My friend Charlie called me a few days ago, he wanted me to help him understand import tariffs, border taxes, stock market drops and even troops on the U.S. Southern Border..
Charlie was just full of questions.. any good Obama Clinton Socialist my good friend Charlie was worried about his 401-K and all the talk about Amazon using the USPS Postal Services as last mile delivery boys.
I gave Charlie my mothers advice to me; don't worry about the stock market because it's fake, unless you've been tricked into investing in it..
She told me the stock market makes you cry happy in the morning and crying sad for real by supper time.. it's rigged.
You must buy real things.
Go out and buy land.
People, even socialist Charlie love the stock market as it climbs and climbs.. greed keeps them in.. so they suffer the roller coaster effects of going down really fast..
They worry about their investments.. silly as it sounds. Charlie has ten cents in his pocket, loose dimes from his social security disability monthly payments.
America loves Amazon Prime so don't worry about President Trump and his post office complaint.. sure the taxpayers help Bezos pay the freight.. the USPS overspends about $6 billion dollars per year, year after year... The next President could be elected by Amazon Prime Members alone.. it's a powerful force, ask Walmart.
Trump is placing tariffs or taxes on border imports. It's to balance trade, not to start a trade war that is being stirred up on progressive socialists networks like CNN and MSNBC and of course the old time rag New York Times.
Pig Farmers - Drug Cartels - Illegal Aliens - Stock Market Collapse - Trade War China - Syria - ALL GOOD THINGS for America - Donald Trump plays full court, media collapses...CNN MSNBC New York Times - misses the entire story again --- border war
If China is forced to pay a 24% import/border tariff/tax on some item, then U.S. manufacturing becomes a viable solution. China taxes our imports to China... they tax our products a lot.
China low balls all their products prices around the world. They force slave labor factories to produce cheap, export to the world, and they've made a killing.
Of course old Charlie loves a good price, not too concerned about economic slavery of Chinese people and Mexicans are truly needed in restaurants. Charlie has always been a talker, not really a doer.. so he's talking . . . almost shouting now.
Border Tax, Border Wall, Border War, China Imports, Amazon, USPS, Trade War, Walmart, Obama, Clinton, Trump, National Guard, Illegal Aliens, 912 Project Tea Party,
More brown people are moving North to cross the border, to get on welfare and hide in Charlies favorite restaurant. So, the American President said "nope - not this time".
The National Guard Troops are moving to the border states with Mexico which really pisses off the drug cartels and Charlie.
We have between 11 to 30 million dishwashers in America and they're illegal aliens. Charlie likes to call them immigrants but he knows that Pedro is an illegal alien.
That damn Trump.
It's always something with Charlie, he's never mentioned a pig farmer in his life... he waited for the New York Times to take pictures of pigs. If you've ever known a hog man you also know that they don't need help from the government.. leave them alone.. let them slop.. ham's forever.
I don't know Charlie, order bacon and eggs, help the pig farmers out..
I hear from Charlie about once a month.
Charlie will be looking out his window about now, singing the blues before breakfast, end up crying sad before supper.
Poor Charlie doesn't learn so he keeps repeating.
FACEBOOK is nothing, until you gave them money.