Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Will Rachel Canning Go To Jail for No Health Care? Rachel Canning The Obama Generation Goes To Court The youngster Rachel Canning, noticing her parents out of the corner of her eye barely showed her eagerness to get the cash. The offspring of reasonable parents Rachel Canning never really got the idea that a child must play by the parents house rules. Millions of crappy kids are watching this story but the smarter kids are having a blast laughing at Rachel and her awakening.

The youngster Rachel Canning, noticing her parents out of the corner of her eye barely showed her eagerness to get the cash.  The offspring of reasonable parents Rachel Canning never really got the idea that a child must play by the parents house rules.  Millions of crappy kids are watching this story but the smarter kids are having a blast laughing at Rachel and her awakening.
On her way to financial independence Rachel Canning ran out of cash while proving she was independent that in time produced legal actions against her parents.  Rachel Canning knew where the cash was so she told her lawyer, Daddy had it.

Rachel Canning is required to have health insurance now.  Does Rachel Canning have health insurance because she doesn't live at home anymore?  Is Rachel Canning now a criminal?  What will Obama do for this young lady? ObamaCare, Section 8 housing, SNAP food stamps, and other government programs can help Rachel Canning as she wanders the earth looking for freebies in the form of support and cash. 
Now this little girl has no shame and is short on brains because she thinks that Daddy will break down and change his mind.  With heartfelt sentiment the parents were sitting at a table in front of the judge and their little girl plastered her complaints and pain all over the national media.  Rachel Canning is out of cash and pride it seems.  Things were so bad at home she decided to leave, needing nothing but, her total independence.
Rachel Canning has some nice clothes and a good car.  She's smart in school and is the girl next door cute but she's the loser of the day in America.  She's calls her mother names and maybe drinks too much.  She is popular in school and her friends support her and they all dress the same within the expensive private high school.
Rachel Canning is the current composition of a newly minted Obama girl.  Some day that older boy friend will turn his love toy loose and she'll be sitting on the curb in front of McDonalds wondering if they're hiring.  Most likely crying for her mom and dad.

She'll discover that cute isn't enough and she should have listened to her mother and father because they know popularity is only a part-time dream.  Rachel Canning doesn't understand the older generation and all their silly rules.  Her significant feature seems to be her ignorance and her unawareness of real life.  She wants to drive her automobile but she has a scooter job so she needs her Daddy's money and not his rules.  She knows about the art of dressing but her teen-age problems destroys her femininity so welcome to the life of Rachel Canning, always popular, always broke, always bitching. 

Go home Rachel, your parents love you, they care enough to make you mad, only true friends and parents can do that for you.

Take a deep breath Rachel Canning, before the pain of the real world hurts you and nobody will be able to fix you.  

You have received and taken the worst advice in the world...

You've gone against your parents, using lawyers, using other peoples money, trying to get other peoples money and eating other peoples food.

Go home Rachel, grow up, it get's better with parents like yours...

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