Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, November 2, 2015

The institution of Islamic Slavery is O.K. by Barack Obama, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton as thousands have been murdered in the name of Allah, the only true GOD of mankind.

The junior Senator from Illinois who became president of the United States is being sharply challenged today by millions of American.  Barack Obama, the junior Senator that missed over 60% of his Congressional votes in the Senate is being challenged about his truthfulness even inside the progressive socialist democratic party. 

Barack Obama who continues to promise also continues to lie to the American people as he moves armed U.S. Military Special Forces to Syria to fight not only Assad the Dictator but Vladimir Putin of The Soviet Communist Russian Empire.

The Middle East explodes in violence, led by Russia, Iran, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea and Syria is now center stage to the disgust of Honest Americans.  

The institution of Islamic Slavery is O.K. by Barack Obama, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton as thousands have been murdered in the name of Allah, the only true GOD of mankind.

Vladimir Putin of the Soviet Russian Empire has arranged a massive troop, plane and ship build up to support the Dictator Assad as Barack Obama remained idle playing the U.S. Air Force game of dry runs and burning up fuel.

The Syrian civil war is now a real war and troops from Soviet Russia, United States, Iran, Iraq, Cuba and others on their way from China and North Korea had gradually grown to full out war between Communism Islamic Jihadists and the Christian empires of the UNITED STATES.

Barack Obama, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton have been making mid-war promises and offer up negotiation as Vladimir Putin expands the Soviet Empire once again. 

The unquestioned hostility offered up by the Islamic Jihadists ISIS ISIL Al-Qaeda and the Taliban has occupied a great land mass and continues to grow.

The indifference to American Security is the real question for the Presidential elections of 2016 as American Citizens are ready to fight to the death to remove Tyrants, no matter where they're found.

The disastrous condition of the U.S. Military is now in question as enemies of the United States are probing around the world.

The annexation of Iraq and Syria by the Islamic Radicals of Iran, backed up by the Soviet Russian empire will lead to all out war in the middle east causing the total interruption of oil supplies to the Western Nations.  As Iran grows stronger with their nuclear weapons program Israel is in the struggle for survival and seeks to strike out against Iran's nuclear program before it's too late.

The radical Barack Obama has already released tens of billions of dollars, once frozen, to the Iranians which will triple their deadly affects against the United States.

The institution of Islamic Slavery is spreading across the globe as American continues to make false promises to American citizens and freedom loving people around the world.

Islam is waging a war of conquest and Barack Obama is hiding in the Oval office trying to show his own bravery by ordering 50 special forces troops to wage war.

The impulses of Christians cannot be held in check much longer.

The collision of East and West, Muslim and Christian, Communism and Freedom will be an all out war that could last for decades as Barack Obama allows the threat to keep growing.

The annexation of Syria, Iran and Iraq by the Soviet Empire Dictator Vladimir Putin will be completed before a new president is elected in the United States, which is the plan.


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