Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, July 5, 2015

71 % of Illegal Aliens are on Welfare. Rubio, he waves a small flag, but it's not the American Flag. Marco Rubio is a joke with a job, a taxpayer job.

Rubio is just another master of talking points.  Rubio is opposed to borders and wants to create 25 million new citizens.  Step by Step you're discovering the truth about Rubio so if you want to lose more liberties and be a state slave support Rubio for President. Rubio is an half-assed Socialist so his arguments are based in your tax dollars being spread out among illegal aliens, the brown people.  He waves a small flag, it's not the American Flag. 

The facts aren’t there. Those of us who want to know if a murderer is an immigrant are treated as if we’re trying to keep blacks out of the country club. What difference does it make? Here are some ways it might make a difference: Knowing how many criminals are immigrants might affect our opinion of our current immigration policies. It would help us evaluate Marco Rubio’s proposal to legalize 20–30 million illegal immigrants, en masse.

These claims refer to the size of the entire economy, which inevitably expands the more humans we have living here. So does your household budget if I move in to your extra bedroom. The cost of your electricity, cable TV, water, food, newspaper subscriptions, Netflix subscription, and overdue books will go through the roof. But don’t worry, I’ll be writing you a check for $250 a month. Unfortunately, I will be eating $400 worth of food every month. So the size of your household GNP has increased, but you aren’t ahead of the game. I am ahead of the game. The entire benefit is captured by moi.

Even worse, under Rubio’s bill—and Obama’s executive action— amnestied illegal aliens immediately collect a windfall directly from the U.S. Treasury in missed earned income tax credits. So the definition for “paying back taxes” under Rubio’s bill was: “receiving welfare.” Of course, with 71 percent of illegal alien households already on government assistance, “paying back taxes” meant “getting even more welfare than you do currently.”

Why exclude legal immigrants [from the GAO crime analysis when it comes to immigrants committing crimes]? Isn’t that worse? Only certain Republicans get excited about the difference between legal and illegal immigrants. The rest of America is trying to understand the point of the last thirty years of legal immigration. Why was this necessary? While it’s nice to know a little more about the people Marco Rubio is so anxious to make our fellow citizens, why can’t we be told how many rapes and murders legal immigrants commit? To paraphrase the line about families, you can’t choose your native-born Americans—but you can choose your immigrants. Our immigration system will be working when the number of immigrants who commit crimes is zero.

ne example Coulter cites—the story of Milton Mateo Garcia—notes how Garcia is “just the sort of hardworking immigrant we keep hearing so much about from Marco Rubio and the New York Times.” He had, Coulter wrote, “three jobs”—emphasis on the “three.”
Even after he was caught sneaking into the country illegally from Honduras in 2013, he wasn’t discouraged. Through sheer pluck and determination, Garcia came right back, and began working as a dishwasher. (You just can’t get Americans to wash dishes. They won’t do it at any price.) After less than a year back in the United States, Garcia grabbed a twenty-six-year-old doctor walking to her apartment in the well-do-to Rittenhouse Square area of Philadelphia, forced her into her apartment, and repeatedly raped her. He left with her keys, so when he realized he’d forgotten his bag, Garcia simply let himself back into the woman’s apartment, raped her again, collected his things, and left. Suggesting why there’s no Honduran Silicon Valley, Garcia also took his victim’s cell phone. The cops found him by calling the phone.
Another example Coulter cites is the story of Mexican illegal alien Palemon Vargas Reyes.
Another hardworking illegal immigrant from Mexico is Palemon Vargas Reyes. He would already be a legal resident, on his way to citizenship, if the American public hadn’t stopped House Speaker from taking up Marco Rubio’s “comprehensive immigration reform.” (The media learned their lesson: Henceforth, they will not inform us when Congress is considering an amnesty bill.) Reyes owned a construction business! He’s a married father of five! In April 2014—about a year after the U.S. Senate passed Rubio’s bill—Reyes was arrested for serially raping a fourteen-year-old girl. One of the rapes took place at a job site, so he really is a hard worker. The headline on this story was: “Columbus Resident Charged with Molestation.”

 In New Mexico, there was a father-son child rape duo. When being sentenced for repeatedly raping a three-year-old and an eight-year-old, Mexican illegal immigrant Luis Casarez’s argument to the judge that he did not deserve jail time sounded like Marco Rubio’s talking points about hardworking illegal immigrants with roots in America: “I have been here for many years”—Casarez said, incongruously, through a translator. “That’s why,” he added, “I’ve been working instead of getting involved with problems.” Other than that one thing. Two weeks after Luis Casarez was indicted for child rape, his son, Luis Casarez Jr., was indicted in a separate case of child rape.


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