Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, July 10, 2015

Escape into make-believe, visit the slave-city Baltimore, Md - The Urban Santuary City of Baltimore - The Slave City Baltimore - Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) - Sanctuary City for Illegal Aliens - Daily Street Murders - Negro Natural Law - Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Van Jones, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett and now Lynch

Under Negro Law, you must sacrifice to survive even if you have to sacrifice your friends, family and God.   Mayor Blake has no problem with her personal parallel government structure that breaks federal law daily. She has no concept that the highest form of freedom is community responsibility as the Negro's kill each other daily, even out performing Planned Parenthood abortions is possible? 

escape into make-believe, visit the slave-city

Baltimore, Md

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) has fired Police Commissioner Anthony Batts as Negro law explodes all across Baltimore.  Can you imagine what a Donald Trump White House Administration would do to leadership found in Baltimore and San Francisco?

It's the same way the African chiefs rounded up and sold colored natives so long ago.  Do what you have to do to make a buck, hold on to your influence and be the chief of cheifs.

Dozens of black on black crimes killed dozens last month so the replacement of the Police Commissioner should solve that, or at least buy the corrupt Mayor of Baltimore a few more days in power. She's determined to round up and jail the corrupt cops if she can find some to stop the killing, maybe.  Mayor Blake of Baltimore is not coherent but she is very predictable as her roots are showing.  She's tense as others are pulling her strings as her public remarks are unintelligible and mostly worthless. She should also plan on a trial of her own with her friend Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby as a warrant for their arrest should surface very soon as a symbol of freedom of expression from the public?

She truly believes she can do what she wants without any constraints from the law and order structure that surrounds her.  Elections are funny things, she became a ruler like Barack Obama or like Al Sharpton not paying his I.R.S. federal taxes or Hillary Clinton operating on home based secret servers in her basement or Lois Lerner running wild trying to shut down the Tea Party by I.R.S. threats.  So much to learn, so little time. 

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake, now famous for giving criminals room to explore their violence scapegoated the police commissioner to save her own lying hide.  As you may not know Baltimore is also a proud Sanctuary City for Illegal Aliens which adds to the thug criminal culture of murder, drugs, rape and robbery. 

You should also remember that Hillary Clinton was in total support of Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Aliens and of course you can keep your doctor. Now that another illegal alien has killed another U.S. Citizen (Kate Steinle) Obama has gone dark again unless you want to talk about the Confederate battle flag. 

 The mayor is so concerned about crime that the entire Baltimore City is a crime city, breaking federal laws daily.  San Francisco has nothing on Baltimore and the city is full of crooks, robbers and the citizens hide inside their homes when the sun goes down.

This inevitability of street justice is a natural negro law event as practiced by negro leadership like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Van Jones, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett and now Lynch.  

Do or say anything to keep your corrupt power including the career killing of Anthony Batts, allowing illegal aliens to roam the streets and giving room to thugs, killers and drug dealers reminds people that Baltimore was known as the Slave-City. 

Law enforcement was in part to blame for the surge in homicides and shootings in the city, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) has fired Police Commissioner Anthony Batts. She made the announcement that Batts was fired Wednesday, with no explanation of the reason for his firing. Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis will serve as interim commissioner.

"We need a change," the mayor said in a news conference announcing the replacement of Batts with Davis. "This was not an easy decision but it is one that is in the best interest of Baltimore. The people of Baltimore deserve better and we're going to get better."

Rawlings-Blake has been under increasing scrutiny since she said she would give those who "wished to destroy" in the protests surrounding Freddie Gray the "space to do that" and reportedly telling law enforcement to "stand down" as rioters destroyed the city. Though she insisted that the phrase was taken out of context, she later admitted that she "certainly used the wrong phrase."

Since the riots, the city's crime rate has skyrocketed, and the mayor has repeatedly suggested that police officers were deliberately not doing their jobs, presumably to defy her and Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who threw the book at the six officers involved in the Gray case and has badly mishandled the aftermath. 

Rawlings-Blake drove a further wedge between herself and law enforcement when she called on the Department of Justice to conduct a Ferguson-style civil rights investigation into the police department.

The police union has been vocal in its response to their treatment by the mayor and state's attorney, but the NAACP has come to the Rawlings-Blake's defense, decrying the union's criticism as "borderline racist." 

Though the mayor and many in the left-wing media have pointed the finger at law enforcement, many Baltimore residents, particularly in the worst sections of the city, put the lion's share of the blame on the mayor for the crime wave.

Despite the crisis her city currently faces, Rawlings-Blake was recently elected president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, which she says she'll use to Baltimore's advantage by promoting the "urban agenda."


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