Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, November 11, 2016

You can hear the train a coming..Donald Trump, nails NAFTA, The Jackass Is Dead People, let them scream, we got our country back. There will be no open borders or open global trade with the United States. China, Mexico, Canada and others should ready their citizens for their own economic collapse. The Peso has already failed and Donald Trump is eating a cheeseburger in Trump Towers.

Donald Trump, nails NAFTA, a ture free trade agreement between the U.S., China, Mexico, and Canada can be had, but not by the old corrupt rules of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The Democratic DNC Jackass is dead.

To All the People That Bribed
Hillary Clinton through the Clinton Foundation
this is called Fuxk You.

The American Train 

There will be no open borders or open global trade with the United States.  China, Mexico, Canada and others should ready their citizens for their own economic collapse.  The Peso has already failed and Donald Trump is eating a cheeseburger in Trump Towers.   

The trading partners must become partners and that means that tell China to Fuxk Off, Iran to Fuxk Off, Saudi Arabai to Fuxk Off and remove themselves from Marxist partners, Communist wantobe's and all the rest. Per Capita trading is the only way.  The U.S. Factories in Mexico, Canada must pay a import tax to return goods to the United States, as they have been built by non-American cheap labor to exploit profits from the American consumers.  Giants like G.M. and Ford can keep their cars, lay off tens of thousands, file bankruptcy or anything they want.  The newly established import tariffs, for goods moving from Mexico to America, which will be billions of dollars can be used to reduce the U.S. debt and build a great wall. 

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