Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The economic bomb placed in the world economy directly by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton The Economic Collapse of America in 90 days or less

Kibitzing the Barack Obama Economic Collapse and the Forecast for the American Economy and the fate of humanity in the 21st century.  There has been an economic bomb placed in the world economy directly by Barack Hussein Obama and as one might guess by now is supported by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and other progressive socialist sidekicks and second-tier politicians.

Summarizing the basic argument would take volumes so for the sake of argument the author will give you a very basic and simple example.  The great revolution started by progressive socialist radicals like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Harry Reid and thousands of others is like a fuse attached to a giant economic bomb already in place.

Every inch the authority of nothing Barack Obama has set the stage for the total economic and social destruction of the United States.  Many experts consider the ACA Affordable Care Act "ObamaCare" a delicate economic bomb ultimately to explode in 2016 or early 2017 and severely threatens the entire global economic system.

As of this very day the centralized socialist government of Barack Obama is bragging about the economic conditions inside America.  To most people that only watch the New York City - Washington D.C. media empire news they never get the chance to breakdown the actual number buried deep inside government reporting.

The alternative version of the current economic news is called the truth and the best way to describe our economic condition is dire and the train of events have already started.

Floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee Barack Obama is never held accountable by the media empires of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN or other giants that supported the poor chump from the very beginning. 

With full clarity,

Imagine giant container ships sailing across the ocean to American ports of call in Southern California, lets say to Long Beach California.  These giant ocean going container ships can carry almost 20,000 containers full of Communist Chinese Made merchandise and other materials you find in every store, big or small, all across America.

Again, one ocean going ship can carry almost 20,000 containers which are trailer like boxes filled with merchandise for stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, Staples, Sears, General Motors, K-Mart, Best Buy, Ross Stores and any other brand name you may know.

The Communist Chinese pay people only a few dollars per day to work in giant factories and produce merchandise for almost nothing.  Using this Communist Slave Labor the Communist Chinese Government pockets hundreds of billions of dollars every year from American Companies.  In turn, according to free trade agreements the Chinese people would buy our products manufactured in America, but not so.

The trade imbalance between China and the United States is about $300 billion dollars every year.  This means all the jobs are in Communist China and the factories are humming away and our workforce is silent.  No jobs in America.

Remember the container ship with almost 20,000 containers?

Long Beach California would receive about One Million Containers every month.

It would take about 50,000 to 75,000 U.S. factories to produce the merchandise inside of one million containers. 

Every Chinese container that hits the U.S. dock means another factory stays shuttered inside America and American workers stay at home on welfare.

Now imagine One Million Containers being accepted by the port in Long Beach and now all those containers are now empty.  What do you do with one million empty containers?

You should fill them up with American merchandise and sail back to China with all the U.S. products that we made in America and sold to the Chinese.


In September, 2015, something very strange happened.

We are on the verge of a total economic collapse.

Remember, Obama says unemployment is at 5% now.

They are 95 million people not working.

They are 56 million women not working.

Most Black American's don't have a job.

Your kid is out of college with no job, living in your basement.

Progressive socialist radicals like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Harry Reid and others want you to know and believe everything is fine, nothing to see, trust me some more.

In September, one million containers arrived in Long Beach California and only 800,000 loaded ones were returned.  200,000 empty containers moved back to China.  Americans don't make enough and China doesn't buy enough to fill all those containers.

Every time you buy a product made in China you're nailing your own coffin shut and those of your children.  American companies cannot hire because of ObamaCare.  Any company over 50 employees must provide health insurance, you will see tens of thousands of smaller companies close up in a matter of months.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, have stolen everything.

The wealth of our nation has been re-distributed to others.

You earn less today.

More people are living under the poverty level.

50 million people are eating tonight, thanks to food stamps.

You're paying for housing, medical care, child care, medical, education, communication, transportation, food and a hundred other things.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have created a socialist administrative state.

Their idea is to lower up to match the poorest nations on earth.

He will do it if it kills you.

Listen do Donald Trump.


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