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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning testified her brother, a 1992 Clinton campaign worker, warned "we will destroy you" if she talked.
Washington Times 7/15/98 Bill Sammon "Attorneys for Dolly Kyle Browning, who says she had a long-term affair with President Clinton, accused the president yesterday of defaming her and warned him to reach a settlement by July 27 or face a civil lawsuit."
Freeper report 9/26/98 on ".51. For example, as part of this effort to prevent publication of Mrs. Browning's manuscript, Jane Mayer, on information and belief, at Mr. Clinton's or his agents' direction and/or request, published an article in the May 26, 1997 edition of The New Yorker magazine that attributed false, misleading, and disparaging statements about her manuscript, "Purposes of the Heart," to Alfred S. Regnery, President of Regnery Publishing Company. According to Ms. Mayer's article: Alfred S. Regnery, the heir to a small and influential publishing firm, had recently launched several controversial best-sellers . . . and now had another hot prospect to consider: a typed manuscript purporting to be a memoir disguised as fiction, by a Texas lawyer who claimed to have had a two-decade- long affair with Bill Clinton. The manuscript, which had already been rejected by a great many major publishing houses in New York, had finally reached the more specialized quarters of Regnery Publishing, an independent firm that ever since its founding, in 1947, has been associated with the political right. * * * It seemed plausible, then, that a memoir by a putative Presidential mistress would find a home at Regnery [Publishing Co.]. But this time the company's namesake and president was taking the high road. "Are we going to publish a book that just talks about whom Clinton slept with?" [Alfred S.] Regnery asked, casually spreading the calumny as he chatted. "I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole." One reason is that, given the accounts of Clinton's private life that this company and others have already published, a novel by a self- proclaimed mistress, he explained, "isn't particularly newsworthy." Besides, he added, "it's far below our standards." 52. Contrary to the statement in The New Yorker that "the manuscript . . . had finally reached the more specialized quarters of Regnery Publishing," Mrs. Browning never sent Mr. Regnery a copy of her manuscript. 53. In fact, Mr. Regnery never saw a copy of Mrs. Browning's manuscript and did not make the false, misleading, and disparaging statements about the manuscript that Ms. Mayer attributed to him.."
Judicial Watch 1/28/99 ".Mrs. Browning has filed a RICO suit, alleging that Bill Clinton and his agents threatened her and other women to silence them from telling the truth about him. Named as victims in the RICO count is not only Mrs. Browning, but also Kathleen Willey and Linda Tripp and the other Jane Does. Both Senate and House Republicans failed to pursue the clearcut evidence of RICO threats against the Jane Does, because of fears that there would be a political backlash among "swing voters." "Bill Clinton's demonstrated pattern of threatening women must end," stated Larry Klayman, Chairman of Judicial Watch. "Congress won't stop him because of selfish political reasons. The feminists have not stopped him. So, now it is time for Dolly Kyle Browning and other people of faith to take a stand."."
Washington Weekly 10/3/98 Carl Limbacker ". Dolly Kyle Browning. says word was sent via her brother from Clinton consigliere Bruce Lindsey, who warned that the White House would "destroy" her if she didn't keep quiet. "Vote Democrat, OR ELSE!" ...."
Judicial Watch Press Release 02/16/99 ".Tomorrow, Dolly Kyle Browning, one of the President's oldest acquaintances, and the one woman who dares to hold Bill Clinton accountable through her racketeering lawsuit for threatening her and other women, will file a motion for order to show cause. In this motion, which fortuitously was prepared before Judge Wright's comments today that she would now entertain possible contempt proceedings, Mrs. Browning details the perjury and obstruction which occurred concerning her "situation" in the Jones case. In the Jones case, Mrs. Browning will show that Bill Clinton created and fabricated evidence, and offered false testimony. House Judiciary Chief Investigator David Schippers and his staff confirmed this with sworn affidavits from several sources during the impeachment proceedings, but was overruled by Henry Hyde in using Mrs. Browning as a witness, along with other Jane Does. Mrs. Browning has copies of these affidavits, which will be attached to the criminal contempt motion. "The case for criminal contempt to be presented to Judge Wright by Mrs. Browning is strong; so strong that the Court will have no choice but to initiate proceedings," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman."
Washington Weekly 5/9/99 RICKI MAGNUSSEN Freeper Brian Mosely "...Dolly Kyle Browning has authored the book "Purposes of The Heart" which describes her long relationship with Bill Clinton. She has also filed a lawsuit against Bill Clinton, Bob Bennett, Bruce Lindsey, Marsha Scott, Jane Mayer and The New Yorker magazine for defamation and RICO violations. We asked Dolly Kyle Browning about her book and the lawsuit in an interview last week..."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...After she informed Clinton in January 1992 that she planned to write a novel about their affair, she received a call from her brother, Walter Kyle, a campaign worker warning, "If you cooperate with media, we will destroy you." She describes numerous efforts by the Clinton team, especially Bruce Lindsey, to stop her from publishing. She accuses Clinton of concocting a false report about her based on a conversation at a high school reunion during which, she says, he apologized for threats against her and suggested that she come to Washington. He said "You can live on the hill. I can help you find a job," she said in a brief for a lawsuit accusing him of leading a smear campaign against her to stop her book publication.....VULNERABILITY: She has admitted that she had the same problem as "Billy," that she was a sex addict. She has subsequently told talk show audiences that she regrets having an affair with a married man...."
Judicial Watch 7/28/99 "...President Clinton, through a legal brief filed in federal court on July 12 by his personal attorney David Kendall, called the accusations of rape against him by Juanita Broaddrick "partisan rant." The brief was filed in the RICO (Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) lawsuit brought by Dolly Kyle Browning against Bill Clinton and others. The lawsuit alleges, among other things, that defendants Bill Clinton and Bruce Lindsey engaged in a pattern of threatening women in order to obtain and maintain hold on the office of the presidency. In addition to the threats and intimidation against Browning and Broaddrick, the suit alleges a RICO pattern of threats and intimidation against Linda Tripp, Kathleen Willey, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and other women....Despite Bill Clinton's flippant dismissal of serious rape and other allegations, Dolly Kyle Browning intends to hold him and his agents accountable for the actions they took against her and other women...."
Judicial Watch 8/4/99 Larry Klayman "...The newly released book, "Bill and Hillary: The Marriage," by renowned author Christopher Anderson, reveals that Hillary Clinton hired a private investigator, Ivan Duda, to look into her husband's relationships with other women. Mr. Duda confirmed that Dolly Kyle Browning had such a relationship with Bill Clinton. In the Paula Jones case, Bill Clinton and Marsha Scott submitted notes, allegedly written after a high school reunion in Hot Springs Arkansas, in which they both allege that Dolly Kyle Browning manufactured the relationship so she could make money off of a book she was writing about her life experiences with the President. The book was fictionalized, so no actual names were used. In conjunction with this false document, which was submitted to the Court in the Jones case, Bill Clinton and his agents smeared Browning in public. They also interfered with her right to have her book published. This caused great damage to Browning and her husband. On behalf of Browning, Judicial Watch has filed a RICO suit in the District of Columbia, and is pursing criminal contempt remedies in the Jones case, where the issue has been briefed to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. The lower court judge sidestepped Browning's request for relief, in her haste to end the case. "Now, it would appear that Hillary Clinton's private investigator is the most important witness for Browning in her various legal actions. Judicial Watch will be asking the courts to allow Browning to expeditiously depose Mr. Duda. Who would have thought that Hillary Clinton would have taken steps to sow the seeds of her own husband's sorry legal fate?,"said Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. ..."
NewsMax 8/18/99 Carl Limbacher "…In a freewheeling one hour radio interview Tuesday afternoon, Gennifer Flowers revealed that Bill Clinton once confided to her that his wife is bisexual. Other revelations included news that the former Clinton girlfriend began monitoring her health with regular AIDS tests after learning that the Arkansas governor had sex with dozens of different women during the years she shared an intimate relationship with him. Flowers was interviewed by free lance investigator and longtime Clinton critic Larry Nichols on Nichols' own Genesis Communications Network program….."
Judicial Watch 8/25/99 Tom Fitton "…During the House impeachment proceedings last fall, investigators seriously looked into allegations that President Clinton had used cocaine in The White House. Judicial Watch knows that this was a serious line of inquiry from interviews with its client, Dolly Kyle Browning, who had not seen "Billy" use drugs during their relationship. However, Judicial Watch has learned from other sources that Bill Clinton has used cocaine in The White House. This raises serious national security concerns. …" 10/4/99 Carl Limbacher ".... A Dallas lawyer who alleges she had a lengthy sexual affair with President Clinton said Monday night that she heard Clinton repeatedly refer to a Little Rock black leader as a "G - d-d - - n n - - - - r." Dolly Kyle Browning made the charge to Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" in response to the account of Arkansas State Trooper Larry Patterson, who says he also heard Clinton used the "N" word to refer to the same black leader, Robert "Say" McIntosh. Patterson, who was Clinton's bodyguard from 1986 to 1992, first revealed the President's tendency to use anti-black invective in an exclusive interview last month with's executive editor, Christopher Ruddy. Browning made her charge after host Sean Hannity introduced a video clip from Friday's "Hannity & Colmes" broadcast, where Trooper Patterson covered the allegation for the first time on national television: ...... BROWNING: I recall very clearly the first time that I actually saw one of these flyers that "Say" McIntosh put out. And I said to Billy, "Do you know this guy, this "Say" McIntosh?" And he didn't just use the "N" word. He took the Lord's name in vain, condemned the man to hell, and, if you get my drift, said "G - D - N", not just the "N" word.
World Net Daily 3/25/00 Jon Dougherty "…..Dolly Kyle Browning, who claims to have had an affair years ago with Bill Clinton said she will continue to "pursue justice" in a lawsuit she has brought against the president after her case was rejected by a federal appeals court. A three-judge panel from the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis denied Browning's motion to hold Clinton in criminal contempt of court on Wednesday, ruling that she had no standing to bring the action. …….. Browning filed her motion in February 1999 to hold Clinton in criminal contempt of court for lying about their alleged affair during his deposition in Jones' lawsuit, she said. The appeals judges agreed with Little Rock Federal Judge Susan Webber Wright, who dismissed the case against the president last month, issuing a similar ruling that Browning "didn't have standing" to bring her charges. However, Wright has held Clinton in civil contempt of court for willfully disobeying the court's discovery orders and giving false and misleading deposition testimony in the Jones case. ……….. Klayman told WorldNetDaily yesterday that the next step in the case is to appeal it to the full Court, or all nine justices in the 8th Circuit. Browning, he said, "deserves her day in court" and if she's not successful in St. Louis, then "we'll take it to the Supreme Court." The issue, he said, "is whether or not the president can be held in criminal contempt while he's in office." Klayman added that "there is a good chance" the High Court will hear the case. "Paula Jones was able to obtain damages," Klayman said, "and Dolly was lied about as well. She participated and consequently, for having been cut out if this, denies her equal protection and due process. ……."

Associated Press 3/23/00"…… A federal appeals court has dismissed Dolly Kyle Browning's request that a judge in Arkansas consider whether President Clinton lied about his relationship with her. A panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis said Wednesday that Browning lacked standing to pursue her claim. Browning, a lawyer in Dallas, claims she and Clinton had a 15-year ''consensual relationship.'' She contends that Clinton, in a sworn statement he gave in the Paula Jones case, lied about a conversation he had with Browning at their high school reunion in Arkansas in 1994. ……"

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