Understand that Robert Casey Senator Democrat Pennsylvania could care less about what you want for your God, Family or Country. The civil unrest you hear and see about is people trying to push and pull the democratic system to the left or right. Senator Robert Casey Jr Pa Senator has some story to tell but, most importantly, he also has a voting record. Time and Time again the Senator Bob Casey Jr votes all out for Obama and his radical agenda, destroying America and your U.S. Constitution, the bill of rights. As Pennsylvania taxpayer money moves around the world by the silent black hands of Barack Hussein Obama Robert Casey Pa Senator supports every Communist Socialist Marxist move Barack Obama Makes.

The story of Harrisburg Pennsylvania, the tens of thousands of citizens, community colleges and teachers unions is the village we can speak about. Lawful abortions, Gun Control, SNAP Food Stamps, Black Liberation, New Black Panthers, College Campus Problems, College graduate unemployment rates, unemployment and all the rest is happening right now in your back yard.
When you learn about the evil players and pals of Barack Hussein Obama you start seeing Robert Casey Pa Senator clearly, and then you become afraid.
It was just in the last three or so years, a short time looking back, that I was the clean-shaven, middleclass, white-color, middle manager making a great living and providing jobs to hundreds of people, right here in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. My family would sit down to dinner behind the closed and secure doors of our home in Cumberland County Pennsylvania right across the river from the capital of Pennsylvania. The excellent meal suddenly became the last supper when things started going terribly wrong with my employer. The union workforce demanded excellent benefits, higher and higher wages, longer breaks and even a company picnic but something was going very wrong and it was happening very fast.
In the midst of pleasantries one morning at work the entire facility seemingly stopped and my secretary “Ann” came running into my office. It was a little shocking that “Ann” was so abrupt and she at first felt my cold glance as she was being hasty and even short with me. She closed the door of my office and I noticed that her breathing was a little bit too fast and she was coming off as gruff and rude with every work she spoke.
I had no idea that the most extraordinary drama ever staged on American soil was unfolding just a few hours away from my family and home. “Ann” was afraid and exposed her fear by looking at me too long in a strange way. She told me to follow her and then I noticed outside my door the main office area was empty of the dozens of people that should be answering phones and clicking away on the company computers. I looked to the right and notice the employees were gone and it was quite, very quite.
I followed “Ann” down the hall and made a right into the employee break room where dozens of employees were watching the television set while they should have been working. Another two hundred or so employee’s were coming my way and it closely resembled some kind of work stoppage that the union promoted.

But I was wrong, terribly and spine-chilling wrong. I stood there with dozens of employees trying to squeeze closer to the nineteen inch color television screen. My eyes followed closely as the climate in the room was filled with fear as the jet flew directly into the world trade center skyscraper. A sudden change was clear “Ann” grabbed my arm like a long lost lover and she held me closer than I could ever imagine. I didn’t mind because her closely game me comfort as the composers of this massacre were probably yelling cheers my employees became wooden soldiers, silently starring at the screen, watching every movement and listening to every word that was being broadcast, the death of Manhattan and maybe the United States was at hand.
The faceless terrorists we would find out later were not top ranking Islamic or Muslim leaders they were just reckless and fearless radicals that carried out their mission of espionage for many months, trained to fly large aircraft and from some inner sanctum on the other side of the world their leadership had pushed the go button.
Behind their secret masks of religion our laws and constitution had protected their every movement inside the United States. The spy ring of killers wasn’t a movie it was happening right now and surely their boss was watching on CNN just like we were. Masquerading on the East Coast as just regular people they planned and plotted this attack on the United States and in with their cold language of hate they put the United States on her knees and it was only the beginning.
The disturbing report was confirmed by our own general office located just across the water from the World Trade Center. My employees were in immediate danger as I had associates with tractors and trailers in and around New York City every day of the week, including this day.
Our world fell silent and just as fast the entire world called my facility. It was the wives of the men driving the trucks. It was the children of the woman that should be clicking away on computers and handling customer calls. It was my other distant managers calling in for instructions and it was even second shift people calling to say that they wouldn’t be coming to work that night. The world changed in moments, seemingly never to return to normal.
We would find out months later that our own secret services had hints of some actions planned against America. We would know that many failures allowed the terrorists to attack but we went to war quickly to kill those who killed us and we did it better than the terrorists. From Washington D.C. and the Pentagon our Armies, Navy, Air Force and Marines were sent into great actions and we served notice to the world that America was strong and we would fight and we could kill the people that would harm us, anywhere in the world.
American agents filled the war regions and gathered information about these terrorists and their sponsors. The Soviet Union (Russia) was watching our every move as was Communist China, North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Syria and many others. The wrath of the United States was felt in days and we destroyed the enemy in Afghanistan and we warned the world you must be for us or against us and loyalty was a virtue and disloyalty would be met with the full military and economic forces of the United States.
The D.O.D. Depart of Defense, The C.I.A. Central Intelligence Agency, The N.S.A. National Security Agency, the F.B.I. Federal Bureau of Investigation and dozens of other agencies went to work and went to war at the same time. The enemies of the United States rose up their men and sent them to kill Americans and kill American friends around the world. The Communist party celebrated that the great western civilization had been hit by a two bit cave dweller and we were bleeding badly both in blood and treasure. We invaded Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of people quickly and with little effort. Our tanks and planes and our men worked in harmony and we delivered death to the men, women and even the children of our enemies. The leader of Iraq was hanged by the citizens and we spent billions of dollars every month securing the country and protecting our friends of oil in Saudi Arabia. Iran supplied arms and cash to our battle ground enemies and dozens and then hundreds of U.S. soldiers started to die. We watched smart bombs and dumb Arab’s meet on the battlefields and we killed them as fast as they raised their weapons.

America had been caught with our guard down and we paid a price and with fast talk and planning the terrorists starting hitting us around the world. With our neck in the noose we fought on and carried pain, death and destruction to the faithful radical Muslim. The objectives of the Islamic Muslim Fundamental Radicals were to destroy the great Satan and they worked day and night killing us all over the world.
Fast talking politicians filled our heads with war songs and war worries. We have spent hundreds of billions of dollar and even created super agencies like the T.S.A. Homeland Security to guard our airports, borders, ports and citizens. The blockbuster war in Afghanistan didn’t take that long at first but Iraq was tougher and it seemed that the wars would never end. Hard left learning politicians glibly took shots at President Bush for trying to strike out first and go out and kill the people that wanted to kill us. Great political battles were brewing and they were not always below the surface. Great debates, biased mainstream media giants started taking sides and new politicians with breathtaking plans for prosperity ran for office including Barack Hussein Obama for President of the United States. Many convinced the left leaning side of America that these terrorist killers were just misunderstood and needed our help out of poverty so we had to share the blame for the attack of 09-11. The presidential primary was full of hate and the promise of hope and change. Hillary Rodham Clinton wanted to be president but she wasn’t black enough and she was still married to the cigar-sexed fiend X-President Bill Clinton who became world infamous for his impeachment. McCain wanted to be president and thought he deserved it because he was shot down over Vietnam during the Vietnam War and he selected a little known woman Sarah Palin as his V.P. running mate. Nobody knew her name but she was a good looking woman and she would serve as the counterweight to Hillary Clinton if she became the Democratic front runner for President. The faithful and hopeful starting to turn to this young black man that nobody knew anything about. This Barack Obama gave a speech and all of a sudden people were shouting his name and the black faithful rose to the occasion. The left leaning national media simply fell in love with the Negro that didn’t speak like a Negro and wore nice clothes and could make a crown cry with love.

The stage was set for a great war-time-message presidential primary of 2008 when something else went really wrong. One morning the entire money supply of the United States of America stopped moving but it wasn’t really a surprise to a lot of people. The U.S. Housing market was over-priced and mortgage holders had been losing their jobs since 09-11 and they were missing their monthly mortgage payments. The President of the United States George Bush was not sure what to do with this mysterious monetary cash flow problem. His top advisors from the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve advised the President that this was not just a close shave but this could be a complete meltdown, in economic terms, of the United States of America.
The United States was directly involved in two wars at the same time in Afghanistan and Iraq and now the so called housing bubble was about to burst. The credit markets around the world started to freeze up, investors lost millions and billions, insurance companies charged with the losses couldn’t cover their bets, housing pricing fell and people lost all the equity in their property, banks called in loans, 401-K’s lost 50% of their value, hundreds of thousands of people were sent home, unemployment claims jumped into the hundreds of thousands monthly, employers couldn’t borrow short term for payrolls or equipment and the world as we knew it, came to a complete stop. Wall-Street bankers and investors had done something ingenious but foolish. They loaned billions and billions of dollars to lower middle class families that couldn’t pay their bills. Why would smart bankers do such a foolish thing; because politicians in Washington D.C. told them to or else. President Bill Clinton, President George Bush and many other dozen famous Democratic and Republican politicians wanted the lower middle class and minority vote so they had the government guarantee the loans to people that didn’t have the ability to pay their monthly bills. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton dictated that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan money to deadbeats and have the giant insurance agency A.I.G. back and guarantee the loans. These Wall-Street bankers and investment firms simply sold them around the world to other investors by the hundreds of thousands. Far away populations bought up the bad loans unknowingly and they hit the same quick-sand that we did. The insurance giant A.I.G. had to be bailed out by the U.S. taxpayer and giant financial institution required hundreds of billions of dollars in immediate cash that could only come from the U.S. government. With hundreds of billions of dollars being spent on the two wars we simply borrowed more money from foreign investors (China) (Russia) and printed more fiat money (Federal Reserve) to bail out giant international firms, foreign banks and even the U.S. automotive industry.

The presidential primary candidates (McCain-Republican) (Sarah Palin-Republican) (Hillary Rodham Clinton-Democrat) (Joe Biden-Democrat) (Barack Hussein Obama-Democrat) all told the world that they had the plan to fix everything. These political salespeople had no idea what to do but they bristled with thousands of words of hope-change-peace and prosperity. The accusing fingers started to point and tycoons were losing their fortunes, their mansions, their factories and their ability for wealth generation. People wanted to arrest the bankers but not the Congressmen or the Senators that pushed the banks into the bad loans. Rings of disorder started to appear across the world including the United States. It was revealed that good old-fashioned greed and with the help of the Clinton and Bush administrations hundreds of billions of dollars in bad loans, worthless properties, closed up and boarded up factories, depression era unemployment, poverty and starvation were about to strike the United States.
The double-edged swords of opportunity and failure, fear and poverty, hope and change, cash and credit, black and white, poor and rich was unmasked by this young black senator that gave his speech to the American people called Barack Hussein Obama. Last minute tip-offs about Barack Obama did little good because the media giants wanted the new and exciting Negro as president to confirm their own power and goodwill to the generations of slaves from over 150 years ago. The Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Gangster, Black Liberation, Black Panther connections were being revealed but it was too late for America.
Under the great darkness of war and economic confusion and while American men and women were dying on the battlefields, the truth about Barack Hussein Obama II, also known by the alias Barry Soetoro during his time in Indonesia (reportedly born August 4, 1961, in Hawaii)
President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a “lawyer”. He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. A “Voluntary Surrender” is not something where you decide “Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it?” and forget to renew your license. No, a “Voluntary Surrender” is something you do when you’ve been accused of something, and you ‘voluntarily surrender” your license five seconds before the state suspends you. A senior lecturer is one thing, a fully ranked law professor is another. Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago.
Obama Is Responsible For “The Most Rapid Increase In The Debt Under Any U.S. President.” “The latest posting by the Treasury Department shows the national debt has now increased $4 trillion on President Obama’s watch. The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion. It’s the most rapid increase in the debt under any U.S. president.” (Mark Knoller, “National Debt Has Increased $4 Trillion Under Obama,” CBS News, 8/22/11)
The Solyndra Scandal “Shows How Wealthy People Who Help Fund A President’s Election Campaign Get Special Access To The White House.” “The scandal at base is about how taxpayer money is used, or misused, by government. It shows how the White House uses companies for its own purposes and how companies try to use the White House to serve their aims. It shows how far political appointees, and particularly the senior-most aides in the West Wing, will go to push the chief executive’s agenda on a sometimes slow but generally conscientious federal bureaucracy. And it shows how wealthy people who help fund a president’s election campaign get special access to the White House.” (Patrick B. Pexton, “Post Reporters, Shining A Light On The Solyndra Scandal,” The Washington Post, 11/25/11)

General Services Administration’s 2010 Western Region Conference In Las Vegas “Made Headlines When An Inspector General Report Found A Pattern Of Excessive Spending, Waste, And Possible Fraud On The Pricey, Taxpayer-Funded Las Vegas Conference.” “The conference made headlines this week when an Inspector General report found a pattern of excessive spending, waste and possible fraud on the pricey, taxpayer-funded Las Vegas conference, where organizers went out of their way to organize a lavish, over-the-top celebration that included a mindreader, a clown, fancy food, and several ‘trial runs’ by GSA employees.” (Byron Tau, “Videos Of $800K GSA Conference Surface,” Politico, 4/7/12)
The Solyndra Scandal Shows How Despite Obama’s Promises To Be “Transparent, Accountable, And Responsible,”He “Often Isn’t.” “The reporters have used these documents to push the story further and tie it to fundraisers. They have also consulted forensic accountants to help analyze how sick Solyndra was when its executives, and Obama officials, were publicly touting the company’s rosy future. And they have shown that an administration that promised to be transparent, accountable and responsible often isn’t.” (Patrick B. Pexton, “Post Reporters, Shining A Light On The Solyndra Scandal,” The Washington Post, 11/25/11)
The “Fast And Furious” Operation Was An ATF Program That Tracked Weapons Sold To Illegal Buyers In Hopes Of Arresting Mexican Drug Cartel Members. “Agents with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders and arrest them. But they lost track of more than 2,000 weapons, and the Mexican government says some of them have turned up at about 170 crime scenes there.” (Richard A. Serrano, “Emails Show Top Justice Department Officials Knew Of ATF Gun Program,” Los Angeles Times, 10/03/11)
Two “Fast And Furious” Weapons Were “Found At The Scene Of The Dec. 14 Shooting Of US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.” “The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is facing criticism of a program that funneled illegal guns into the hands of Mexican gun runners, drug gangs, and other criminals after two of those guns were found at the scene of the Dec. 14 shooting of US border patrol agent Brian Terry by Mexican bandits in Arizona…The Dec. 14 shootout in Peck Canyon, near Nogales, Ariz., occurred after border patrol agents halted a group of armed border bandits and fired at them with bean bag guns. The bandits then opened fire with live bullets from AK-47 submachine guns, killing Mr. Terry.” (Patrik Jonsson, “Did Flawed US Policies Play Role In Death Of Border Patrol Agent?,” The Christian Science Monitor, 3/4/11)

In October 2011, Jon Corzine’s Wall Street Firm, MF Global, Filed For Bankruptcy. “Broker-dealer MF Global, headed by former New Jersey governor and Goldman Sachs chairman John Corzine, has filed for bankruptcy protection, apparently because of holdings of European debt.” (“Broker-Dealer MF Global Files For Bankruptcy,” USA Today, 10/31/11) Reports Now Show There Is $1.6 Billion Missing From Customer Accounts. “The MF Global Missing Money Caper continues. Earlier this week, MF Global’s trustee provided an update on several things but not the missing money. Turns out he just needed a few more days so the world could get ready to hear this: There’s another $400 million now included in the official figure. (Insert Law & Order sound effect here.) Colleague Jacob Bunge is reporting that the new estimate for the deficiency in customer accounts is $1.6 billion.” (David Benoit, “MF Global Missing $1.6 Billion, Counting U.K.,” The Wall Street Journal’s “Deal Journal,” 2/10/12)
Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, set for release in July, titled The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, the Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor. In my research, I read about 500 pages of the Chicago Star, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) newspaper for Chicago from 1946-48. The founding editor-in-chief for the Star was Frank Marshall Davis. These pages are unflaggingly pro-Soviet. From line to line and page to page, they unflinchingly toe the CPUSA/Soviet line Frank Marshall Davis's 600-page FBI file notes that Davis "became interested in the Communist Party" in the early 1930s. Among the chief attractions for Davis was the case of Angelo Herndon, a cause célèbre for communists. Davis discussed Herndon in his memoirs, describing him as a "young black Communist" of "unbelievable courage," who had prompted a "number" of "young Afro-Americans" to join the Communist Party.

Congress gave Panetta a pass when he became CIA director and then Secretary of Defense, despite his long record of associations with identified communist Hugh DeLacy, who had connections to the Chinese government. Not surprisingly, the Soros-funded Media Matters came to Panetta’s defense, accusing conservatives of a “smear” for raising the inconvenient facts about his record, including opposition to President Reagan’s anti-communist defense policies. Media Matters has White House connections and specializes in intimidating the media when they dare to question the White House line. Fortunately, the facts, including some of a personal nature, were included in a column by the courageous Diana West, who commented that the evidence showed that Panetta had “a cordial, long-term relationship in the 1970s and 1980s” with Hugh DeLacy, a Communist Party USA member elected to one term in Congress while pretending to be a Democrat in 1944. Incriminating “Dear Hugh” and “Dear Leon” documents were obtained by researcher Trevor Loudon at the University of Washington. West went on, “DeLacy later co-founded the communist-penetrated Progressive Party that nominated Henry Wallace for president in 1948. By the 1970s, DeLacy was still politically active, with connections to known Soviet agents including Victor Perlo of the infamous Perlo spy group, and Frank Coe and Solomon Adler of the equally infamous Silvermaster spy group. DeLacy is also associated with suspected Soviet agent John Stewart Service of the ‘Amerasia’ spy case.” She noted that “DeLacy was of sufficient interest to Communist China to have scored a paid junket to the People’s Republic in 1974,” and there “met up with Service, Coe and Adler, who was then thought to be working for Chinese intelligence.”

Americans have been stonewalled, ignored and disrespected in our quests for information about the Obama administration's lethal Operation Fast and Furious. The fact that the Obama Justice Department, headed by Attorney General Eric Holder, is now sending reporters to the far left, George Soros funded, Media Mattersfor factual information about one of the bloodiest scandals in U.S. history, is no surprise and totally predictable. This is just an extension of the Obama administration's shameless coverup and refusal to tell the truth about Fast and Furious. The Justice Department has blood on its hands, there are at least 300 Mexican citizens dead and two of our federal agents have been murdered as a result of this program. The Obama administration as a whole refuses to take responsibility and provide transparency for an American public outraged by this scandal. The Justice Department is responsible for upholding the law in a fair, unbiased and non-political manner, but the current politically appointed DOJ leadership has chosen to engage in promoting a far Left and controversial agenda. Apparently, the new spokesperson for the Justice Department is Media Matters.
Electing Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 and how they tried their hardest to bury the Jeremiah Wrightstory - Obama's anti-Semitic, anti-white, anti-America friend and spiritual advisor for 20 years. That's not really news, though, just further confirmation of the truth. What is interesting is how many people on Capital Hill are scared because Nancy Pelosi isn't wasn't supposed to end up Minority Leader, she should have been gone. This means that someone got to her with something big. This particular interview seemed odd - to the point that it was, well, weird. Without knowing the identities, nothing can be confirmed, but much has been proven factual. The fact that the interviewer threatened the White House Insider, who then caved and responded, just didn't add up. Beyond that, we have more nuggets of information that paint the picture. Democrats that wanted Pelosi ousted from the top position, and who weren't defeated in the midterm election, are spooked, as are their allies. Nobody knows how Pelosi stayed on as Minority Leader; the White House wanted her gone; she was supposed to lose. Let her carry her water for two years, push through massively unpopular legislation with the Democratic majority, then push her out two years before the next presidential election.

Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi born March 26, 1940)
Nancy Pelosi is among the richest members of Congress, with an estimated net worth of approximately $58 million, the 12th highest estimated net worth in Congress, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi threatened former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Monday. She insinuated she would release secret information from Ethics Committee proceedings. Martha Stewart went to jail. Pelosi continues to walk the streets of Washington after making money on insider information—Congress gives itself a pass on the laws that apply to the rest of us. “Pelosi, D-Calif., and her husband have participated in at least eight IPOs while having access to information directly relating to the companies involved. One of those came in 2008, from Visa, just as a troublesome piece of legislation that would have hurt credit card companies, began making its way through the House. “
Pelosi’s brother-in-law got a sweetheart deal from the US Dept. of Energy when taxpayers coughed up more than $700 million to a firm where her brother-in-law is a partner.
Early on in the waiver process, however, of a sampler of 204 new Obamacare waivers, 38 were for restaurants, nightclubs and hotels in Pelosi’s Northern California district.
When Obama won the White House in 2008, his party had absolute control of Washington since Democrats had already gained absolute control of both the Senate and the House in the 2006 midterms. Pelosi and her Democrats’ policies have led to skyrocketing household utility bills, increased food prices, increased health insurance premiums, increased costs for used car parts and declining home values.
Rep. Charlie Rangel’s (D-N.Y.) tax shenanigans are public knowledge. Despite that, Pelosi left him in charge of the committee that writes tax regulations. An average American would go to jail—Rangel kept his committee chair despite not reporting half his net worth among other lapses. Rangel wasn’t the only shady politician Pelosi tolerated—there’s a long list. Among the names, former Rep. Tim Mahoney(D-Fla.), the late Rep. John Murtha (D-Penn.), now imprisoned Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.)—
George SorosHungarian: Soros György; Hungarian: born August 12, 1930, as Schwartz György)
In 2010, tax records show that Soros, a convicted inside trader with extensive knowledge of the American financial system and government policies under Obama, deployed grantees from his Open Society Foundations to lobby for and acquire federal contracts for job training, green energy, and community redevelopment programs. By gaining control over those resources, Soros advanced his agenda for “green economics,” open borders, and increased government handouts. In short, he grew his empire, which includes much of the “progressive” movement in the U.S., as the federal government itself grew. In the report, Tina Trent analyzes George Soros’s grants to organizations in 2010. Four powerful organizations and coalitions—The STAR Coalition, The Gamaliel Foundation, the Apollo Alliance, and Green for All – are given detailed scrutiny in this regard, with the involvement of Van Jonesgetting special mention. Jones is the former Obama “Green Jobs Czar” fired after information about his communist past surfaced through the work of anti-communist blogger Trevor Loudon and then-Fox News personality Glenn Beck.
New reports claim that billionaire George Soros has offered his ex-girlfriend Adriana Ferreyr $250,000 to “persuade her” to drop a $50 million lawsuit. Brazilian actress Adriana Ferreyr, 28, launched legal proceedings against George Soros, 81, in August 2011 after he allegedly broke a promise to buy her a $1.9 million apartment.
The Obama campaign donor pay-to-play scandal gets more interesting. Now it looks like Obama’s boss, and political donor, George Soros (fat-cat hedge fund manager Obama claims not to like) has monetary ties to LightSquared.LightSquared is the latest scandal for Obama. He invested in LightSquared. His FCC granted LightSquared a waiver. His administration tried to get two generals to change their testimony about LightSquared. LightSquared executives gave money to Obama’s presidential campaign. Of course we all know what’s going on but Team Obama wants the taxpayers to believe this is all just coincidence.

A key asset of George Soros's British-directed "Opium War" against Ibero-America, Argentine Supreme Court Magistrate Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni, is embroiled in a growing scandal over the discovery that six of eleven apartments he owns in Buenos Aires have operated as whorehouses for the past five years. A "VIP" escort service operated from one of the apartments in the capital's exclusive Recoleta district.
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton born October 26, 1947),
The White House travel office controversy, sometimes referred to as Travelgate was the first major ethics controversy of the Clinton administration. It began in May 1993, when seven employees of the White House Travel Office were fired. This action was unusual because although its employees served at the pleasure of the President and could be dismissed without cause, in practice, such employees had remained in their posts for many years. The White House claimed the firings were done because financial improprieties in the Travel Office operation had been revealed by a brief FBI investigation. Critics contended the firings were done to allow friends of the Clintons to take over the travel business and that the involvement of the FBI was unwarranted. Heavy media attention forced the White House to reinstate most of the employees in other jobs and remove the Clinton associates from the travel role.
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate, arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to Federal Bureau of Investigation security-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission. The revelations provoked a strong political and press reaction because many of the files covered White House employees from previous Republican administrations, including top presidential advisors. Under criticism, Livingstone resigned from his position. Allegations were made that senior White House figures, including First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, may have requested and read the files for political purposes, and that the First Lady had authorized the hiring of the underqualified Livingstone
The Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal emerging in 1998, from a sexual relationship between United States President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. The news of this extra-marital affair and the resulting investigation eventually led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in a 21-day Senate trial
The Whitewater controversy(also called the Whitewater scandal, Whitewatergate, or most often, simply Whitewater) was an American politics controversy that began with the real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates, Jim and Susan McDougal in the Whitewater Development Corporation, a failed business venture in the 1970s and 1980s.
Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr. born November 20, 1942),
The daughter of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was at the centre of a storm last night after allegedly being caught on tape taking cocaine. In the video footage, a woman resembling 27-year-old Ashley Biden is seen snorting lines of white powder at a house party this month in her home state of Delaware, according to the New York Post. The alleged drug video is the first scandal to taint the Obama White House and comes as a personal embarrassment to Mr Biden, an outspoken anti-drugs campaigner. He had no comment on the allegations yesterday.
Biden's exit from the 1988 race is worth recalling in detail, because his transgressions far exceeded Obama's own relatively innocent lifting of rhetorical set pieces from his friend Deval Patrick, which occasioned a brief flap last February. Biden's misdeeds encompassed numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect. In some ways, the 1988 campaign—in which scandal forced not just Biden but also Gary Hart from the race—marked a watershed in the absurd gotcha politics that have since marred our politics and punditry.
The bishop of Scranton, Pa., home to a strong conservative Catholic population, has forbidden Sen. Joe Biden, a Scranton native, from receiving communion in his hometown. Biden, like 14 other Democrats in the Senate, is both pro-choice and Catholic. So the bishop decreed that the party's vice presidential candidate was not welcome at the communion rail. Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey Jr. is the only Senate Democratic Catholic who is against abortion rights. Yet, he voted last year with the others on a bill that would have overturned the "Mexico City policy," which prohibits U.S. foreign aid for organizations that provide abortions. Many priests (roughly 5,000 were accused) have been found to have abused young males and young girls, some of them altar boys. For years, the problem was hidden from public view, with priests routinely sent to other parishes without warning the new church—and certainly without informing the authorities. Some cardinals were even involved, and they were, in my view, committing criminal acts as conspirators. More than $1 billion in church and insurance money has been paid to victims of pedophilia and their families for the suffering they endured. Most of the victims were youngsters who looked on priests as moral guardians and were afraid to even tell their parents.

Most Democrats on Capitol Hill were friendly with major figures in the S&L scandal, because they were important fundraisers for the Democratic Party. However, Joseph Biden's connection to the S&L debacle also connects him to the most notorious banking scandal of the 20th century, the Bank of Credit and Commerce Intl. (BCCI). Joseph Biden has been a Delaware Senator since he won the 1972 election. He served as the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee from 1987-1995 where he had oversight authority for the Department of Justice at the height of the S&L scandal, and the investigation into BCCl, dubbed the Bank of Crooks and Criminals by Robert Gates, at that time the Deputy Director of the CIA. He, also, served as an influential member of the Foreign Relations Committee. Biden's connection to prominent figures in the Savings & Loan disaster dates back to the mid -70s, when he was a political favorite of Jake and C.H. Butcher, tycoons in the S&L industry until the collapse of their banking empire in 1984, which cost the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation an estimated $1.1 billion, and led to the largest closure of banks since the Great Depression. Butcher banks had been in trouble with regulators since '75, however, they were able to maintain their fraudulent business practices through political interference with bank regulators; a service that was bought by generous campaign contributions. The support Biden received to secure his 3rd, and 4th term in the Senate, and to enter into the 1988 presidential race, came from S&L industry high-flyers who were not only responsible for plundering tax-payer insured deposits while criminal referrals submitted by examiners went unanswered. Biden's supporters, also, enabled a Pakistani bank, popular with terrorist organizations, and built on profits from the drug trade, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies, to penetrate the U.S. banking industry. The Bank of Credit and Commerce Intl. (BCCI) was founded in Karachi, Pakistan in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi, a close friend of Jimmy Carter. It grew into one of the world's largest private banks with 400 branches spread throughout 73 countries, and $23 billion in assets. BCCI consisted of layers of interlocking corporate entities, which enabled it to decentralize record keeping, avoid banking regulations, and evade a complete audit of its operations. Due to this, the extent of BCCI's illicit financial activity remains obscure. However, in 1991, there was enough documented evidence for regulators to work in concert to shut down BCCI internationally. BCCI has been referred to as the largest case of organized crime in history. Its unique corporate structure was established with the intent of facilitating illegal activity, and its roster of account holders was a who's who of drug lords, intelligence personnel from hostile nations, and terrorists. The investigation into BCCI was touched off by the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Narcotics, Terrorism, and International Relations led by John Kerry, which, at the time, was investigating allegations that CIA supported Contra forces were engaged in drug trafficking.
Twenty years ago, Biden was, in a sense, the Obama of his time, a young turk of a politician with a gift for soaring, transcendental rhetoric. But his first bid for the presidency imploded in 1988 when he was accused of plagiarizing a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock that described the candidate's working-class roots. Biden was forced from the race after the campaign of eventual nominee Michael Dukakis circulated a videotape with Biden failing to give credit to Kinnock for a speech he gave in Iowa.
David M. Axelrod(born February 22, 1955),
The charge that the Obama administration coordinated with the health-care industry in 2009 — during the Obamacare fight — to send a good chunk of business to the consulting firm founded by presidential adviser David Axelrod has resurfaced in the news media, with the House Energy and Commerce Committee recently releasing a barrage of emails showing communications between the administration and the industry sent ahead of the push for Obama’s health care overhaul. At issue is whether the White House worked with officials inside the industry to form the outside group, “Healthy Economy Now,” which ran pro-Obamacare ads with the help of Axelrod’s former political consulting firm, AKPD Message and Media. In 2009, the firm not only still employed Axelrod’s son, but it still owed the presidential adviser money as part of his buy-out deal with the firm ahead of leaving to work in the White House.
Radio Talk Show host Mark Levin exposed David Axelrod’s communist roots on his talk show tonight. Axelrod is in charge of the Obama reelection campaign and a former presidential top adviser to Obama. Among the revelations Levin made tonight are that Axelrod has connections with well known US Communists and that the Soviets had infiltrated the US government and funded the US Communist Party. And this is news? Of course they did!! Levin described Axelrod as a mean and evil man and a hard radical leftist and said that is why Obama likes him. Levin also spoke of the Weather Underground as a communist terror org who blew up buildings. Levin said Axelrod needs to be exposed and this news needs to be everywhere so the American people know what’s going on. Yeah what’s going on is the Communists have now taken the highest office in the land!!
The David Axelrod factor. Axelrod is Obama's chief campaign strategist, who specializes in sloganeering. Axelrod coined the "hope and change" slogan in 2008, and may have helped devise "Forward!"in 2012. Axelrod is likewise a product of this Chicago world, including (to some degree) the communist influences. Axelrod was mentored by David Canter. David and his father, Harry, were part of Chicago's communist orbit. Harry had been secretary of Boston's Communist Party, and both father and son spent the 1930s in Moscow, where Harry worked for the Soviet government as a translator of Lenin's writings. Harry was among the small group that purchased the Chicago Star from Frank Marshall Davis in September 1948. Harry was familiar to Star readers. Among other instances, he appeared in the April 28, 1947 edition, wishing "May Day Greetings" to fellow comrades. Davis would have joined Harry at that May Day parade in Chicago. Davis editorialized in support of the 1947 May Day. Both Harry and David Canter, like Davis, worked in the communist publishing world. In fact, David Canter worked with Frank Marshall Davis -- and also with Vernon Jarrett, Valerie Jarrett's father-in-law -- as a writer for the communist-controlled Packinghouse Workers Union.

Valerie Bowman Jarrett(born November 14, 1956)
Anthony Kapel "Van" Jones (born September 20, 1968)
and hundreds of others came to power including some gangster friends,
Antoin "Tony" Rezko(born 1955) is a American businessman. He lived in Chicago, and was convicted on several counts of fraud and bribery in 2008 and he’s also the gangster that loaned out cash money to Obama for his new home.
The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama's new home was purchased.
Rod Blagojevich (born December 10, 1956) is a convicted felon and former American politician who served as the 40th Governor of Illinois.
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama(born January 17, 1964) is the wife of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama “voluntarily surrendered” her law license in 1993. After a Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or standing trial for Insurance fraud!
Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House. The charges arose from the Lewinsky scandal and the Paula Jones lawsuit.
Friends and Associates of President Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton
Jim Guy Tucker: Governor of Arkansas at the time, removed from office (fraud, 3 counts) John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker (tax fraud) William J. Marks, Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker business partner (conspiracy) Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide (conspiracy to misapply funds). Bill Clinton pardoned. Webster Hubbell: Clinton political supporter; Rose Law Firm partner (embezzlement, fraud) Jim McDougal: banker, Clinton political supporter: (18 felonies, varied) Susan McDougal: Clinton political supporter (multiple fraud) Bill Clinton pardoned David Hale: banker, self proclaimed Clinton political supporter: (conspiracy, fraud) Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president (embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign) Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker (multiple loan fraud) Bill Clinton pardoned Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent (multiple loan fraud) Robert W. Palmer: Madison appraiser (conspiracy). Bill Clinton pardoned. John Latham: Madison Bank CEO (bank fraud) Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant (multiple -bribery) Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant (bribery)

Listening in on U.S. Senator Bob Casey Jr who is running for re-election makes you want to jump into a foxhole. You’d jump too if you knew the truth about Robert Casey Jr Pa Democratic Senator but nobody will print the truth. The headline story in the Sunday Patriot-News Pennsylvania’s Crap-Ass-Capitol newspaper reads Casey doesn’t embrace Obama’s tax-rate plans. The Associated Press story by Marc Levy and reprinted by the Patriot-News is just another example of the main stream press paying $25 bucks for a fill article to sell more advertising. Pennsylvania is going to do it again, if you don’t jump up right now, throw out the Patriot-News morning paper and hit the street. The constant bombardment from the media has Pennsylvania stuck in the slow lane, dumb Democrats that got cheated last time, yes it’s true, are lining up to vote for the slow-boy Robert Casey Jr.
You can hear the sinister crackle of the Associated Press typewriter and their editors dangerous words and opinions hitting the street of the new Pennsylvania. We have a Republican Governor but the Obama socialist bombs are dropping all over the state and the nation. The Obama Robert Casey Jr propaganda is the deadliest weapon of this modern political war. This sinister crackle of socialism, communism and Marxism is spread by newspapers, radio and television networks like CNN, CBS, ABC,NBC, MSNBC and even at times FOX news.
The Pennsylvania Democrat Party is little more than messengers from Obama and Casey simply follows instructions from Barack Obama and should be considered a saboteur of the U.S. Constitution and the honest American way of life. Obama spies are found at your local grocery stores, most likely using their SNAP welfare money to buy booze and cigarettes. You also find big-union spies and big-business spies hovering around the Washington money piles to get their part of your money.
Aimed straight at the heart of the United States Robert Casey Jr Pa Senator is powerful enough to harm the state and destroy the United States. This piss-ant article in the Patriot News Sunday edition July 29,2012 indicates that Robert Casey wants higher taxes on higher earners. We’ll who didn’t know that? Senator Robert Casey Pa Democrat wants to tax your cat, your cat food and the house you let it live in. Senator Robert Bob Casey Jr continues to hurl Obama B.S. around the world and now it’s voting time again.
Senator Robert Casey Pa Democrat has always supported Barack Hussein Obama’s signature policies that include ObamaCare, High National Debt, Borrowing money from Communist China, Stopping the Drilling in the Gulf, Giving General Motors to the Union-Thugs at the United Auto Workers Union, Supporting NEA teachers union and their communist pensions, Helping the SEIU stay in business and continue to import and hide illegal aliens, Granting freedom to the Illegal Aliens by the millions, Helping the Federal Reserve print fiat money and then giving it away to unions and haters of America.
I couldn’t find anything about the truth in the Patriot-News article that tells the whole story. Why waste the paper or the ink? The biggest crime organization in the world is Barack Hussein Obama and Robert Casey supported his every move. If you vote for Robert Casey Jr to continue in the Senate you’re responsible for killing the constitution, open borders where spies, terrorists, drug cartel guns and drugs, voter fraud, big-union corruption, teacher union pensions and a thousand other things that killed the U.S. economy and will destroy the free world.
Taxpaying citizens no longer have a voice. This junk b.s. article found in the Patriot News Sunday edition is the perfect example. The article by the Associated Press really gives nothing for the voter to measure. Powerful foreign transmitters flood the world with anti-American propaganda, hate-America, defeat-Capitalism and a host of other kill Americans at all costs around the world. The Muslim Brother, the friends of Obama (CAIR) and buddies of Senator Robert Casey are now surrounding you and they call it Sharia Law. Ask the folks in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania about their local judge letting the Islam Muslim Gangster off the hook after he assaulted a citizen.

Robert Casey Pa Democratic Senator really doesn’t care that thousands of homes, American homes are boarded up and empty and tens of thousands of people are homeless. Robert Casey Jr doesn’t care about the 50% of Americans paying all the bills and the other 50% that watch big-screen t.v’s and refuse to work. If you go to the mall today about 50% of every human being you see is being fed tonight by borrowed money from China. Obama’s eager agents even advertise to feed the illegal aliens found in every town across America. The Obama oily voice of socialism, communism and Marxism is now heard around the world and Robert Casey is the voice behind the voice of Obama. Obama’s power comes from Senators just like Robert Casey Jr Pa Democrat and they must be stopped. Harmlessly Bob Casey wanders around being everybody’s friend while at the same time he’s cutting your economic throat. Your children and grand-children will starve, live in tiny little apartments, wait on the electric bus, eat government food and remain in poverty if Robert Casey Jr and Barack Hussein Obama return to office.
Senator Robert Casey, luckily too dumb to climb the political ladder, is very dangerous to the United States, your individual rights and liberties and is the prime mover in re-distribution of your wealth and property. Bob Casey often times betrays everything that’s good in America and he changes his tone when running for re-election. Robert Casey is a bad diplomat and he knows nothing about the military and he always backs up the black-liberation b.s. from the black-panthers, the new black-panthers, voter fraud, black farmers receiving billions of dollars and at the same time giving us that innocent high-school boy look while supporting Barack Obama’s street black gang called ACORN.
You remember the hundreds of billions of dollars that we had to borrow from China to give away to foreign countries called the stimulus package. Billions more spent on health care laws that we know and love as ObamaCare, Casey Obama immigration bill called the DREAM ACT, bail out of U.S. Auto Makers, the giving away of Chrysler to Fiat and General Motors now owned by the Union Thugs United Auto Workers. Robert Casey also had a hand in the overhaul of the financial services, thousands of new regulations, repeal of the military’s ban on the gays in the services, another Robert Casey Jr queer idea.
Casey is a 52 year old idiot and that’s just a guess going by his voting record. Robert Casey and Barack Obama have made a frontal attack on liberty and freedom and now their flanking you with the help of the Associated Press, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and giving the voter bad information, incomplete stories. Uncle Sam is gone forever.
Every hour of the day, every day of the week, every week of the year Senator Robert Casey Jr Pa Democrat and Barack Hussein Obama try to choke off the flow of the truth, change history, corrupt the children, feed the worthless, give health care to the thugs, robbers and drug dealers and hand the free enterprise taxpayer the bill.
Stop U.S. Senator Bob Casey and stop Barack Hussein Obama at the same time. Find your tea party in your strategic location and get the truth out and get the vote out against Casey and Obama.