The Yellow Communist Menace China , lives inside Amazon and Wal-Mart and a lot more. You have been fooled by cheap products made by slave like labor in China and Amazon will in due time destroy the entire U.S. Free Marketplace, costing millions and millions of people to lose their jobs.
Now, thanks to Ass Wipe Bezos of Amazon the Communist Factory in China is selling directly to the U.S. consumer. Jeff Bezos added about $20 Billion dollars to his net worth in the last year or so.
How are you doing?
Communist Chinese merchants in China, buy directly from the factory and then put those same products on Amazon's online marketplace.
Reports indicate that over 10,000 merchants are doing this today but it gets a lot worse. Now the Communist Chinese factories are even skipping the China merchants and offering their products directly on the Amazon online marketplace.
China has more than nuclear missiles pointed at your house, they use Amazon to get inside your home.
The Communist Chinese have targeted the rich United States, the socialist Canada and the trouble ridden U.K. United Kingdom.
The U.S. importers and wholesale/retail distributors have been locked out of their own American markets.
You have Communist Chinese engineers at Google in Silicon valley that spotted the opportunity, kick started it and now threaten your job and future today.
Donald Trump has warned you. Donald Trump knows that the slippery Chinese will push us until we stop moving backwards.
Amazon even holds meetings in Communist China for Chinese sellers that are destroying the U.S. free market.
Remember the U.S. Civil War.
The big problem in the North was that slave labor was being used in the Southern slave states, creating cheap products and taking all the business, and most importantly the profits.
American sellers are faltering, closing up, laying off their American workers thanks to Amazon and the Chinese menace.
Amazon is recruiting Chinese direct sellers, you can guess that Wal-Mart is doing the same thing? How about Staples, ROSS Stores and hundreds of others.
The American sellers on Amazon are getting killed, they've been cut out and that means a new harsh reality to you and your family.
Most of the worlds production is in China.
China will always have the cheapest price.
China is expanding.
China is a menace.
American sellers are following the Chinese sellers lower and lower on the consumer prices but we're at the point they will close.
Major American sellers have reduced their retail prices in America via Amazon by 20 to 30% and the prices keep falling.
Over 60% of Chinese e-commerce type sellers sell on Amazon.
The Bastard Jeff Bezos is also a menace.
Bezos is worth about $65 billion.
The Communist Chinese sellers that don't sell on Amazon, plan to sell on Amazon in the future. It only takes a day or two to start selling on Amazon.
Amazon even offers the Communist bastards a Chinese language version of its management systems.
Many people don't realize that over 30% of top sellers on Ebay are direct Communist Chinese e-commerce sellers.
The Chinese are eating your lunch.
Pay attention, Mexico is doing the same thing.
Stop Amazon and save your job and future.
They say Amazon is about your shipping experience, wrong, it's now about saving the United States by controlling our borders and putting tariffs on cheap ass imports from China, Mexico, Vietnam, Japan and other places. Amazon is bragging about hiring 10,000 people or so in the next year, big deal, they buy more KIVA robots from themselves as fast as the Amazon company KIVA can build the, in China.
Get Real,
Get Ready,
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