Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Russian Soviet Union War Plans - Barack Obama, My war plan included the very detailed review of China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the little island of Cuba. We discussed enemy air forces, missile systems compared to the strength of the U.S. Military. I explained why the air force could win and how the navy could move power around the world. My plan included the American resistance to Communist Power or Islamic Radicals and fanatics. My plan mapped out their maximum power measured against the United States. The maps clearly showed that the U.S. would struggle to resist successfully an all-out non-nuclear Communist or Islamic Radical attack.

One World Order, Rex 84 Plan, Ukraine, Crimea, Putin plans invasion of entire region. Michelle Obama asks Chinese Leadership, for one favor, a secret deal breaks out . Barack Obama, Russian War Plans, Poland, North Korea, China, Syria, Iran, and more. It is clear that Putin, the Soviet Union Russian Dictator will spill blood for land and Barack Obama has no idea what to do about it. Obama proves, again, he has no American heart or blood of a patriot inside his body of corruption, welfare and distribution.  Obama is no patriot.  He has no GOD spirit inside him, he's a taker and not a protector.  Obama is a Communist.

Obama Communist

Dodging Chinese, North Korean, Iranian and terrorists bombs has captured our country and even our American schools, airports, labs and government while the real threat of war was raging around us.  Now Putin pulls the rug out from under President Obama.  Obama doesn't realize the world is a dangerous place because Obama is a player, just like a Vegas player, out for fun and big winnings.  

The dictator in Syria is killing tens of thousands, hundreds every day.  The Obama red line has been crossed thousands of times, but Obama stands silent, the fear overwhelms him.  Put has marched 30,000 Communist soldiers and has taken the richest part of the Ukraine, Obama is motionless.  North Korea, China, Cuba, Syria, Iran and even the puppet of Afghanistan mocks the player Obama. 

As we’re afraid of jet-propelled bombs hitting our soil the real long-range battle was raging around the world. Our enemies of China, Soviet-Union (Russia), and Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, Cuba and many others were furthering their programs to destroy the United States of America. 

They would start inside our government, spreading to our states, and then they would invade our very homes. They starved their people so they could spend enormous amounts of money to further their weapons of war against the United States of America. The Chinese, North Korean, Iranian and Russian scientists purposed war department plans to destroy America.  

The powerful NSA didn't see it coming.  The powerful CIA didn't see them coming ...but Ukraine is gone, Syria citizens are being murdered, Israel guards their borders, land, air and sea. 

This time the scientists worked on economic bombs. The Chinese, North Korean, Iranian and Russian war departments would include a lot more than bombs, missiles or tanks and ships. They needed little in rocket research. They needed little for their new war programs against America. Their war departments would use the greatest single power known to mankind. They would use American Individual Freedom and Liberty to destroy the most prosperous country on earth, the United States of America.

The dictatorships of China North Korea Iran Russia Syria Saudi Arabia Cuba and many others would destroy the wealth of America, destroy free enterprise private industry in America, rape the U.S. laboratories, factories and educational institutions of professors, middle-class workers and steal what they could never invent. They would pursue their research in peace and hide within the United Nations U.N. and probe around the wonderful world of America. Their plan was simple. Appropriate the amazing technology. Creep inside American homes and capture the youth of America. Reduce the enormous power of the financial markets. Destroy the only actual free civilization on earth. Their plan was to wreck you, create havoc and destruction inside your home and factory. Their start is just the very tip of the beginning.

During March, I appeared before the subcommittee of the appropriations committee of the House of Representatives. My purpose was to introduce the budget for the next world war. My statement shocked the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff remained startled to say the least for the next several days.

My war plan included the very detailed review of China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the little island of Cuba. We discussed enemy air forces, missile systems compared to the strength of the U.S. Military. I explained why the air force could win and how the navy could move power around the world. My plan included the American resistance to Communist Power or Islamic Radicals and fanatics. My plan mapped out their maximum power measured against the United States. The maps clearly showed that the U.S. would struggle to resist successfully an all-out non-nuclear Communist or Islamic Radical attack.

My plan also made it clear that Communist nations have had uninterrupted progress during the last few decades. The Soviet (Russian) rulers had no intention of truly freeing their people and reducing their arms. The dream of the Soviet was to destroy the United States. The Communist have their own detailed analysis of the American enemy and they have changed their careful evaluation. Their plans still include tanks and ships but now it includes bankers, school teachers, unions and even the children playing in American play grounds.

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