Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, November 9, 2015

Hillary Clinton is at war, she is at a war with time. Hillary Clinton has only one way to the White House now, try her best to run out the clock concerning Benghazi and her underground secret computer email server scandals.

Hillary Clinton is at war, she is at a war with time.  Hillary Clinton has only one way to the White House now, try her best to run out the clock concerning Benghazi and her underground secret computer email server scandals. 

Hillary Clinton is fading quickly and the DNC has only one old mare in the race and on top of that the old gray mare is "White".  Hillary Clinton has many battle fronts and experts agree that only time will tell.  The F.B.I. is full speed ahead investigating Hillary and Bill Clinton's underground secret email server which takes them directly to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation "The Clinton Foundation" and billions in foreign cash.

The F.B.I. and C.I.A. in conjunction with the White House and N.S.A. also have some joint concerns regarding the common cause Hillary Clinton found with the Soviet Russian Communist Empire and Uranium Shipments to Vladimir Putin for nuclear weapons.

As the political war wages between Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Hillary Clinton the F.B.I files are getting thicker and a suspense novel is already in the works.

Americans are now coming to grips that Hillary Clinton is most likely a criminal along with her husband the impeached X-President.  With the Black Lives Matter Movement sputtering along they took aim at Hillary Clinton for the big bang and have very little to show for their effort except more promises of welfare and wealth re-distribution, creating a stronger platform for the RNC GOP Donald Trump and the Safe Negro Ben Carson.

The smallest gap between the poor and rich is a job and Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry has screwed the pooch as 95 million Americans are at home playing with their imported Apple I Phones. 

Manufactured goods arrive every day at U.S. ports from the Communist Chinese Factories while 50 million Americans are on food stamps not working, and a whole lot of them are the Negro's that are required for the Clinton Machine.  The Latino Wetback illegal alien vote is also very important to Clinton so ruthlessly she continues to lie to the minority groups for votes.  Hillary is also holding hands with the Muslim Brotherhood known as CAIR in America.  Her promises are piling up and nobody can afford them let alone allow them and be called a constitutional government for and by the people. 

Come to find out that Hillary and Barack centralized administrative governments called socialism threatens our way of life and ultimately led us into a war with Syria, Iran, Iraq and other garden spots for Islamic Radicals.  

The Soviet Russian Empire Communist Army's are already fighting in Syria and Ukraine so the past dangers of Russian aggression is on the front pages around the world.  ISIS ISIL downed a Russian passenger jet killing hundreds and everybody notices that the West is really quite waiting on Putin.

With $19 Trillion in debt, being a superpower gets tough so Barack Obama makes stupid nuclear deals with Iranian bastards while Russia conquers the world, at least in the Middle East and the Ukraine.  All this is being done as Communist China spreads out around the world with a fast modern military and 40,000 Chinese anchor babies in America year after year.  

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