Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, June 20, 2014

IRS Lois Lerner Story James and Bill thought that Lois Lerner with the IRS was a traitor to the United States of America, maybe the worst kind. Lois Lerner, they thought, had a secret war against the Tea Party and they also thought fervently that her boss was in the White House. Lois Lerner had cut the head off the Statue of Liberty, she was a threat to justice, liberty and freedom. By using the power of the IRS she cheated free citizens of their rights. She conspired against the people, she conspired against everything good.

 James and Bill thought that Lois Lerner with the IRS  was a traitor to the United States of America, maybe the worst kind.  Lois Lerner, they thought, had a secret war against the Tea Party and they also thought fervently that her boss was in the White House.  Lois Lerner had cut the head off the Statue of Liberty, she was a threat to justice, liberty and freedom.  By using the power of the IRS she cheated free citizens of their rights.  She conspired against the people, she conspired against everything good. 

Her very acts at the IRS made her a criminal but working with the master inside the White House made her worse than Snowden and Bergdahl and the Secret Service was willing to riddle her story with the facts.

Lois Lerner is an assassin, she conspired to deprive honest Americans, their individual constitutional rights of free assembly, freedom of speech and their God given right to fight the tyrants in the White House.

Within 24 hours of the latest news about the Lois Lerner hard drives had been destroyed, James and Bill of the Secret Service took a leave of absence.   Every newspaper carried the Lois Lerner IRS Barack Obama scandal, including their boss at the Secret Service.  The secrets of the White House was starting to leak and James and Bill carried the passions to accidentally follow and identify the crimes and treason of Lois Lerner.  They had a goal, Lois Lerner of the IRS in a federal pokey and the President of the United States living in the cell next door.

In secrecy, James and Bill of the Secret Service formed a group of experts for the very big job ahead.  A few FBI agents joined their little agency and paid their own expenses just like James and Bill.

This would be dangerous work, the government was protecting her but they were law men and the underground world of Washington D.C. didn't scare them but they all made sure they each carried a gun. 

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