Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, December 21, 2015

Frantically you keep looking out the torn window shades as you stub another cigarette.. another long night..

The news media decided that it wasn't terrorism, gradually the flow of information is being squeezed off by Barack Obama, the quieter the better he says.  Barack Obama, content with words only continues to lie about ISIS ISIL TALIBAN AL-QAEDA but the Islamic Monsters have been discovered all across America.

Everything appeared normal before the Islamic Radical attack in San Bernardino Californa that killed 14 innocent hard working people.  As if leaning over to hear the cries Barack Obama said he didn't listen enough to cable news to understand the murdering pain by the survivors and their families.  

Hatching more and more plots Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and hundreds more now have hands dribbling in American blood.

It's always been likely that the Muslim Islamic Radical Extremists would attack and murder in America but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton always shook off the facts.  She was making billions of dollars buying and selling influence and Obama never stirred as his military warned him over and over, their coming here to kill us.

As the U.S. Military has been deteriorated by Barack Obama the Muslim's strike us all over the world and they now violently roam every city, town and village inside America.

In astonishment Barack Obama has gone on vacation for the next 16 days as schools are closed and eyes are glazed over in worry.  You will never fully awake Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton as they destroyed the power of America around the world, selling secrets, making nuclear deals, just like moving pieces on a map.

Now you wonder if your child should go to school or even the park.  You wonder about buying a gun to protect your own family.  You wonder why Obama and Clinton sold you out and perhaps you think it's time to end the Obama administrative state and kill off the Clinton attempt before it's too late.  You can pause but Obama and Clinton never stop, they promise things they cannot deliver, they offer you protection but guaranteed the murdering will continue, the FBI needs our help.

Obama and Clinton live in another world of high walls, security details and military quality guards and gates. 

As the bodies laid scattered all over the floors in San Bernardino California President Obama was planning his vacation and Hillary Clinton was planning her political crowning.  

We have been sufficiently diminished by Obama and Clinton and in the half darkness of your home you now peek out the window, wondering about the obscure noise you heard outside.  

You wonder if the light on your computer screen is too bright, can they see inside your home, the Mosque not that far away.

Maybe the ringing of your security alarm system will scare them away and your shouting will wake up your family but frantically you keep looking out the torn window shades as you stub another cigarette.. another long night..


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