Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Barack Obama Big Problems on the Left The Progressive Liberal Radical Left created a world monster and it has a name; Barack Hussein Obama. The writers of the left, living off food stamps and gathering more blankets in their parents basement don't know what to say, well not yet.

The Progressive Liberal Radical Left created a world monster and it has a name; Barack Hussein Obama.  The writers of the left, living off food stamps and gathering more blankets in their parents basement don't know what to say, well not yet.

With the crucial help of media like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and those hard left bloggers they sought the creation of the Utopia so they pushed and pulled at the under-educated, under-motivated and under-employed groups found around the world.  The Progressive Hard Left knew if they could create a collective (Communist) (Socialist) dependent group with false promises and false hopes they could have the power that they loathe, scorn and despise.

The Communist Progressive Liberal Democratic movement inside the United States cannot depend on the truth so they use the Centralized Government Power Houses like the IRS, NSA, FBI, CIA,FCC, EPA, DOD departments to show who's the boss.

They write about the long lines of unemployed men and at the same time wonder why the NSA records everything they write and speak.  Inside their creation they find associations of actions that include the names of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and more evil men.  They have relatives that cannot find work but unemployment, SNAP food stamps, section eight housing, federal tax breaks and free government health care (ObamaCare) should take care of their family and friends.

They look for the dollars to feed their creation.  They hook and crook and wonder if the Big Unions will continue to carry the Obama name.  They never hear about the SEIU anymore and Detroit is in ruins and the car builders down South said no to unions and their promises.

ACORN has changed names but everybody knows their name.  The GSUSA Girl Scouts have been accused of helping fund Planned Parenthood and it's been documented most of these dollars kill off and murder negro unborn babies.  They pump their gas into their smaller cars but notice the price of gasoline.  They wonder about the pipeline from Canada and read about the EPA trying to stop coal mining and electric generation as their mind flows back to the Obama failed solar plans.

They write about Hillary Rodham Clinton as the next president but they must never write about Benghazi and the dead Americans.  It sounded good a few years ago, young men could work in the woods, write a book and living off the government welfare system wasn't a bad idea because they would make the rich pay more and more.

Their suggestion of adventure, they call it progressive, has been found fruitless just like job hunting and free enterprise.  Their eagerness and real life results have overwhelmed them and they have no place to turn. 

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