Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Thug Word is the new N-Word but who really cares. Thugs are criminals so why would anybody care if honest Americans use the T-Word (thug) to describe them unless they're thugs? The illegal aliens don't like the word wet-back and the lawless Negro's don't like the word "thug"

The Thug Word is the new N-Word but who really cares.  Thugs are criminals so why would anybody care if honest Americans use the T-Word (thug) to describe them unless they're thugs?  The illegal aliens don't like the word wet-back and the lawless Negro's don't like the word "thug" and frankly honest people can call crooks, robbers, gun runners and drug cartel members anything they want.  Hillary Rodham Clinton is a "thug" and she's not a Negro as far as we know?  

It's clear to most that Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake is not only a slow minded idiot but most likely a thug and a black radical with the public checkbook in her purse.  Mayor Blake has the tone of a thug, a look of a lost village idiot waiting for Al Sharpton, Lynch, Holder, Obama, Jackson and others to tell her what to say and do. 

Marilyn Mosby William Murphy Al Sharpton Stephanie Rawlings Blake Eric Holder Elija Cummings Barack Obama and many others have conspired against the law in the Freddie Gray death in Baltimore charging six police officers with murder which would most likely make them lawless and careless thugs.  As the case unfolds we will clearly see the web of radicals that have conspired to hang the six police officers first in public and then behind the courthouse. 

Bill Clinton, Eric Holder and Barack Obama are "thugs" and they could be called a lot worse names.  The thugs in Baltimore destroyed 200 businesses, injured over 100 cops (anti-thug) and forced the governor to launch the National Guard to protect innocent citizens and property.  

The Thugs want to burn down the city of Baltimore, destroy their local economy and continue to use taxpayer welfare to sustain their illegal life-style.  

The anti-thug citizens already know that 95% of the thugs you see on T.V. crashing police cars, stealing CVS controlled drugs are all Democratic Progressive Negro Slaves which we shall call thugs.  

It's clear that the mayor is most likely a thug just like her mentor super-thug Al Sharpton and other black radicals that want to burn America to the ground, but not the welfare office. 

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