Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Barack Obama Legal Challenge Social Security Number The problem is that some think that Barack Obama, the President of the United States is using another persons Social Security Number. If the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama is using another persons Social Security Number he is a felon.

Barack Obama has a social security number, so do you.  The problem is that Harry Bounel is the true holder of Social Security Number 042-68-4425 or is at least being questioned.  Who is Barack Hussein Obama. 

The problem is that some think that Barack Obama, the President of the United States is using another persons Social Security Number.  If the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama is using another persons Social Security Number he is a felon.

Judge Hollander was very kind to the clerk of the court, who removed evidence from the docket, by stating that "Doctor Taitz had difficulty seeing certain documents" and the issue was resolved by the clerk. In reality the clerk removed important documents from the docket. Not only Dr. Taitz had difficulty seeing them, the whole country had difficulty seeing them because the documents were removed. So far there were two good orders by Judge Hollander and we are hoping that the final order will be just and lawful as well, that Judge Hollander will order to finally release the SS-5, 

original application to Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 of Harry Bounel 

  which Obama is fraudulently using, even though it failed both E-verify and SSNVS.

While the documents were missing, Obama supporters on one of the blogs, which is a bully pulpit for Obama's personal attorney Scott J. Tepper, attacked Taitz mercilessly, assassinated her good character and called Taitz the worst lawyer and many other names, claiming that Taitz does not know how to file documents and pleadings. Now the order by Judge Hollander revealed that Taitz knows how to file and an error was made not by Taitz, but by the court itself and it was corrected by the court itself. Taitz does not hold her breath waiting for an apology from Obama supporters.

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