Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, January 4, 2016

Barack Obama talks to dead people, The misunderstood medium of talking to the dead is not unexplored inside the White House and Barack Obama is not the first President to talk to dead people, let alone his own mother. This misunderstood medium has several different ambitions

They say at times Barack Obama can hear his mothers voice. She long ago has passed away and she is always wondering if Barack will ever come down and visit her.  His mechanized government workers inside the White House often times speak (In Private) of Barack Obama listening for his mother in the attic, basement and garages of the White House, making them wonder about his drinking and dreaded disease of socialism.  

They would sit at their desks working and see Barack wandering around late at night, talking to his mother in some kind of primitive African voice.  The invisible voice of his dead mother guides him and even Michelle Obama backs away when she hears the primitive voice of her husband, talking to dead people, her mother-in-law.

The misunderstood medium of talking to the dead is not unexplored inside the White House and Barack Obama is not the first President to talk to dead people, let alone his own mother.  This misunderstood medium has several different ambitions but the primary one is for the living person (Barack Obama) to see into the future, making him brighter, smarter and faster than the others stuffed inside the daily normal of reality.

Some say a simple book is like talking to the dead but millions of people believe that a live person can in fact talk to a dead person, without the voice that could be heard by others.  At times White House security has been asked to leave as Barack Obama will drag out an old blackboard in a wooden frame on wheels and start writing his mothers words.

Talking to the dead is the stuff of dreams but the potential of seeing in the future is some overwhelming force that few can resist.  Many drunks agree which leads many to consider Barack Obama's mental potential.

You hear the noise of the wind but Barack Obama hears his dead mothers voice and some suspect a book is in the works to be released next year.

His father's dreams and His mother's voice.

Look for it.


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