Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

You need a survival plan. You need a war plan. You need to learn how to protect your family and property. Barack Obama is clueless and lawless, you understand that now. The planners DOD, CIA, NSA, FBI, and others pretend that their plans are scientific and that there cannot be disagreement with regard to them among well-intentioned and decent people.

You need a survival plan.  You need a war plan.  You need to learn how to protect your family and property.  Barack Obama is clueless and lawless, you understand that now.  The planners DOD, CIA, NSA, FBI, and others pretend that their plans are scientific and that there cannot be disagreement with regard to them among well-intentioned and decent people. Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Kerry, Holder and of course Barack Obama has put your life and property in danger because they're fools with power.  You have given the fools power over your family or you know a person that gave him power to destroy your family and wealth. 

However, there is no such thing as a scientific ought. Science is competent to establish what is. It can never dictate what ought to be and what ends people should aim at. It is a fact that men disagree in their value judgments. It is insolent to arrogate to oneself the right to overrule the plans of other people and to force them to submit to the plan of the planner. Whose plan should be executed?

From the scrap pile of America Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali), Barry Soetoro (Barack Hussein Obama), Malcolm Little (Malcolm X) Wallace Dodd Ford (Wallace Fard Muhammad). These are simply black men that use the ancient slavery issue to lay claims to new names and use Islam to spread hate and violence. They all use misinformation to confuse the poorly educated black man and women to use as pawns to extort the U.S. government and raid the treasury for cash and benefits.

From the scrap pile of America Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali), Barry Soetoro (Barack Hussein Obama), Malcolm Little(Malcolm X)  Wallace Dodd Ford (Wallace Fard Muhammad).  These are simply black men that use the ancient slavery issue to lay claims to new names and use Islam to spread hate and violence.  They all use misinformation to confuse the poorly educated black man and women to use as pawns to extort the U.S. government and raid the treasury for cash and benefits. 

Barack Obama is a Dictator. If he were not a dictator or a potential dictator, he would not ask the government to interfere in every part of your life. Barack Obama is clearly a liberal progressive democratic socialist and he uses people to gain power. The primary slaves of Barack Obama are people of color; Negro - Latino and others and special interest groups as found within the Gay population segment. As a known liar Barack Obama

Barack Obama is a Dictator.  If he were not a dictator or a potential dictator, he would not ask the government to interfere in every part of your life.  Barack Obama is clearly a liberal progressive democratic socialist and he uses people to gain power.  The primary slaves of Barack Obama are people of color; Negro - Latino and others and special interest groups as found within the Gay population segment.  As a known liar Barack Obama can no longer persuade the free citizen so he continues to lie to them.  In his effort he bribes and lies.  Now the democratic progressive socialist movement has us involved in another war concerning ISIS ISIL IRAN IRAQ CRIMEA UKRAINE and other places around the world.  Barack Obama does not like or respect the people.  He lies to the special interest groups to gain power.  He makes promises that are unconstitutional that will in time be rejected by the Supreme Court, he is a lawless president.  

How Much Should You Charge To Stage A Dictators Speech - Barack Obama

Elite Productions and Barack Obama have something in common, they both charge too much.

The stage, drapes, and sound system for an 18-minute speech by President Barack Obama cost taxpayers nearly $100,000. and lets not forget, it's your money.  The Democratic Progressive Socialist Party spent $100K just to stage the Obama speech that nobody cares about.  CBS and 60 minutes learned the same lesson, nobody listens when a liar talks.  Obama has lied to millions of Americans, not just ObamaCare, now about war with ISIS and ISIL. 

“Elite Productions,” the go-to company for prominent Democratic politicians such as Bill and Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, put on the set for Obama’s speech to troops at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., on Sept. 17. The company provided “stage, drapery, and audio/visual equipment,” according to a contract document made public by the Air Force last week.

The government paid the company $94,360 for a speech that lasted from 12:04 p.m. to 12:22 p.m., at a cost of approximately $5,242.22 per minute.

The Air Force justified the cost for the staging for Obama’s speech in the MacDill gymnasium due to “unusual and compelling urgency.”

Alert Alarm Warming ISIS ISIL in America Boston FBI CIA NSA Islamic State ISIS Propaganda Leadership Muslim Islamic Radicals in America Extremists, Terrorists, Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Society Money Guns Influence

The shocking revelation that Boston-area fugitive Ahmad Abousamra is running the Islamic State’s (ISIS) sophisticated social media propaganda campaign casts light on the leadership of a complex of radical mosques in and around the Greater Boston area. According to information obtained during litigation discovery and provided by Boston Muslims who asked not to be identified out of fear for their physical safety, Ahmad Abousamra is deeply connected to the top Muslim community leaders in Boston.

The devout Muslim in your neighborhood is most likely a good man but, how many are terrorist waiting to strike?  It's not fair or right to say all Muslim's are killers but it's only safe to assume that killer Muslim's live around the corner.  The devout Muslim believes in the "just kill" meaning that some of us white christian people deserve to be beheaded, shot in the back, beat to death by a gang of Muslim nut jobs.  Are you aware?  Are you watching?  Have you talked to your children?  The Administrative Communist Government of Barack Obama is not going to save you.  The borders are open and they are here, around the corner, across the street, up the road.  Take care of your family.

Ahmad’s father, Abdulbadi Abousamra (Abousamra Sr.), has served as a president or board member of several mosques, Islamic schools, and Muslim political organizations in Massachusetts from the mid-1990s. In fact, he is still the president of an Islamic elementary school in Sharon, MA. Abousamra Sr. had used his leadership position in multiple Boston Islamic institutions to import extremist and terrorist-affiliated imams into Boston. One of these imams, Hafiz Masood, appears to be the one who radicalized his son, Ahmad Abousamra (Abousamra Jr.).

Until 2007, when Abousamra Jr. was first questioned by the FBI over a plot to provide assistance to Al Qaeda in Iraq and to massacre shoppers at the Emerald Square Mall in North Attleboro, MA, his father, Abousamra Sr., was vice-president of the Boston branch of the Muslim American Society (MAS Boston). According to federal authorities, the Muslim American Society was created to be "the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America." MAS Boston operates the largest Islamic center in the Northeast, the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC). The Boston Marathon bombers attended the ISBCC’s sister mosque in Cambridge. Both mosques have a long history of Islamic extremism and terrorism.

In 1994, Abousamra Sr. joined the Islamic Center of New England (ICNE), another Muslim organization that runs two mosques in the Boston suburbs of Quincy and Sharon. By 1998, he became its president.  Abousamra Sr.’s passion lay with influencing the religious education of the Center’s youth. He personally founded two schools at the ICNE: the Islamic Academy of New England elementary school in 1999 and the Al Noor Academy secondary school in 2001 – the latter with $100,000 in seed money he received from the Islamic Society of Boston. Even though Abousamra Sr. left the country shortly after the FBI put a bounty on his son, he is still the president of the Islamic Academy of New England.

In 1998, Abousamra Sr. hired Mohammed Hafiz Masood to be the new Imam at the Islamic Center of New England and a teacher at the Islamic Academy of New England. At that time, Masood was in the United States illegally.

Masood quickly began to clash with the moderate members of the community over the extremist ideology he was teaching their children. Masood told one child, whose father was Egyptian but whose mother was Jewish that he won’t get into heaven unless he disowns his mother. The couple pulled their son out of the school. According to another mosque member, Masood told his eight-year-old nephew that Americans are “Shataan [Satan] and will not go to paradise because they don't do prayers.” This mosque member insists that:

“In my view, this type of talks to young generations is creating hate towards the U.S. and its people, which include us too. He is brainwashing young kids with material that has nothing to do with Islamic teaching.”

Yet another mosque member claimed that Masood and Abousamra Sr. “were making eight-year-old, seven-year-old girls wear hijab [head scarf], and they were making young boys go and talk to these girls [if they weren’t wearing a head scarf], so there was indoctrination.”

Moderate Muslims in Boston who spoke out against Abousamra Sr. and his fellow extremists were often intimidated or directly assaulted. According to one of the victimized Muslim community members, Abousamra Sr. had a former convict who converted to Islam in prison hang around the mosque and threaten those who objected to Abousamra Sr.’s ideology.

“They’ll beat you up,” he said.

Mohammed Hafiz Masood has since been deported for immigration violations. After his deportation, it turned out Masood was not an ordinary radical.

Masood is the brother of Pakistani terrorist Hafiz Saeed, who founded and runs Lashkar-e-Taibah (LeT), one of the largest and most violent terrorist groups in Pakistan, and who has a $10 million FBI bounty on his head. Saeed’s terror group is responsible for the 2008 Mumbai massacre, which targeted India over the conflict in Kashmir and left 166 people dead. A Boston Muslim community member claims that while living in Massachusetts, Masood “has stated many times in closed gatherings that, ‘I used to go to Kashmir and kill people and come back,’ and that was why he was a hero to many people.”

After the Mumbai massacres, The Times of India reported that Masood was using his status as Imam at the Islamic Center of New England to raise funds and recruit local Massachusetts Muslims for Lashkar-e-Taibah. Now living in Pakistan, Masood has become the spokesman of his brother’s terror group.

Hafiz Masood’s son, Hassan Masood, allegedly conspired in terrorist plots with Abousamra Jr. He turned informant and testified against Abousamra Jr. and his captured co-conspirator, Tarek Mehanna. According to Muslim community members, Tarek Mehanna and Abousamra Jr. were “thick with Masood” and had been radicalized by his preaching.

The Tarek Mehanna / Abousamra Jr. partnership and Mehanna’s subsequent arrest has spawned a popular radical movement that lobbies, among other things, to free Tarek Mehanna from prison. It is called the Tarek Mehanna Support Committee – and it has a large presence in Boston. Many of its members are former students of Hafiz Masood.

The Tarek Mehanna Support Committee encourages Muslims here to view American law enforcement with hostility and suspicion. On October 10, 2012, the group denounced the bounty the FBI put on Abousamra Jr., saying:

“The Tarek Mehanna Support Committee opposes all attempts by the US government to capture and prosecute Tarek Mehanna’s co-defendant, Ahmad Abousamra. … The bounty offered to capture Abousamra is part and parcel of the US government’s attempts to destroy the Muslim community through fostering informants and mistrust. … Our prayers go out to Ahmad Abousamra and his young daughter, wherever they are. … We call upon members of our community to take a principled stance of non-cooperation with any and all FBI and US Attorney’s office attempts to gather information and testimony in this case. We further call upon community members to take a stance of complete non-cooperation with federal agents and future grand juries or trials.”

Many of the current top leaders of mosques formerly led by Abousamra Sr. are also leaders in the Free Tarek Support Committee. Moderate Boston Muslims insist that the indoctrination that led to Abousamra Jr.’s joining ISIS is still ongoing at several Massachusetts mosques, and it’s only getting worse. One such Boston Muslim asked to pass along this warning:

“They have now made it a goal to go after the elementary schools, high schools, and college students. Parents are losing their children.”

Charles Jacobs is the President of Americans for Peace and Tolerance. Ilya Feoktistov is the Director of Research for APT.

Secret Service White House Barack Obama Being completely unknown is the Secret of the Secret Service. Every news agency in the world has been covering the security breach at the White House which is the home of the President of the United States.

Being completely unknown is the Secret of the Secret Service. Every news agency in the world has been covering the security breach at the White House which is the home of the President of the United States.

The Secret Service has a very big job on a very small piece of land and they failed, maneuvering the truth is not the solution as the truth is that the bad guy won, again.

The History of Scandal Revealed Barack Obama - Records Discovered - Secrets Revealed - The Occidental and Harvard College Records and other Documents concerning Barack Hussein Obama have been acquired and paints the picture of a life based on fear, anger and love and are being sheltered by a College in the city of Detroit Michigan. Doctor Gregory William's, as the director of History for the faculty of the college gained access to the secret documents of Barack Obama, the now President of the United States while he attended Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard University.

Barack Obama - Records Discovered - Secrets Revealed - 

The Occidental and Harvard College Records and other Documents concerning Barack Hussein Obama have been acquired and paints the picture of a life based on fear, anger and love and are being sheltered by a College in the city of Detroit Michigan.

Doctor Gregory William's, as  the director of History for the faculty of the college gained access to the secret documents of Barack Obama, the now President of the United States while he attended Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard University. 

The college records of Barack Hussein Obama while being a student at Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard University have been held in secret.

Doctor Gregory William's is well known for absorbing history and has authored many important books and papers concerning the characteristics of well known people and celebrities.

These secret records concerning the life of Barack Obama entered into the private collectors market and the association of historians joined together and paid the five million dollars, the asking price, to be paid in full over the next five years.
The Natural History of Barack Obama indicates a very slow development which is clearly displayed as an inferiority complex of the President today.  Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama set out to conquer the world and often bragged that he would become president some day and rid the world of evil people and evil doings.  The inferiority complex is a result of interference.  Barack Obama has the desire but his thinking reveals that other people and their interference has always stopped him from self-assertion.

People with the inferiority complex or interference complex are mostly day-dreamers or braggarts and most interesting Barack Obama clearly displays both classes.

Barack Obama loves to brag and talk big in front of weaker groups and radically acts in different ways in front of different audiences.  His inability to meet the ordinary situations of life explains his constant failures during his adult life.  Working as a community organizer for compensation was only accomplished by the help of other people and their organization.

Barack Obama has a law degree from Harvard University but his individual inferiority and inability to meet daily challenges through honest dealings resulted in him having his license revoked with other unknown penalties.

Every person who suffers as Barack Obama does often tries to make up for failure in some ways.  In his mind a failure is a withdrawal from his self-worth.  This would explain his inability to admit failure in public.  Other people liking him he accepts as compensation but expresses itself in a lack of initiative.  In other words when Barack Obama does a good thing he stops doing anything.  If Barack Obama does something wrong he tries to make it up but mostly he becomes paralyzed, which leads him to some routine distraction (golf) (fund raising) or some other robot like existence.  The distractions from his failures or duties allows him to relax by day-dreaming.

Barack Obama should be a humble shoe store clerk because he sees himself as a very ordinary person that could do great things if other people would not interfere but, in the back of his mind he runs this day-dream distraction that he is truly a remarkable fellow.

He thinks that ordinary men and women naturally don't realize his greatness.  He tends to rescue or take command of a situation when he should sit down and simply listen.

He thinks of himself as a hero and he needs a audience shouting his name.  We understand that make-believe is common among children and adolescents but Barack Obama, boy like, likes to visualize himself as a victorious general returning on horseback, from the wars, as the hero.  At some point in time it will be revealed that Barack Obama was left alone on the front step for too long which caused his fantasies to persist through his adult life.

The bullying and bragging is his way of compensating for his deep-seated lack of self-esteem.  To domineer other people (voters) he will try to impress them and show his importance by lying about accomplishments he never achieved or exaggerating what little he did accomplish.

The college records were held secret by paying cash annuities to other people for their silence.  His attempt at keeping his true life and background secret betrays the fact that he is a coward.  He gets angry when you ask him hard questions because it temps his temper, his internal shouting and the delirious self ranting he lives with daily.

He is fond of the limelight when he can control the crowds but can be subject to great anger. 


Obama, No Show, A new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report reveals that President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014

The Obama War ISIS ISIL,  Democratic Gangster Barack Obama didn't have the time to protect your children so now he goes to war.  The bastard never missed a golf Tee Time. 

Obama, No Show, A new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report reveals that President

 Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the

 Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014

Voter Fraud - Barack Obama - Voter Fraud - Illegal Activity Gave You Barack Obama and others, Police arrested Connecticut state Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala (D-Bridgeport) who votes over and over again with help from her friends. Jail.

Voter Fraud - Barack Obama - Voter Fraud - Illegal Activity Gave You Barack Obama and others, Police arrested Connecticut state Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala (D-Bridgeport) who votes over and over again with help from her friends.  Jail. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Abortion Planned Parenthood White House Law Government Murder This is the question that consultants asked young people in Atlanta, Chicago and New York City and the pages will be published very soon. Sex before marriage is considered wrong and very common so the question assumes that Michelle Obama had sex before her marriage to Barack Obama as the action is very common. We do not state that it is wrong or right. It has been reported that Planned Parenthood aborts about 300,000 human being every year and many of the unborn babies aborted are Negro. Does this mean what?

Planned Parenthood eliminates human beings from the population, by pre-birth abortions paid for by taxpayer funds. The abortion of a human being is a very powerful questions that plaques young women of all ages.  Many women now want free abortion services and birth control pills and other devices so that can have pre-marriage sex funded by taxpayers.  We must assume that this shift of culture to government control will lead to government controls and even sexual expectations.  

In your opinion, did Michelle having sex before marriage make her the ideal person to give advice to younger girls and women?  Should a person making the mistake become the teacher?  Does the bad example become the shiny teachers apple?  How did Michelle become qualified to talk to the American citizen about anything? Have women around the United States been fooled by the Obama Administrative State? As in years past the Progressive Democratic Socialist promises anything for the vote.  Colorado has legal state pot which is a federal crime.  Young girls have sex which is a crime.  

What has shifted in our culture that allows bad people to give good advice to young people? 

This is the question that consultants asked young people in Atlanta, Chicago and New York City and the pages will be published very soon.  Sex before marriage is considered wrong and very common so the question assumes that Michelle Obama had sex before her marriage to Barack Obama as the action is very common. We do not state that it is wrong or right.  It has been reported that Planned Parenthood aborts about 300,000 human being every year and many of the unborn babies aborted are Negro.  Does this mean what?  

Should a woman say one thing after doing another thing making their advice and beliefs simply lies?  
Since marriage is a part of civilization does it make premarital sex uncivilized?  Premarital sex is more typical than most may realize and the depth of the report looks for the answer how did it become acceptable?  How could a government of civilized people destroy or abort 300,000 people but go to war to protect other human beings?  Why do people in Colorado want legal pot?  Are some things now right?  

Deep down, people may have a vision of a messed up world or civilization in which abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood kill off the unborn while at the same time sperm banks create human beings. 

Would somebody like Michelle promote the use of government baby permits like they do in China and limit female population?   Should the government tell people if they can have sex and if they can have children?  At certain ages for young people having sex is a crime.

Having generally failed the moral test by having premarital sex is it more realistic to think that girls having sex outside of marriage will spend time in abortion clinics thus increasing the national costs of government ObamaCare programs?

We could guess it would be true that Michelle is less good due to her actions and should not be giving advice to any young people about anything? We must wonder if less good makes Michelle less happy or is she happy even with improper behavior?  Is the abortion simply a solution to a mistake?

With the high risk of premarital and extra-marital intercourse the probability of guilt may explain Michelle's inclinations to tell people what to do, what to eat, what to study and how to behave even while understanding her life is not the adequate example of a teacher or mentor.  We cannot say who has had sex prior to marriage but for this conversation we're going to assume, yes.

If Michelle indulges in her inclinations why would she worry about other people doing the things they desire?  She has proven she does not have the adequate control or moral attitude to control herself and her decisions have not been intelligent in all areas but her rewards have been great.

You might assume that the success of Michelle might just result from back-slapping or other aberrations as her own success is very rare.  Almost daily Michelle makes sure that the fruits of her own hidden repressions are heard by children and young adults. 

Her own typical perversions must be hidden because one cannot ask Michelle to verify and Michelle has not talked about her mistakes. Did she have sex before marriage that resulted in some form of abortion or is she just another promiscuous adulterer without the dark solution of aborting an unborn child?

As she tries to fill some role that she has not been elected to do should young women seek better advice and ignore the teachings without a public score card in all areas of her life.  

Obama's War on Allah All of a sudden, you're in a war against Islamic Jihadists and most of us are gripping the t.v. remote trying our best not to throw it at ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and even FOX NEWS covering the story from the comfort of their studios.

The War on Allah, The Trillion Dollar Swindle of ObamaCare is insignificant compared to the War on Allah.  The conspiracy started in Saudi Arabia and the Obama unscrupulous bastards inside the White House kept the Obama secrets buried for a long time.  The black gold oil found in Saudi Arabia has a shut off valve and the Army of Allah ISIS ISIL plans on shutting down the oil flow to the Western World of civilization.
A complete exposure of the Amazing Secret Plans concerning the War on Allah are now coming to the surface and believe us it's not a game for children.
All of a sudden, you're in a war against Islamic Jihadists and most of us are gripping the t.v. remote trying our best not to throw it at ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and even FOX NEWS covering the story from the comfort of their studios.
Using elaborate schemes and lies Barack Obama now sides with Assad in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordon, Saudi Arabia and everybody else but notice it does not include Israel.
The "Sauds" the royalty in Saudi Arabia understand that Barack Obama is a liar, cheat and coward.  Behind closed doors John Kerry, the replacement for Benghazi ridden Hillary Rodham Clinton received direct cash and military support from Saudi Arabia to attack ISIS or ISIL, the other Muslims.   Saudi Arabia wants a direct war with the other Muslims and they plan to let American forces fight it for them.  Obama understands that America is now the Muslim Air Force. 
The far-flung rackets of bribes and military power combined is the crude way the Obama Administrative State plans on getting rid of Israel at last, ridding the United States of fossil fuels, allowing Iran to maintain a nuclear military and opening the U.S. borders that are being bartered away at this very moment that will bring about the total destruction of the United States and its U.S. Constitution.
The sovereign state of Saudi Arabia is on a dead end road concerning oil production so they still use a crooked syndicate "OPEC" keeping the oil prices high.  Far into Canada there is enough oil to fuel the world but Barack Obama will not let them pipe the black gold oil into America?  Obama will spends billions of dollars fighting for Saudi Arabia but won't build a ten cent pipeline.  Within the United States we now have the proven reserves of shale to produce more oil and gas than we'll use over the next several hundred years but, the Obama EPA is doing everything to shut it down?  Noiselessly Barack Obama has entered a war that will most likely cost millions of lives including Americans over there and here at home.
Barack Obama has hollowed out the U.S. Military with the help of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden and other Czars yet to be discovered.  What we do know is that we don't have enough Tomahawk Missiles or troops to fight over there because of Barack Obama's wealth re-distribution actions.

Obama has drained the military to almost nothing.  Obama has drained our wealth to almost nothing.  This amazing theft of America has brought about the conditions for a complete and final defeat of America on the battlefield. 

CBS 60 Minutes CBS and it's 60 Minute film crew staff set up the picturesque Presidential interview with Barack Obama and then backed away from every important question of the day. The B.S. CBS 60 Minute News Piece was just another example of big media hooked up with big government. The entire interview was a waste of electrons most likely generated by some old, ugly and dirty coal fired power plant.

CBS and it's 60 Minute film crew staff set up the picturesque Presidential interview with Barack Obama and then backed away from every important question of the day.  The B.S. CBS 60 Minute News Piece was just another example of big media hooked up with big government. The entire interview was a waste of electrons most likely generated by some old, ugly and dirty coal fired power plant.  

There was no volley of tough questions for the radical president about his new war or open borders or even the price of gold. Croft tossed him slow balls and the intense President kept spinning them back with his now famous B.S.  It's a shame Barack Obama is our president, some may say. 

The National Security Director, Clapper, it's his fault per Barack Obama that we're in another war because those bastard terrorists keep moving around.  Now you don't have to be a detective to understand that Hillary Clinton's State Department had no idea. John Kerry cannot find his home with Secret Service so he's always lost.  The White House, beyond Obama's golf scores is a worthless payroll expense so Obama simply blamed Clapper which has always been another Obama worthless idiot and moron.

You see, the voting citizens now truly and fully understand that Barack Obama is the true masked desperado.  It took a while but most middle class Americans now understand that Barack Obama has been robbing our freedom, liberty and our money.  Black Americans got the message now, it's brown power baby, black power is old school stuff. Obama plays the colored card because that's all he knows and the black communities around the United States will quickly become violent and start burning down towns, villages and cities again.  They're starting to find out, black is out, black is welfare, black is prison, black is poor education, black in unemployment but the political power is brown. Brown people work, cut their grass, love their children and want to own their own businesses, build a home and put their kids through college.  Black is out. 

Obama is on some hopeless struggle against law and order and Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Van Jones, James Clapper and dozens of other Czars will be surrounded by FBI special agents as their thievery has been revealed.

ObamaCare will bury America.

X Marks The Spot Allah and Barack Obama have a lot in common. The radical black man has found another way to pose as anything except another black man. The black man in America has been rushing to Islam for decades now and everybody's surprised that they are beheading other Americans. From the scrap pile of America they now join ISIS ISIL using the death touch to scare off regular people trying to take care of their families and home.

The radical black man has found another way to pose as anything except another black man.  The black man in America has been rushing to Islam for decades now and everybody's surprised that they are beheading other Americans. The radical nut jobs at the Nation of Islam NOI are silent about beheadings.   Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson say nothing about negro men beheading white people.

From the scrap pile of America Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali), Barry Soetoro (Barack Hussein Obama), Malcolm Little (Malcolm X)  Wallace Dodd Ford (Wallace Fard Muhammad).  These are simply black men that use the ancient slavery issue to lay claims to new names and use Islam to spread hate and violence.  They all use misinformation to confuse the poorly educated black man and women to use as pawns to extort the U.S. government and raid the treasury for cash and benefits.  

Ford-Fard Muhammad arrived in Detroit in 1930 with an obscure background and several aliases, where he taught a distinctive form of Islam among the city's African-American population. These teachings are still being spread and ISIS ISIL will use the ignorant black man to spread violence in your neighborhood.  

Ford-Fard disappeared in 1934 after several disputes with local authorities. Historians have used public records to identify Fard as Wallace Dodd Ford, the Nation of Islam and there radical teachings are now a direct threat to the United States Constitution. 

In 1926, Ford was arrested and imprisoned for bootlegging alcohol to an undercover police officer, serving three years in San Quentin State Prison

Meanwhile, Islamists inside the United States kill and maim and torture.

Here are seven other recent cases of lone wolf Islamic attacks inside the United States in recent years:
Yusuf Ibrahim. In April, 28-year-old Yusuf Ibrahim was indicted for two 2013 beheadings. He allegedly shot 25-year-old Hanny Tawadros and 27-year-old Amgad Konds, then cut off their heads and hands. The two were Egyptian Coptic Christian expatriates.

Faleh Hassan Almaleki. Almaleki killed his daughter, Noor Almaleki, 20, in a parking lot in Phoenix in 2009 after she became “too Westernized” and refused an arranged marriage. He also used his car to assault the mother of Noor’s boyfriend. Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations condemned the “domestic violence incident.”

Yaser Said. In 2008, Said allegedly murdered his two daughters after they began dating non-Muslims. He allegedly shot daughters Amina, 18, and Sarah, 17, on January 1, 2008 multiple times after luring them back home to visit their grandmother’s grave. Said is still at large.
Muzzammil Hassan. In 2009, Hassan cut his wife's head off because she filed for divorce against him. He stabbed his wife, Aasiya, some 40 times and then proceeded to decapitate her. Ironically, Hassan founded Bridge TV in 2004, a station dedicated to fighting “the negative stereotype of Muslims post-9/11.”

Mohammed Taheri-azar: In 2006, Taheri-azar drove his car into a crowd at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in an attempt to kill Americans in supposed revenge for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. A letter he left for police read: “I live with the holy Koran as my constitution for right and wrong and definition of injustice… I've read all 114 chapters about 20 times since June of 2003 when I started reading the Koran. The U.S. government is responsible for the deaths and torture of countless followers of Allah, my brothers and sisters. My attack on Americans at UNC-CH March 3, was in retaliation for similar attacks orchestrated by the U.S. government on my fellow followers of Allah in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic territories.”

Naveed Afzal Haq. Haq attacked the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle in 2006 with a gun, killing a woman and wounding five. According to the Seattle police, Haq said “he wanted the United States to leave Iraq, that his people were being mistreated and that the United States was harming his people. And he pointedly blamed the Jewish people for all of these problems. He stated he didn’t care if he lived.” Those who worked with Haq said he self-identified as a “Muslim-American… angry at Israel.”

Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad. Muhammad shot and killed an Army soldier at a Little Rock recruiting station in 2010. The feds didn’t charge him with terrorism; instead, state authorities charged him with murder. As the Los Angeles Times reports, after converting to Islam in Tennessee at age 20, he moved to Yemen, was arrested there, and then came back to the United States to attack the recruiting station. According to police, Mohammed stated he was “mad at the U.S. military because of what they had done to Muslims in the past,” and he wanted to “kill as many people in the Army as he could.” According to the perpetrator’s father, the feds didn’t charge Muhammad with terrorism because doing so would have shone a spotlight on their own incompetence: "They should have done their job and this never would have happened. I think that somebody in the federal government and the FBI should be charged with negligence. Negligent homicide."

It sounds typical when you learn about Obama's Van Jones and his Communist hatred of the United States. Planning to overthrow America people like Van Jones, Eric Holder, Barack Obama has a very odd view of America and Americans.  

Eric Holder claims you're a coward for not dealing with race issues but he continues to defend the new black panthers. 

Now another guy you forget about is Louis Eugene Wolcott (Louis Farrakhan Muhammad Sr.)  

Louis Farrakhan Muhammad, Sr. (born Louis Eugene Wolcott; May 11, 1933, and formerly known as Louis X) is the leader of the religious group Nation of Islam (NOI).  

The "X" was considered a placeholder, used to indicate Nation of Islam members original African family names had been lost but you should know that Farrakhan has nothing to do with Africa, it's just a cool black thing "X".

Malcolm X (/ˈmælkəm ˈɛks/; May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965), born Malcolm Little and also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz is just another radical that hates America, wants welfare and other free stuff from the government.  The average citizen, the typical voter cannot really complain any longer because you would be considered a racist vs. a historian.

This history of Islamic Muslim teachings in America is very disturbing once you learn that the movement in protected even to this day.  The Islamic Radical Jihadists now join ISIS ISIL using the death touch to scare off regular people trying to take care of their families and home.

You might remember Cassius Clay (born 1942), later known as Muhammad Ali, is a former American boxer. The U.S. government declined to recognize him as a conscientious objector, however, because Ali declared that he would fight in a war if directed to do so by Allah or his messenger (Elijah Muhammad). He was eventually arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges and stripped of his boxing title. The American black has always looked for something rather being just a black man.  Barry Soetoro turned into Barack Hussein Obama.  Cassius Clay turned into Muhammad Ali and they both have something in common.  They are Islmaic, Muslim.

The Nation of Islam (NOI) is a syncretic new religious movement founded in Detroit, Michigan by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad on July 4, 1930. The Nation of Islam's stated goals are to improve the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of African Americans in the United States and all of humanity. Its critics accuse it of being black supremacist and antisemitic.

After Fard disappeared in June 1934, the Nation of Islam was led by Elijah Muhammad, who established places of worship (called Temples or Mosques), a school named Muhammad University of Islam, businesses, farms and real estate holdings in the United States and abroad. There were a number of splits and splinter groups during Elijah Muhammad's leadership, most notably the departure of senior leader Malcolm X to become Sunni Muslim. After Elijah Muhammad's death, his son Warith Deen Mohammed changed the name of the organization several times and brought it into line with Islam.

In 1977, Louis Farrakhan rejected Warith Deen Mohammed's leadership and re-established the Nation of Islam on the original model. He took over the Nation of Islam's headquarter Temple, Mosque Maryam (Mosque #2), which is located in Chicago. Its official newspaper is The Final Call.

The Nation of Islam does not publish its membership numbers; in 2007, the core membership was estimated between 20,000 and 50,000, but their following was believed to be larger. Most of the members are in the United States, but there are minority communities in other countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago.

Since 2010, under Farrakhan, members have been strongly encouraged to study Dianetics, and the Nation currently claims it has trained 1055 Auditors.

There has been much speculation over the years about who will succeed Farrakhan as the national leader of the NOI. Most recently, Farrakhan's selection of Assistant Minister Ishmael Muhammad to deliver the 2013 Holy Day of Atonement key note address in his place may shed some light on that question. Farrakhan was absent from the event due to suffering a heart attack, he later announced in Indianapolis in December 2013

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Muslim's speak out from America; The DHS Moron comes to surface. In fact, Jeh Johnson is a moron. Big Jeh thinks if we make every one of the illegal aliens illegal immigrants legal the terrorists will be forced to the surface for identification. Jeh Johnson needs to get fired, fired today, for being dumb enough to voice his moronic idea. Barack Obama can really pick a first rate group. Van Jones - Communist, Eric Holder - Contempt of Congress and Jeh Johnson - Lawyer - Moron, Hillary Rodham Clinton - Bengahzi Scandal, John Koskinen IRS Thug Head, Janet Yellen - Federal Reserve working for China, Obama not you and don't forget the criminal Lois Lerner IRS.

Barack Obama doesn't want you to cry over spilled milk or American's being beheaded; We are in serious trouble.  

The Communist - Socialist - Islamic spiders inside the White House have been spinning their web of lies for a long time.  If you think you're safe you've never been more wrong. 

What do you know about DHS Department of Homeland Security except that safe sounding name.  
People are looking to kill a whole lot of Americans and if you're not Muslim you could be on the list.  
Have you taken the adult survival precautions to protect your life and property because DHS is lost in the woods with Jeh Johnson leading the way. 

Attorney General Eric Holder’s DOJ resignation comes as no surprise because he's in contempt of Congress and his resignation brings to an end one of the most polarizing tenures of an Attorney General in the Department of Justice’s history. As the Obama administration continues to suffer from the truth leaking out of the White House, you're in danger.  You're finding out that Obama does little more than play golf.

Although the only black man radical Eric Holder should have been fired long ago, having an Attorney General whose sole mission was to protect President Obama from scandal after scandal out of office is always welcome news.  As Obama has been living it up on the Golf course ISIS ISIL has been killing tens of thousands of innocent people.  Now the Islamic Muslim radicals are your next door neighbors, so turn on the outdoor lights tonight.

Muslim's speak out from America;

"Do not ask for anyone's advice and do not seek anyone's verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling. Both of them are disbelievers. Both of them are considered to be waging war."

He gave specifics on how to attack Westerners: "Rig the roads with explosives for them. Attack their bases. Raid their homes. Cut off their heads. Do not let them feel secure. Hunt them wherever they may be. Turn their worldly life into fear and fire. Remove their families from their homes and thereafter blow up their homes."

The DHS is simply another political lever for Barack Obama to pull and push to meet his socialist needs has done nothing to protect your family.  In fact, Jeh Johnson DHS is a moron and it seems he is very willing to prove it to millions of Americans. 

You're not sure you're safe with open borders and Americans being beheaded in Syria Iraq ISIS ISIL and now in America?

What do you know about Jeh Johnson?  The left wing money guy for Barack Obama is in charge of your safety, with no background or experience he just sits around and collects his taxpayer paycheck and his pension.  I guess you know that Jeh Johnson is a millionaire lawyer that bundled up big piles of cash for socialist progressive radical Barack Obama. 

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry characterized the beheading of a woman in an Oklahoma food plant last week as “workplace violence” as the radical female nut job always follows Obama and tossed aside the possibility that Alton Nolen’s conversion to Islam was a factor when he allegedly carried out the murder.  As the head count mounts in America, in time, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and even CNN will have to wonder about their own safety.  Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Van Jones, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden and others have failed to protect you and your children.  Melissa Harris-Perry proves once again that MSNBC should be removed from the marketplace as they confuse the reality.  As the threat turns into murder and more Americans are killed Barack talks to CBS 60 minutes and tries his best to be smart simply ignoring his own lazy ass in the problem.

Since Harry Reid, Whorehouse Harry, changed the Senate rules Jeh Johnson got the job. Jeh Johnson would never have been confirmed without Harry cheating every American citizen and changing the Senate rules.  Harry Reid removed you from the government.  Your senator has no voice.  Your senator cannot introduce anything that Harry doesn't like.  Harry should be in jail but Eric Holder is too busy being in contempt of Congress. 

Changing the rules of the Senate will most likely be the reason for the collapse of the United States. Let's not forget the DHS GUY Jeh Johnson also worked for President Bill Clinton, also impeached by the people of the United States Congress.  Sounds like the A-Team so far.  

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., questioned Johnson’s experience for heading homeland security: “ I’m not saying he’s not a good man, but he’s not a good choice for this.”
On Friday, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said he was also troubled because Johnson did not answer all of his questions about immigration policy during his confirmation process”.

At best or worst Jeh Johnson the head of the DHS is a lawyer.  There are a lot of lawyers but Jeh Johnson raised a lot of money for Obama so now he's in charge of saving your ass from Terrorists Jihadists and everybody else.  Jeh Johson has no business in the business and you're in no way safe because he has a neat title. 

In fact, Jeh Johnson must be a moron?  Big Jeh thinks if we make every one of the illegal aliens illegal immigrants legal the terrorists will be forced to the surface for identification.  Jeh Johnson needs to get fired, fired today, for being dumb enough to voice his moronic idea.

Barack Obama can really pick a first rate group.   Van Jones - Communist,  Eric Holder - Contempt of Congress and Jeh Johnson - Lawyer - Moron, Hillary Rodham Clinton - Bengahzi Scandal, John Koskinen IRS Thug Head, Janet Yellen - Federal Reserve working for China, Obama not you and don't forget the criminal Lois Lerner IRS.

Homeland Security is about your life.  The DHS and Jeh Johnson thinks that DACA Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program is the path to your safety so nobody will cut off your head. I guess Big Jeh does everything the radical Obama wants him to do.  Spend the money, pretend you're in charge and keep those borders open.

 Big Jeh wants everybody illegal to raise their hands.  The ones that don't raise their hand must be the bad guys.  Great plan Jeh!  You should also know that Jeh has done nothing to secure the border and at this moment in time you and your children are truly undefended.

If you don't start operating your government as a citizen, because you're the boss, you'll get buried by the Obama B.S. parade.  Watch C.B.S. and listen to Obama, the message always changes and his already naming fall guys Jeh, you'll be on the Obama - Clinton -Holder hit list very soon.

While Harry Whorehouse Reid (born in a whorehouse in Nevada) changed the rules in the Senate you got Jeh Johnson - Moron,  John Koskinen - IRS Nut Job covering for the Lois Lerner IRS illegal scandal,  Janet Yellen who took the Fed's job from Ben Bernanke as the Federal Reserve Chair person that continues to flood your bank with worthless money to avoid economic collapse.   Least you forget 16,000 brand new IRS agents are being hired to track you down and punish you under the Obamacare laws.

Do your homework, talk to your neighbors, vote the bastards out and toss a few in jail. The Senate has been shut down by Harry Reid, meaning you have no voice.  Harry Reid should be charged for treason against the U.S. Constitution.

The iPhone Wars Barack Obama White House Situation Room The Obama Friend Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah The Sheikh that wants every Muslim to kill American Soldiers was mentioned by Barack Obama at the U.N. during his speech at the United Nations. Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah should be jailed, not mentioned at all. You might not care that Obama is not American born and cannot be President. The fake documents are posted for you to see but the iphone is must more important. The Chinese college students forced to work in computer and cell phone factories don't mean anything to you, $200 a month at best, 16 hour days, poor food and housing with no health care just isn't that important. As you realiz

Barack Obama White House Situation Room One World Order New World Order the Caliphate of Barack Hussein Obama

The Obama Friend Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah The Sheikh that wants every Muslim to kill American Soldiers was mentioned by Barack Obama at the U.N. during his speech at the United Nations. Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah should be jailed, not mentioned at all.  You might not care that Obama is not American born and cannot be President.  

Alton Nolen, 30, had just been fired from his job at Vaughan Foods when he flipped out and attacked his former coworkers. Using a knife he stabbed 54 year-old Colleen Hufford several times before beheading her. He then attacked 43 year-old Traci Johnson and tried to do the same to her – thankfully, the company’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark Vaughn, was nearby and armed. He shot Nolen before he could kill Johnson, though she did suffer several stab wounds

The fake documents are posted for you to see but the iphone is much more important.  You don't care about Hillary Rodham Clinton being a mad Socialist because you want a radical woman for president that will make Barack Obama look like a sissy. 

You're o.k. with Benghazi, it wasn't your kid killed. 

Jihadists didn't behead anybody you know. 

The Chinese college students forced to work in computer sweatshops and cell phone factories don't mean anything to you, $200 a month at best, 16 hour days, poor food and housing with no health care just isn't that important. 

As you realize that millions of people, your neighbors and friends are now unemployed and bankrupt you're just not going to ask why Apple created two million jobs in Communist countries.  

You're not wondering why Wal-Mart is the largest Communist Goods retailer in the world. 

You're o.k. with Barack Obama pals hauling oil on their railroads and not building the Keystone pipeline.  

You're o.k. with 42 million illegal aliens illegal immigrants hiding inside of America as Obama plans on putting them in the armed services?  Can you imagine what a foreign army can do to America embedded within our own army?  Will they shoot American citizens?

You're o.k. with homes being cold this year and people dying because coal fired power plants are being shut down by the EPA.  It's not much of a bother that Putin of Russia took the Crimea from Ukraine and moved his massive Communist army across their border.  The Hillary Clinton Reset.

If you're a black man just keep listening to the NAACP and people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Sr because they're millionaires and your just another dumb voter.  You have already forgotten that Jesse Jackson Jr. is in prison for stealing your money? 

You don't have a good job.  You're eating with SNAP food stamp programs.  You're waiting on ObamaCare to take care of you, hurry before you get to be 75. 

You're buying your POT with your access card.  The stock market is days from a total collapse but not to worry, 

Eric Holder will keep an eye on things just like DHS watches the border. 

Why does Barack Hussein Obama have a FAKE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER?

The One World Order
Bought and Paid for by
American Taxpayers

Barack Obama continues to muddy the waters of freedom.  If the Democratic Progressive Socialist Movement is upheld and the Democrats still hold power after November you will be entering the area of World War III, the Caliphate.  The first to suffer and die will be the Christians in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic Muslim Terrorist States.  Saudi Arabia is now afraid of the ISIS ISIL terrorists so therefore will help Americans kill Muslims.  Once the Syrian effort/war fails all the rules will be tossed aside. 

The Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah that Obama now admires and quotes will again lead the way to have Americans killed around the world.  The Oklahoma Beheading in recent days was in Oklahoma not Syria.  The Islamic Muslim Jihadists simply wait for instructions from people like Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah.  They receive their war instructions via social media, people like Zuckerberg of Facebook provide the platform for hate and war.  Facebook has the ability now to troll for terrorist comments, delete them within seconds of posting.  So why don't they.  If the N.S.A. and the F.B.I. can see everything written and transmitted so why was the killers page on the internet? 

ISIS ISIL Taliban Al-qaeda continue to grow stronger as Obama gets weaker.  Why would Barack Obama - shocking the State Department - name as a friend and mentor to the world Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah when he wants Americans dead on the desert sands? 

You should know that Barack Obama is fishing for money today to keep power over America.  You should also know that he plays golf only minutes after Americans are beheaded by ISIS ISIL.  Why does Obama fail to guard America?  Why are the borders open?  Why are illegal aliens illegal immigrants being transported secretly across the United States?  These are questions that should keep you up at night because these are truly arrangements for the destruction of America.

It is clear to most that Barack Obama will, soon enough, attack Assad of Syria with no help of any other country.  Barack Obama supports the Caliphate and will war on Assad of Syria after the elections in November.  The Syrian Free Army (band of rebels) will help kill Muslim brothers in ISIS ISIL if Obama will kill Assad.  Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Kerry and others were trying to kill Assad by arming the band of rebels, working out of Benghazi.  The Benghazi murders were a result of secret arms deals by the CIA to the Syrian rebels. Much like the Iran-Contra affair during the Reagan Administration is should have remained secret but over 200,000 Syrians have been killed as Assad crosses the Obama red line daily.