situations of life explains his constant failures during his adult life.  Working as a community organizer for compensation was only accomplished by the help of other people and their organization.

Barack Obama has a law degree from Harvard University but his individual inferiority and inability to meet daily challenges through honest dealings resulted in him having his license revoked with other unknown penalties.

Every person who suffers as Barack Obama does often tries to make up for failure in some ways.  In his mind a failure is a withdrawal from his self-worth.  This would explain his inability to admit failure in public.  Other people liking him he accepts as compensation but expresses itself in a lack of initiative.  In other words when Barack Obama does a good thing he stops doing anything.  If Barack Obama does something wrong he tries to make it up but mostly he becomes paralyzed, which leads him to some routine distraction (golf) (fund raising) or some other robot like existence.  The distractions from his failures or duties allows him to relax by day-dreaming.

Barack Obama should be a humble shoe store clerk because he sees himself as a very ordinary person that could do great things if other people would not interfere but, in the back of his mind he runs this day-dream distraction that he is truly a remarkable fellow.

He thinks that ordinary men and women naturally don't realize his greatness.  He tends to rescue or take command of a situation when he should sit down and simply listen.

He thinks of himself as a hero and he needs a audience shouting his name.  We understand that make-believe is common among children and adolescents but Barack Obama, boy like, likes to visualize himself as a victorious general returning on horseback, from the wars, as the hero.  At some point in time it will be revealed that Barack Obama was left alone on the front step for too long which caused his fantasies to persist through his adult life.

The bullying and bragging is his way of compensating for his deep-seated lack of self-esteem.  To domineer other people (voters) he will try to impress them and show his importance by lying about accomplishments he never achieved or exaggerating what little he did accomplish.

The college records were held secret by paying cash annuities to other people for their silence.  His attempt at keeping his true life and background secret betrays the fact that he is a coward.  He gets angry when you ask him hard questions because it temps his temper, his internal shouting and the delirious self ranting he lives with daily.

He is fond of the limelight when he can control the crowds but can be subject to great anger. 


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