Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Illegal Aliens House Servants Sex Slaves House Pets Cash In At Obama Open Border Store OTM Obama Slavery The Illegal Aliens - Some are Children - have crossed the border of America and now claim status. The real deal is that they are being claimed by people inside the U.S. that claim to be their family members, allowing them to stay. These insiders in America, keep coming back again and again and claiming children as relatives. It's a scam, from the bottom to the top (Obama). These same children will become house and sex slaves, earning dollars, sending cash money back to the drug cartels. This form of Slavery - in debt slaves - Obama understands the game and scam, but does nothing.

Obama House Pet Stores - Open Border Discounts - Sexual Slavery - House Servants - Gardeners - Car Washers - Maids - Cooks and other professions.  Obama Slavery The Illegal Aliens - Some are Children - have crossed the border of America and now claim status.  The real deal is that they are being claimed by people inside the U.S. that claim to be their family members, allowing them to stay.  These insiders in America, keep coming back again and again and claiming children as relatives.  It's a scam, from the bottom to the top (Obama).  These same children will become house and sex slaves, earning dollars, sending cash money back to the drug cartels.  This form of Slavery - in debt slaves - Obama understands the game and scam, but does nothing.

Obama Illegal Alien

What did Obama tell these illegal aliens?

Photograph of thousands of illegal aliens
rolling across Mexico from Central America
this is an old picture,
Obama knew this years ago

CPUSA Communist Party USA
Union SEIU
Supports Illegal Invasion

Illegal Aliens Best Friend Obama

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