Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, January 4, 2016

Trump is coming - watch out lonely women, frustrated lesbians, neglected negro's and all the Americans out of work and living off taxpayer funded welfare, including the Islamic Jihadist trying to kill Americans

Hillary Clinton is brimming with wondrous promises of prosperity for lonely women, frustrated lesbians, neglected negro's and all the Americans out of work and living off taxpayer funded welfare, including the Islamic Jihadist trying to kill Americans.

When you consider that Hillary Clinton sexed her way with Webb Hubbell for a work promotion and more cash do you really think she cares about Bill Clinton and his rapist background.  Hillary Clinton is not the explorer or visionary that she promises the people to get their votes.  Hillary Clinton has always been a coward so her political promises might be breathtaking but not a one of them are true.

She has done nothing for you, and she never will.

As she moves around New Hampshire she is letting loose the dreaded Bill Clinton to save her ass and fool another round of people.  The era of timid bystanders are over as the internet has at long last opened up free thought and free speech and there are no more secrets, at least not for too long. 

Hillary Clinton cannot change the world just like she cannot change Bill Clinton has he roams the earth trying to have sex with every good looking woman that looks his way. 

Over the years, the biting lip sexual abuser has been caught dozens of times but corruption and money has kept him out of jail.

So as you watch and listen to Bill Clinton talking up his babe Hillary Clinton remember he's a serial sexual abuser and rapist.  Remember he has a black son that no media will ever report on again, as the suit case full of cash was delivered to the Negro mother and off she went.  Don't think about Benghazi Libya and dead Americans or secret underground email servers left unprotected for foreign hackers and spies.

Just have fun,

Trump is coming.

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