Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Black Lives Matter - Everything for Hillary Clinton because she's the only Slave Power Choice.

Black Lives Matter - Everything for Hillary Clinton because she's the only Slave Power Choice.  The Black Lives Matter movement wants the end to jailing Negroes for breaking the law and kill off the private enterprise of long term prisons.  Barack Obama, against White freedom, has just released thousands of Negroes and Latino's, many illegal aliens, back on American streets because he thinks they served enough time, all illegal at the immense cost to safety of American communities. 

Black Lives Matter always against White Freedom demands Black Freedom.  Black Lives Matter thinks that hard work, going to school, fathering your children, paying your own bills and not selling drugs is some extension of slavery.  Black Lives Matter panders to Hillary Rodham Clinton because Hillary is strengthening the economic hold on Negroes by welfare programs and false promises.  The conquest of the Negro took place hundreds of years ago and the Clinton Foundation continues the wanton, unjust, unconstitutional restrictions holding black people to the ground. 

Black lives matters and the unnecessarily high cost of welfare is a White Problem.

The Slavocracy Army of Barack Obama moves Armed Troops to Syria under secret arrangements, without the consent of Congress of the American citizen

The Slavocracy.  The economic and cultural slaves of Barack Obama forced to serve within the U.S. Military due to progressive socialist economic conditions have been forced to move into Syria ready for ground combat.  Barack Obama, the President of the United States, his Secretary of State John Kerry in agreement with Hillary Rodham Clinton has agreed to move dozens of combat slaves from the Slavocracy combat regiments to Syria to face off with Communist Vladimir Putin and Assad.

The Slavocracy of Barack Obama allowed the Iranians to expand rapidly through direct violence against their own citizens in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other Islamic Radical strongholds around the globe.  The Slaveocracy of Barack Obama plans to insert slave soldiers to fight against Assad and Vladimire Putin forces of the Soviet Russian Empire to save himself from continued disgrace.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, unwilling to maintain their Constitutional pledge to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution wavers little when it comes time to deploy the Slavocracy Army of the United States.  The U.S. Slavocracy Military is under-equipped and under-funded and cannot be fully supported by air or naval forces of the U.S. Slavocracy due to progressive socialist welfare funding forced upon the American citizens. 

The Slavocracy Army plans to blockade a major part of Syria and allow the Soviet Russian Empire to occupy the rest of the Syrian nation allowing Iran total dominance of the middle east region.  At this time, The Slavocracy Army of Barack Obama will face off with Iranian forces, Cuban forces, Soviet Russian forces and the armed forces of Syrian Dictator Assad with aggressive measures.

Judge Fiction

Arrest Warrant Hillary Rodham Clinton, Revolutionary Cabinet - This declaration of the Revolutionary Cabinet was prepared and submitted and dispatches have been sent, acknowledgements received, with ample cause to issue the summons and warrants, assembled at this hour, on this day, for the arrest of Hillary Rodham Clinton and so stated unanimously by our signatures and so agreed.

Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has defaulted on their pledge to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.  It is clear now that the damages done to the United States and its honorable citizens demand restitution, not being limited by other claims against the progressive socialists known as the DNC Democratic Party. 

President Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton have assaulted the honest American citizen and have extravagantly harmed the wealth, prosperity, liberty and freedoms of each honest and legal citizen.

In the regular meeting of this day, the Revolutionary Cabinet has held, due to her own actions, 

Hillary Rodham Clinton be charged with Federal Crimes against the United States and has committed several acts of hostility against each honest and legal citizen of the United States of America.

The Revolutionary Cabinet, has deemed, that a warrant should be immediately be signed by the Supreme Revolutionary Cabinet Guards and recommends the immediate arrest of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It has been stated that the open act of aggression by Hillary Rodham Clinton places the honest legal citizen in imminent danger and it is the opinion that Hillary Rodham Clinton can no longer stand in status quo of the Constitutional laws of America.

This declaration of the Revolutionary Cabinet was prepared and submitted and dispatches have been sent, acknowledgements received, with ample cause to issue the summons and warrants, assembled at this hour, on this day, for the arrest of Hillary Rodham Clinton and so stated unanimously by our signatures and so agreed.

Judge Honorable Fiction

CNBC You are under the influence of media slavery. The CNBC Debate was a primary weapon of the socialist media used against you and your family

You are under the influence of media slavery.  You only know what ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, FOX and print media wants you to know.  The war of information and facts are fully controlled by radical socialist within the New York City - Washington D.C. media empires and have proven hostile to American liberty, freedom and your individual constitutional rights.   The media has pressed every city with false hope and lies of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Joe Biden and others and this array of lies from hostile politicians are now considered the enemy of freedom.

The disastrous conditions of our country was planned by Barack Obama and others like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Bill De Blasio and others and they are pursuing a path of conquest to destroy you and America.

Stand up and turn off media slavery. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Don't step on my blanket again! The Revolution has Started - "Mothers, teachers, priests and hard working people must unite today" "We're going to make America Great again"

Don't step on my blanket again!  If you take your best blanket and place it carefully on your part of the American dream called land, and pay the asking price, it's your property.  The area covered by your blanket is called private property, it belongs to you and it has a value.  

As other people starting laying their blankets out it becomes clear that some people have big blankets while other people's blankets are a lot smaller.  Even with the difference in size and value the blankets are pieced together and the quilting of America is a work of art and prosperity. 

As you sit on your blanket you talk to the guy next to you and all of a sudden you become friends and neighbors.  It really doesn't matter that your blanket is bigger or smaller the idea of private property works at any size or scale.  There's nothing like ownership.

But then something happened, the people over there didn't have land so they couldn't spread out their own blanket.  As often happens with people without enough money to buy land and spread their own blankets they were helped by others.  

Friends and neighbors gathered together and laid down a public blanket, all you had to do was sit down and enjoy the shared wealth of private land owners.  It wasn't their blanket but they lived and prospered sharing the wealth of other people.  There was no way that a child would be left without the warmth of a blanket, everybody helped.

Most of the poorer people were very grateful for the help and they knew if they worked hard some day they could buy land and spread out their own blanket, but others refused to wait or work hard or even work at all.

The quarrel was first about the size of the free blanket, it was too small, it wasn't enough.  Quarrel's continued about not only the size of the free blanket but also the placement or location.  A lot of the free blankets were not in the best of places but the land owners figured they were free, what's the problem.

The Great Spirit of Government decided to fix the problem.  How in the world could a centralized government decide how much private property to give to another person when the government didn't own the land, after all it was private property, the foundation of wealth and success.

The poorer people wanted more land and they wanted the land located in the best locations so the Great Spirit made the promise.  If you support us, the Great Spirit, we can assure you a better place, a larger blanket and all the food you can eat and much much more.

What was a poor man to do?  The Great Spirit decided to create the essential conditions of prosperity and force the big blanket people to give land to the no blanket people.

There was no man that would simply give up his land or blanket so the Great Spirit decided to create a tax that would physically take wealth away from the richer a tiny bit at a time and give to the poorer, making everybody equal in time.

The poorer people gathered by the tens of millions and supported the Great Spirit and when you truly consider the proposition, why not?   With the Great Spirit in charge, given enough time, the centralized tax would equalize the entire nation.  In time, everybody would have the same sized plot of land and the same size blanket.

The Great Spirit of Government had the permanent solution and had removed all the barriers to wealth and prosperity, everybody would have a blanket.

From the East to the West the news traveled and the taxes started and little was said because the Great Spirit tax was so small.   The tax crossed the Mississippi valley and this artificial prosperity was spreading across the nation.  The Great Spirit from Washington D.C. was  tapping into the poorer peoples lack of education, lack of motivation and taking full advantage of the unrest found within the no blanket people.

It was then discovered that the elite members of the Great Spirit has accumulated great amounts of land and blankets of their own.  How could a meager servant of the people gather such great wealth?  The sober land owners found out that a great corruption had taken place and the entire country was being controlled by a few hundred people.

The poorer of the citizens gave all their power to the elite's for a small patch of free land and a poorly made blanket from China.  The elite's found inside the Great Spirit centralized government carved out their great wealth not by work but by corruption.

Once the land owners discovered the great corruption they screamed for justice and went to the Supreme Court of the Great Spirit.  It was too late, even the justice system was upset by the gravity of corruption.

It was further discovered that the Great Spirit was an emporium for the elites and also millions of first-citizens, the ones that owned the most land and giant plantations of blankets.  The nation was divided by the Great Spirit to control the many, the first-class wealthy, the middle-class working class and the poorer lower class.  The Great Spirit even secured a color code of thinking, you were blue or red and without exception the corruption spread across the land.  The blue could receive free land and blankets supplied by taxing the richer red blanket owners.  The beautiful patchwork of America was replaced by large areas of blue spotted by sections of red.  

The looms were busy in China and Mexico and the blankets were shipped to the Great Spirit who delivered them to the poorer lower class.  All that was needed is for the poor man to pledge his vote to the Great Spirit then everything was free.

The perfectly natural distribution of wealth and private property distribution was destroyed by the Great Spirit and the daily labor of all men went down.  What was the point in working if the Great Spirit simply re-distributed your wealth and the lazy man got a blanket for free?

If the goal was to get a blanket, just sit and wait, the Great Spirit would provide.

The very active person became still.  The lazy man became sleepy and the Great Spirit grew in size like never before.  The Great Spirit distributed the wealth, the housing, the food, the communication, the medical attention,  the energy, the clothing, the education and there was no requirement for labor but something very bad had happened to the human soul of all the citizens.

It started out as whispers and the large rooms inside factories filled with looms started to falter as the orders for blankets slowed down.  The millions of Chinese slaves became worried as their own Great Spirit promised much.  They told the slaves to work hard as they would become rich and free.  The American Great Spirit told their poorer people to support the centralized government as everything would be provided.

The Chinese slave went from 16 hours of labor to 4 hours of labor as the Great Spirit in America could no longer afford the free blanket programs.  The pure idea from the Great Spirit of America had been a lie, you could not have everything for nothing.

Thousands of work places called factories had been closed by the Great Spirit in America so the jobs could move to the low cost Chinese slaves.  Thousands of billions of dollars had been created by the Great Spirit's centralized bank as to allow the national bills to be paid by make-believe money.  Great give-away's by the Great Spirit continued and the government borrowed money from the Chinese as they held all the jobs and the wealth at the start.  The great oil empires around the world charge too much for too little and great religious empires started to grow using oil money and the Great Spirit in America gave up on domestic oil production, domestic factories and domestic Constitutional rights.

The blanket land owners woke up and they were surrounded by poorer people on the Great Spirits free blankets so naively they talked to their representatives in the centralized government but the windows of opportunity had been pulled down.

The Great Centralized Spirit government told the blanket land owners to be quiet and contrary to what made America great the Constitution and its Bill of Rights were like a poison dust that filled the land.  To have control the blanket land owners would have to give up their rights to talk out loud, keep and bear arms abd allow the centralized government to control the several states as it would become the newly perfect natural is just one generation.

There was no privacy now.  The Great Spirit watched and listened and there would be no retirement from the hard work.  The perspiration of labor was now owned by the government.  If you earned too much, they took it.  If you talked too much they silenced you.  If you complained about crime and violence you were forced from your land and the prisons were starting to fill as the entire country plunged into some kind of slavish sickly pale confinement.  You could talk but you couldn't say anything.  You were robbed to feed the poor and importing cheaper and cheaper illegal alien labor was accepted.   It was like the clock was running backwards, nothing made sense, the end had to be near.

The female child would give birth to workers.  The cowhide would be used to make working boots.   The cotton mill would close.  The well-seasoned terrorist of Islam raced across the open borders.  The punishment continued.

One man stood up and shouted "Don't step on my blanket again!"

He was not a hero.  He was a single man standing up shouting but others had heard his call so in his defense they stood around him.  He talked about the invasion of illegal aliens and they were all receiving free land and blankets.  He spoke about the Islamic warriors killing Christians around the world.  He yelled about his lack of power and the Great Spirit laws forbidding his to keep and bear arms against any tyrant.  The United States of America was not inferior to the Great Spirit.  The Constitution was the law and the Great Spirit must march for the people and not against them.  He had the courage to stand up but many failed to rise to the occasion and the desperate situation become worse.

There would be many sacrifices now as the Patriot's were standing as they looked for their great captain to save their country and put right back in justice.  

The excitement was not rejected when Donald Trump stood up and raised his hand.  He told the Patriots to stop where they stood and raise their right hand.  The greater national evil of the Great Spirit Centralized Government in Washington D.C. had to be destroyed.  The poorer non blanket people had been fooled but the principles of the Constitution could fix the tyrant and his Czars.  

Trump told them "we have had better"  as the crowds started to gather by the millions to hear him speak as he turned to his right and spoke again "we will have better again".

"Mothers, teachers, priests and hard working people must unite today"  "We're going to make America Great again"  and the crowd knew that the extended slavery would end and prosperity could be restored and the unjust government destroyed and the freedom of the people, the humanity to help others, the might to restore a true justice and the total restoration of the U.S. Constitution could be true again.

The gigantic crime against America, withholding rights and freedoms could be corrected and the injuries inflicted by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, David Axlerod, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Van Jones and thousands of others could be vindicated.

"Stand Strong America - Don't Step on my blanket again"


Marco Rubio - Another Deadbeat Wants To Be President - Don't take a check from Marco Rubio - The disaster Marco Rubio calls his personal story, default, mortgages, credit cards and speed boats

WEST MIAMI, Fla. — For years, Senator Marco Rubio struggled under the weight of student debt, mortgages and an extra loan against the value of his home totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars. But in 2012, financial salvation seemed to have arrived: A publisher paid him $800,000 to write a book about growing up as the son of Cuban immigrants.
In speeches, Mr. Rubio, a Florida Republican, spoke of his prudent plan for using the cash to finally pay off his law school loans, expressing relief that he no longer owed “a lady named Sallie Mae,” as he once called the lender.

But at the same time, he splurged on an extravagant purchase: $80,000 for a luxury speedboat, state records show. At the time, Mr. Rubio confided to a friend that it was a potentially inadvisable outlay that he could not resist. The 24-foot boat, he said, fulfilled a dream.

Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, with his wife, Jeanette, after announcing his candidacy for the presidential nomination in Miami on April 13.First Draft: Rubios on the Road Have Drawn Unwanted AttentionJUNE 5, 2015

Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, at a technology conference in Las Vegas last week.First Draft: Florida House That Brought Marco Rubio Grief Is Finally SoldJUNE 3, 2015

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida at an event in Las Vegas last week.First Draft: Marco Rubio, in Generational Argument, Faults ‘Outdated Leaders’JUNE 2, 2015

Among the serious contenders for the presidency, Mr. Rubio stands out for his youth, for his meteoric political rise — and for the persistent doubts about his financial management, to the point that Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign flagged the issue when vetting Mr. Rubio as a possible running mate in 2012, interviews show.
Supporters at a book promotion in Miami in February. Credit Angel Valentin for The New York Times

Many of those troubles have played out in an unusually public way, leading even some of his supporters to worry. As he rose in politics, he sometimes intermingled personal and political money — using a state Republican Party credit card years ago to pay for a paving project at his home and for travel to a family reunion, and putting his relatives on campaign payrolls.

Other moves seemed simply unwise: A few weeks ago, he disclosed that he had liquidated a $68,000 retirement account, a move that is widely discouraged by financial experts and that probably cost him about $24,000 in taxes and penalties.

In the past week, he sustained a new loss when he sold his second home in Florida’s capital, Tallahassee, for $18,000 less than he and a friend paid for it a decade ago. The house had previously faced foreclosure after Mr. Rubio and his friend failed to make mortgage payments for five months.

Acknowledging Missteps

These were not isolated incidents. A review of the Rubio family’s finances — including many new documents — reveals a series of decisions over the past 15 years that experts called imprudent: significant debts; a penchant to spend heavily on luxury items like the boat and the lease of a $50,000 2015 Audi Q7; a strikingly low savings rate, even when Mr. Rubio was earning large sums; and inattentive accounting that led to years of unpaid local government fees.
Mr. Rubio has acknowledged missteps: using personal credit cards to pay for his campaigns (a bad idea, he said); appointing his wife, Jeanette, as a treasurer of a political action committee (ill advised, he said); and using the party money for the reunion trip (an accident, he said). Mr. Rubio, in his 2012 memoir, “An American Son,” confessed a “lack of bookkeeping skills” and an “imperfect accounting system.”

In private conversations, Mr. Rubio has told friends that he learned how to manage money through trial and error. His poor, immigrant parents — his father a bartender, his mother a hotel maid — had little money to manage, he told them.

In a statement to The New York Times, Mr. Rubio said, “Like most Americans, I know what it’s like for money to be a limited resource and to have to manage it accordingly.”
He added: “Our primary financial motivation over the last 15 years has not been to become wealthy. It has been to provide for our children a happy upbringing and the chance at a great future.”

Mr. Rubio’s home in West Miami. Credit Ryan Stone for The New York Times
Mr. Rubio’s allies said his financial blunders were the scars of a self-made man, who rose to prominence despite lacking the wealth and connections that eased the path for so many of his rivals.
“It’s a two-edged sword,” said Dennis Baxley, a Florida House member and fellow Republican who served in the Legislature with Mr. Rubio. “That’s part of the excitement of Marco.”
It shows, Mr. Baxley said, that “an ordinary person without the financial support structure can do this with a tremendous amount of drive.”
The Rubios have taken steps to stabilize their finances in recent years, aided primarily by proceeds from his two books. Since 2012, they have put away at least $150,000, given $60,000 to charity and refinanced the mortgage on their primary home to lower the monthly payments. (Mr. Rubio set up college funds for his four children at birth, an aide said.)

But as Mr. Rubio, 44, seeks to counter questions about his stature and readiness for the presidency, his financial history creates particular complications. It has made him unusually reliant on a campaign donor, Norman Braman, a billionaire who subsidized Mr. Rubio’s job as a college instructor, hired him as a lawyer and continues to employ his wife.
And it could undermine Mr. Rubio’s well-crafted political persona: The senator has long portrayed himself as a champion of financial austerity, railing against excessive government spending and runaway debt.

“We have a country,” he said in 2013, “that borrows too much money.” In 2010, he diagnosed the problem this way: “If you allow politicians to spend money, they’ll do it.”
As he campaigns for president, Mr. Rubio is embracing his rough financial patches as he seeks to connect with an electorate saddled with debt and stuck in low-paying jobs. After cashing out the retirement account last year, he explained the decision in a deliberately folksy way: He needed to replace a broken refrigerator, and was also preparing for personal expenses related to his campaign.
“I’m not poor,” he said, “but I’m not rich, either.”
Mitt Romney and Mr. Rubio arriving in Kissimmee, Fla., on a presidential campaign stop in October 2012. Mr. Romney's campaign flagged Mr. Rubio's financial issues when vetting him as a possible running mate. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
Mr. Rubio entered public life in a deep financial hole of his own making.
Soon after he was elected to the Legislature in 2000, he reported a net worth of zero, about $150,000 in student loan debt, and $30,000 in what he called assorted credit and retail debt.

It was the inauspicious start to a decade of big financial ups and downs. In interviews, friends and advisers describe Mr. Rubio as a young politician entering public life just out of law school, whose charisma and stardom quickly outstripped his financial acumen, leaving him unprepared to manage the expensive campaigns and lucrative career opportunities that came his way.

By 28, he was juggling a new family, earning a modest salary in the Florida House in addition to his law firm work and nursing a desire for higher office that required continual travel across the state.
“A lot of it was a function of age,” said Mr. Baxley, who mentored Mr. Rubio in the Florida House and remains close to him. “It was very challenging for him. He was a clear example of when you enter early, you have to do all of these things at the same time. And it’s hard to do them all at the same time well.”

Even as his government career took off, Mr. Rubio’s financial picture grew grimmer and the demands of the Legislature endangered his work for the Florida law firm, where his bosses became impatient with his lack of focus.

Despite an income of $90,000 in 2001, Mr. Rubio wrote in his memoir, monthly expenses became so strained that he and his wife sold one of their two cars and, along with their young daughter, moved into the home of his mother-in-law.
But the belt-tightening was short-lived. In 2003, he bought his mother-in-law’s home in West Miami for $175,000, putting no money down.

Within a few years, Mr. Rubio had landed a job at a high-profile Miami law firm paying him $300,000 a year. As he would later do with the proceeds from his book, Mr. Rubio spent heavily.

Mr. Rubio has been financially reliant on Norman Braman, a billionaire who has hired Mr. Rubio and his wife. Credit Lynne Sladky/Associated Press
First, he bought a house in Tallahassee with another state lawmaker for $135,000, again putting no money down.

Then, by the end of 2005, the Rubios had completed the purchase of a new home, twice the size of their previous one, for $550,000. The house, among the more expensive in West Miami, stood out from the aging homes nearby: It includes an in-ground pool, a handsome brick driveway, meticulously manicured shrubs and oversize windows.

Soaring Liabilities

Within a few weeks of the home purchase, Mr. Rubio, then a Republican leader in the House, borrowed $135,000 through a home equity line to pay for improvements to the house, from a politically connected Miami-based bank, U.S. Century, after the house was reappraised at $735,000.

Suddenly the owner of three homes, the Rubios saw their liabilities soar to $1 million from $330,000 in just a year. Harold Evensky, a longtime financial adviser who reviewed Mr. Rubio’s public financial disclosures at the request of The Times, called the rapid accumulation of debt “staggering.”

“This was someone that was living financially dangerously,” Mr. Evensky said.
Little of Mr. Rubio’s income at this time went into savings. An analysis of his financial disclosures by Jude Boudreaux, a longtime financial planner and an adjunct professor at Loyola University New Orleans teaching personal finance, shows that Mr. Rubio earned $2.38 million from 1998 to 2008 but ended up with an estimated net worth of $53,000 (slightly more than Mr. Rubio disclosed himself). His savings rate during that period was about 2 percent.

“Practically nothing,” Mr. Boudreaux said.
Still, Mr. Rubio’s advisers said that the mortgages did not create a financial strain, and that his debt-to-income ratio did not exceed the 43 percent rate that the federal government considers worrisome. (The campaign declined to provide a specific figure.)
Who Is Running for President?

It was during this period of growing indebtedness, in the mid-2000s, that Mr. Rubio’s personal finances converged in unusual ways with his political activities. As he climbed the ranks of the Legislature, determined to reach the prestigious post of House speaker, Mr. Rubio set up political action committees to bankroll his political endeavors and obtained a credit card from the Republican Party of Florida.

But he struggled with the new financial responsibilities. “It was a learning curve for him to make sure everything was being paid out of the right canister,” said Mr. Baxley, the lawmaker.

The structure of the PACs was unorthodox, by Mr. Rubio’s own admission. One of them was run by his wife, and was used to reimburse the couple thousands of dollars for meals, gas and long-distance calls. The other employed three of the Rubio family’s relatives.

During his Senate campaign in 2010, his opponents pounced on the arrangement, suggesting he had used the PACs to subsidize his family’s lifestyle. “It wasn’t true,” Mr. Rubio later wrote, “but I had helped create the

His use of the Republican credit card for personal expenses was harder to explain. Records showed that he charged the party’s card for stone pavers at his house and travel to the family reunion in Georgia.

Mr. Rubio blamed a travel agent for the reunion charge and said he had pulled out the wrong credit card to pay for the pavers. “I wish that none of them had ever been charged,” he wrote in his book. He eventually covered the costs of each himself, he said.
But similar practices carried over to Mr. Rubio’s campaign for the Senate, and to the fund-raising group that he created after his election, Reclaim America PAC. A review of campaign finance records shows that Mr. Rubio employed two nephews who had worked for his local PAC years earlier, as well as close friends.

Since 2009, Mr. Rubio’s political organizations have paid at least $90,000 to companies registered by one of the nephews, Orlando Cicilia III, which provided consulting and video production services.

Jeb Bush Campaign Memo: 70,000 Phone Calls Yield 1,260 Supporters 00:02 AM ET

Bernie Sanders Meets With Joe Biden on Campaign Issues 7:41 PM ET

On Senate Floor, Bernie Sanders Calls for Ending the Death Penalty 2:46 PM ET

Mr. Rubio’s supporters said his reliance on close friends and even family was not a case of patronage so much as necessity: He was running for the Senate against Florida’s popular governor, Charlie Crist, who commanded the loyalty of the state’s Republican operatives and strategists.

After the race, a new problem arose. The Federal Election Commission repeatedly cited Mr. Rubio’s campaign — and fined it more than $9,000 — for running afoul of campaign finance rules. In one case, the commission found $210,000 in improper donations, many of which violated contribution limits.

The Senate has provided Mr. Rubio with a prestigious platform, to write books, travel the world, deliver speeches and, today, mount a run for the White House. But he has told friends that the job has imposed its own form of financial hardship, and he expressed occasional envy of colleagues in the private sector.

Mr. Rubio’s Senate salary of $174,000 is far less than he earned as a lawyer and consultant, and the Rubio family expenses are significant. All four of their children attend parochial school.

He has looked for other ways to bring in cash: Shortly before running for the Senate, Mr. Rubio agreed to teach at Florida International University, for $69,000 a year. (The salary was later reduced.) Those involved in the negotiations said it was clear that Mr. Rubio’s finances were stretched.

“I think that was an issue,” said Steve Saul, who was vice president for government relations at the university when Mr. Rubio was hired. “He needed the money.”

The Rubios have further supplemented their income with royalties from his two books and Mrs. Rubio’s work for Mr. Braman, Mr. Rubio’s wealthy campaign donor.

But Mrs. Rubio’s firm, JDR Events, has had its own bookkeeping lapses. Over the past few years, she failed to pay annual business licensing fees to the City of West Miami, despite nine written notices and repeated phone calls to her home, records show.

After The Times made an inquiry with the city on May 26, a check arrived from Mrs. Rubio two days later for the $637.50 she still owed. In a handwritten note to the city, she said she had mistakenly believed her payments were up to date.

“My apologies,” she wrote.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

The first flight on a Russian military helicopter owned by an American and bought and paid for by the Clinton Foundation

It was happening yesterday.  The C.I.A. operatives where flying over the Hindu Kush mountains into the Panjshir valley and would land in Afghanistan in less than thirty minutes.  This secret U.S. Government flight of C.I.A. operatives was not the first flight, but it was the first flight on a Russian military helicopter owned by an American and bought and paid for by the Clinton Foundation.  They were flying in to meet with tribal leaders of Al Qaeda under the protection of the Taliban.  The two hundred and five U.S. Army Rangers were following on U.S. military helicopters and would land behind the first flight only twelve minutes later.  Fighting side by side the Army Rangers were going to kill the dozen or so Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders.

Government officials in Kabul were not notified of the U.S. Military actions so fighting and killing the determined enemy would be a secret, for a while. 


The law gives the absolute power to the people, not Barack Obama.

Almost consumed, the United States of America and its Constitution has been a slave to Barack Obama and his progressive socialist administrative state.  Every citizen has become a slave under Barack Obama the modern slave holder of human beings.  Now eating government bread, living in government housing and taking advantage of free government health care no man is a spectator any longer, you are a slave of the state.

The master of you, Barack Obama, claims and exercises his executive power over the people and has created a new religion of poverty.

The law gives the absolute power to the people, not Barack Obama.

With impunity, he must be impeached and removed.

Barack Obama in all reality has no wife, no children, no home and no country, he is alone.   

He has reduced your rights to nothing.

The death of CNBC and the clowns; Closing the morgue door on CNBC results in the main stream media Morgue running out of space.

The death of CNBC and the clowns; Closing the morgue door on CNBC results in the main stream media Morgue running out of space.  The Republican Presidential Debate on CNBC, for future reference, is the best example of the worst main stream media has to offer the honest America.   The presidential debate was a joke.  Donald Trump stood his ground as Becky Quick of CNBC proves she has no place with adults.  

The CNBC moderators spent all night on asking silly questions instead of asking real questions of the people that want to become President of the United States. 

CNBC made the news by wasting the perishable commodity called time.  The not so great CNBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC and others race for ratings but the people of America are fed up.  The American citizen is tired of the progressive socialists, near communist bastards in the main stream media on T.V. and in print.  I really doubt that Becky Quick and the others on CNBC could thumb a ride in America this morning.

The Presidential debate was not recently invented but so far no main stream media giant can get it right.  The intellect on the CNBC moderator panel could be held on a postage stamp.  The entire debate process should be the desire to unearth some information about the person wanting to become president but the CNBC debate belongs in the Morgue.  We've all seen bad movies and plays but the curtain just wouldn't come down last night, the pain went on and on. 

If you want the latest news about anything, including financial or business information, turn off CNBC.   The CNBC comic book debate seemed endless and will become a lesson in what not to do.  The questions were formed by idiot's and the story of the CNBC GOP debates will receive a great deal of attention.  The giant media empires have moved so far left into the progressive socialist world they take one lie to create another lie to feed the American people.

The CNBC  slug moderators dumped their questions like they were in third grade and then rushed for answers without ever connecting to the audience of concerned voters.  The T.V. viewers were escaping and saved by other entertainment on other networks. 

The New York City - Washington D.C. media empires are like electric elevators without electricity.  


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton Smokes, but only on Long Island. It was a simple cash and kill business. The F.B.I. got its first lead on the "Clinton Foundation" from government officials in Israel The spies working for Israel became friends with the F.B.I.

 Hillary Clinton Smokes, but only on Long Island. 
We can only guess that it was her excitement as we watched the unattractive woman light another cigarette.  Sitting inside the F.BI.'s unmarked vehicle out in the suburbs was almost like a jail sentence but the assignment was very appropriate concerning current events in America.  There was a lot of underground secret actions going on in Washington D.C. and around so the F.B.I. had their ears to the ground. 

F.B.I. special agent in charge Andy Ledger took another digital picture of the lady as he noticed her looking around.  The streets were still mostly dark as the sun was on the way up on this cold October morning but not just yet.  He could see the target in the back seat of her car, window rolled down and her cigarette smoke filling the cold air. 

The F.B.I. had been tailing Hillary Clinton for about nine months now and she had her driver park the car between too little homes on Long Island and had been sitting there for hours, waiting for her handler again.  Hillary did a lot of hiding these days. 

Every Thursday Hillary Clinton would have her driver take her for a ride without her Secret Service protection and park behind the shrubbery in front of the garage door at 174 East River Street and just sit in the driveway.  It was a small world as the Israeli spy agency alerted the F.B.I. about these secret gatherings. 

The house on East River Street was owned by the week end girlfriend of mobster "Tony Eye's and she went by the name of Gloria Smithfield and worked at one of Tony's bars in New York City.  

She was a five foot seven blond with long legs and short dresses and carried a 32 caliber pistol on her inner thigh.  She also has three convictions for drugs and spent two years in prison in upstate New York during her thirty three years.  She had bought the house a couple of years ago and paid cash.  A lot of cash in that little house. 

She had two children with the mobster and she also owned three golf courses worth millions of dollars which was remarkable as per the I.R.S. she only earned $28,500.00 last year placing her in the poverty category.  She drove an old beat up dodge that needed tires but she had hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash deposits. She was collecting food stamps and her kids were on medicaid but she wore a twelve thousand dollar diamond ring on her wedding finger, still unmarried. 

The little 1950's house needed more white paint and somebody needed to cut the grass but the big advantage it was close to the city and a place for "Tony Eye's to hide out or hold secret meet up with his friends and climb his girlfriend a little.

F.B.I. special agent Andy Ledger would wait for the lights to be turned off above the garage which meant somebody would be moving down to the driveway outside for another meeting with Hillary Clinton.  She always waited for as long as it took.  It could be twenty minutes or eight hours and Andy would wait with her with his camera and voice recorder ready to document another meeting. 

This was the perfect place for secret meetings without all the crowds of the city, little city traffic and that tall shrubbery that mostly hid Hillary Clinton and "Tony Eyes' from view.

You had to look close but you could see Hillary smoking her cigarette with her window down as the smoke gave her location away. The Hillary you see on T.V. is not the Hillary Clinton the F.B.I. was watching at this very moment through their long range scopes.

The story was that Hillary Clinton delivered cash money to the mobster to keep certain people quite about the "Clinton Foundation" dealings including some heads of state from around the world.  Nobody really knows, it could all be a false lead.  Hillary Clinton has never been convicted of anything, but a lot of lose ends kept law enforcement busy.  Bill Clinton, the impeached president and all his whoring around caused the Clinton family a lot of problems.  Some people that helped them once or knew too much were left dead, some say left dead around the world.  Maybe it was just junk news reporting but Clinton scandals were everywhere.  Naked teenage girls and Bill Clinton on some billionaire's flight to an island.  Not giving our U.S. military the right equipment, black hawk down.

Maybe people have forgotten but the Clinton gang had been in business a long time and Bill Clinton's family was tied up in drugs, guns, whores and gambling cash going way back.  
Some say Bill Clinton is truly from a Southern crime family that would rival even the families in New York, Chicago and Detroit.  You really didn't mess with the Clinton family and just walk away.  Lot's of power, influence and drugs.  Now the Clinton name was in the news again because Hillary Clinton went under-world and underground with her secret computer email server while Secretary of State under Obama.  

Hillary and Bill Clinton had about two billion dollars so bribes and favors were just part of business for the Clinton's.  You paid one guy to talk to another guy to get the next guy to shut the hell up.  Of course a gangster eliminated a lot of time and got things done quickly.  You had to wonder if Clinton was connected and not just to the Democratic party machine?  Most likely not, but they had links to the underground. 

Nobody in their right mind would pay Bill Clinton $200,000 for a speech but they would pay for insider deals via the old lady Hillary.  Hillary was 67 years old and spent most of her life inside lawyers offices trying to get out of jail.   

One of her first jobs was a punk lawyer inside the Watergate hearings and she got fired from the gig for lying out her ass.  Some things never change, she got better at hiding the truth, wiping email servers, bundling cash from around the world and now she wanted to be president.  She was a progressive socialist which really means she was a damn Communist like Stalin and Mao.  She thought the government should control everything and she wanted to be the government.  If she talks she's lying.  She is also no wonder woman and is afraid of her own shadow, she doesn't even drive any longer and insiders say she has major medical problems.  She's got the Negro's convinced that she never waived the Dixie flag and she's there to help them.  Hillary has never helped anybody or anything except her check book balance.  She could care less about open borders and illegal aliens and she sucks at debates.  

Every penny she plunked down must have been worth it because the F.B.I. was guessing that Hillary was paying about $100,000.00 a week for gangster services.  

Nobody was really sure but "Tony Eye's" don't work for free and he don't work cheap. 

For one hundred thousand dollars "Tony Eye's" would break your fathers legs and then have sex with your mother, he was an old school gangster.  

He was connected to the highest levels of the New York crime families and never spent one day in jail.  He is so well connected he can afford to remain unconnected.  For him to meet Hillary in person was a big deal and that had to cost her big.  She didn't want anybody to know anything about her business and he never allowed people too close, only cash. 

A stake out is a test of patience and never ending endurance and mainly Andy's bladder but all of a sudden "Tony Eyes" sprung up like a weed next to Hillary Clinton's back seat window.  One second he wasn't there but there he is now.  

The light was still on above the garage which meant something had changed.  Andy didn't know what and he didn't like change.  Everybody has a routine and so did this gangster. 

Sameness was important in police work.  When something changed it might mean something, maybe something was breaking, maybe violence was in play. 

There he was with his hand out and Hillary handed him the envelope. It was the same size as last time and before and the F.B.I. thought each of them contained $100 thousand dollars in cash. 

The mobster "Tony Eye's" and Hillary Clinton have the same interests, the same outlook and the same values as Andy watched the big envelope being passed from Hillary's window to the gangster.  You could tell they were old friends, easy around each other, nobody looking over their shoulder for guns or cops. 

 "Tony Eye's" was in his bath robe as Hillary got out of the car and gave him a quick hug and a kiss.  He gave her a hug and touched her hair like it was their first date as they talked by Hillary's car.  Andy couldn't hear but his recording equipment was recording the vibrations caused by their voices in the cool air.  Back at the F.B.I. lab they could run the vibrations through voice software to recover the conversation. 

When you think about somebody running for president and the lack of difference between her and the mobster it keeps you up at night.  Mobsters are just people, right?  Many people thought that Hillary would do anything for power and everybody that knows crime understand cash can get just about anything done.  

A lot of people say the mob killed off a Kennedy but nobody talked about it.  The mobsters killed lots of people for the United States during wars and conflicts.  It was a simple cash and kill business.  If you wanted Castro killed you laid down your money and watched for newspaper headlines.  If you wanted to run drugs by airplane, boat or Chevy it was just one phone call away.  You dialed the number and got things done.  If you wanted a taxi license in New York City, lay down the money.  If you wanted insider tips on the stock market you split the earnings plus a 20 percent tip.  If you wanted a non name Swiss bank account and no financial trail, 24 hours tops.  If you needed a ride to Syria, Iran or Iraq the mob had the connections.  If you wanted to sell classified software to Communist Russia you paid the price and it was done. 

If you wanted somebody to go away it could happen in 24 hours.  If you wanted somebody to leave the country they could be on a boat tonight.  If you needed some explosives without any strings it takes about three days and a suitcase full of cash.  If you wanted a whore on Saturday night you knocked on certain doors with three hundred bucks in your hand.  Mobsters got things done, without a lot of questions.  But one thing you couldn't do is mess with the United States.  Mobsters were Patriots of sorts.  They believed in the flag so don't plan on taking over the country.  You're not going to have them kill off the golden goose, it was their bird. 

The things Hillary Clinton has been accused of would make a great movie or a book and week after week and month after month Hillary has been buying services from gangsters which is not illegal.  

A gangster can also make sure your car guy fixes up the lemon they sold you or your trash is picked up on time.    

If somebody is messing with your wife the problem can be resolved.  If a newspaper guy is writing trash the boys can convince them to retract the story.  Maybe you wanted to be on T.V. that could be arranged.  

F.B.I. agent Andy Ledger was almost sure this time it had something or maybe everything to do with the underground secret computer email server that Hillary tried to destroy.  He had no evidence to support the idea but Syria and Benghazi Libya is connected and the knot was tied by Hillary Clinton.  

This was a big stakes poker game and Andy could not see all the cards so the F.B.I. simply laid back and watched.  The F.B.I. could only watch her inside the U.S. borders so the Israeli spy agency took over when she traveled the world.  What they already know is that Russia, China, North Korea has already hacked her email and has been reading everything for years.  They don't like Hillary, she lies to both sides.  The reset with Russia didn't work out too well because the millions in cash from Putin to the Clinton Foundation never showed up.  There was no true reset because Putin didn 't pay up. 

Her secret email contained everything, Iran nuclear, Israel spying, North Korea oil imports, Syria gas attacks, Putin U.S. uranium deals and Barack Obama's little kids drinking problems.  

The F.B.I. thought that the Mob was selling some of the information on Hillary's orders and destroying others per her request.  If three people got an email that meant the boys would make three visits, destroy three or more computers and have a little talk with whoever.  No rocket science.  The mob even had top computer hacks that even the government hired once in a while.  The mob was big into the big unions and were now busy selling out the coal industry to make room for Obama's new world energy.  They would dump a few thousand union members today for tens of thousands of new union members next year.  It was about the cash paid into the union by it's members.  Big unions helped Obama get ObamaCare, more cash. 

Hillary Clinton's life is almost pure monotony once you see the insider work the inside of the U.S. government.  It takes a lot of time and money to bribe every friend of every friend in government to get what you want.  

It was a pure pay to play game in Washington D.C. ever since Barack Obama came to town.  If Lois Lerner didn't shut you down the big media would crush you.  You played ball or didn't play and that was from Wall-Street to the new nuclear power plant cranking up by the T.V.A.  You can have nuclear power if you pay the right people or even solar power if you have the cash.  Under Obama, everything is for sale.  

The F.B.I. got its first lead on the "Clinton Foundation" from government officials in Israel most likely brought about by the Iran Nuclear deal Barack Obama was pushing down America's throat. The bastard had been dealing with Iran in Secret.  The American public had no idea that Barack was in bed with Iran so the White House kept it secret from Israel and everybody else.  Lot's of people were pissed at B-Rock Obama. 

Barack Obama had ordered Hillary Clinton and then John Kerry to enter into top secret talks with the Iranian killers.  Israel was by then spying on Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and others inside Iran and was caught by the DOD DIA CIA NSA operatives working for the White House.  Israel got caught spying on America but the good old U.S.A. has never stopped spying on Israel. 

The spies working for Israel became friends with the F.B.I. and gave the agency a lead about Gloria Smithfield living on Long Island and her gangster lover "Tony Eyes" holding hands with Hillary Clinton.  Israel was pushing back.

This was the chance Andy Ledger needed.  It was the big case that nobody could talk about.  The F.B.I. was following Hillary Clinton and the F.B.I. director didn't take kindly to Barack Obama and his war on cops so the director was signing off on the operation every month.

Israel didn't like Negroes and they sure didn't like the Muslim Brotherhood friend Barack Obama.  The Israeli Prime Ministry had been mistreated several times by Barack Obama every time they would meet because Barack Obama was helping Iran gain a nuclear weapon.  Obama had few  friends, Michelle and the kids. 

Hillary Clinton had started the process and John Kerry finished the deal.  

Israel had already made plans to strike against the Iranian nuclear sites but the Obama administration would not allow Israel to buy the exact weapon systems from the Pentagon. 

Israel had been flying inside Iran for months and learning how to defeat their air defense when Vladimir Putin beefed up Iranian surface to air missiles.  Obama wouldn't sell the bunker buster bombs Israel needed to destroy the nuclear sites so Israel planned a small quick special operations attack with air cover. 

 Obama found out about their plans and has done everything to shut them down, including telling Israel that U.S. fighter jets would shoot Israeli jets out of the sky. 

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry was always working against Israel and helping the Islamic Jihadist's become stronger by the day.  Nothing made sense with Obama concerning Islamic Jihadist so many in the U.S. government planned on the worst.  Watch the White House and watch the people running for office. 

The self-serving, destructive Hillary Clinton was the perfect mark for the Mobsters that were also working for Israel.  The weapons and ammunition that moved through Syria to Libya were moved by the New York and Chicago gangs using Russian gang connections. Putin watched every move and blew the whistle on the Obama C.I.A. black operation that resulted in Benghazi  which blew Hillary's cover.

So Hillary Clinton was paying off the Mobsters with Clinton Foundation money which came from some of the people that wanted to kill American's and destroy Israel.  Vladimir Putin paid Hillary and Bill Clinton millions of dollars to buy U.S. Uranium and part of that money went to the mob who was running guns for the C.I.A. through Syria to Libya that resulted in the Benghazi Clinton Scandal. 

 Hillary was paying cash to the Mob to keep her connections and dealings off the radar as Barack Obama played his dangerous game.

The White House was leaking stories that put Hillary in danger.  

The Clinton Scandals exhaust was filling up Congressional hearings and a lot of people needed some fresh air and looked to Hillary for their escape routes.  She destroyed the secret email server but only after she had received cash payments from dozens of people.  The thousands of emails were Hillary's insurance policies and if they wanted fresh air they had to pay her to destroy the records.

Anybody that didn't want to pay would receive a visit from "Tony Eye's" and his associates.  Leaving a bullet on the driver's seat of somebody's car was a loud message.  You didn't walk an inch without paying.

Andy's cell phone rang and it was the boss;
"Come home, it's over, Joe Biden's not running."  and the director sounded like a school boy who missed the bus.  "She's going to be the boss Andy, turn it off and have some breakfast." as the director told him they could meet at the fourth street bridge Diner in one hour.

It was a dancing class and the music stopped.  Just like that the whole damn thing shut down because Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic front runner for President.
It would take a few minutes for Andy to drive to the diner and he would beat the director there easily. 

A few minutes later Andy found the coffee rewarding but the director not very relaxing.
"They're going to get a nuclear bomb Andy and Israel will strike against Iran and the U.S. military will shoot to kill and try and stop them."  the director acted like he was dealing the dead man's hand.

"Hillary Clinton will go against Donald Trump so the race is on for America Andy"  the unnecessary menu just laying there.

"Saturday morning you'll get your next assignment after we receive DOJ approval."  "It seems that you'll be going to small dinner parties and group dinners undercover and maybe some nice buffet's with some Planned Parenthood big shots." 

"The lights will be dim, so keep your eyes and ears open Andy, somebody or everybody has been paying them too." 

Andy didn't want to be a country club F.B.I. special agent but that's the way the DOJ controlled by the White House wanted it.

Catch a few crooks, catch a few laughs and stay out of the newspaper.

Andy ordered white toast, it's what he felt like. 
