Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"Talk of $20 oil is back." The Islamic Extremists New World Order - Paris France - Barack Obama Bashar Assad Vladimir Putin Strike A Deal with Mohammed and Allah and the Terrorists Across the World

The Islamic Radical Extremists attacked Paris France and another French Revolution was born.  The rationality of the Terrorist Attacks was to purge the Christian enemies from the world and seek revenge for the French terrorism during colonization of North Africa.  The helplessness of the French government was very obvious as ISIS ISIL Jihadist moved freely from Syria to France.  The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen across the world was crushed as the Syrian Iraq ISIS ISIL terrorist murdered at will, perverting the name of Allah and Mohammed and spreading Islamic Muslim terror around the world.  The French shall fight back but the battle is long and the battlefield is confused.

 "Talk of $20 oil is back."

"What did you do during the war comrade?"  the Russian guard enjoyed waking up the prisoners for their daily work project.
"You did something very bad comrade  as you ended up in Russia with me!"  the Russian guard knew that the black bastard was condemned by the Soviet Russian military for spreading anti-Russian propaganda during the great Islamic wars in the Middle East.
When ISIS ISIL Islamic Jihadist Extremists formed their Muslim caliph's territorial reign inside Syria and Iraq it was one thing but when they expanded their terror to Europe the world took notice, even the black bastard squatting on his bunk looking at the guard through the iron bars of a Communist Russian prison deep in Siberia knew he was guilty.
The prisoner had little choice except to squat on his bunk because the cell was too small to stand up straight and look the guard in the eye.
"You have plenty of time now comrade to study political sciences as you can take advantage of our library and ponder the future of the world."  the Russian guard was checking off the name of the prisoner as each face had to be counted every morning without fail.
The black bastard prisoner had been moved to Russia after he had been arrested and imprisoned by the German military government.  He had been sentenced to 25 years by the German Courts operating under Marshall Law for espionage against the European Union and the American NATO organization during times of war with the Islamic empire.
It was two o'clock in the morning even though the cell was bright with lights that stayed on 24 hours a day.  The prisoner always had a hard time sleeping which was the whole point, prisoners with little rest had little energy and offered less problems.
Suddenly the prisoner heard the heavy prison cell key turned inside the cell door locks which was the noise that terrified every prisoner being held inside the Soviet Russian Empire.
Before the cell door was completely open Barack Obama was wide awake as he knew from experience that he would have to undergo the customary body cavity search and the multitude of unpleasant possibilities offered up by the Russian guards.
The prisoner carried his red prison uniform and would not be allowed to dress until the search was completed.  Standing naked on the balcony overlooking more prison cells below Barack stood silent and offered no conversation and never complaints.
His heart was beating in his throat and his cold body was trembling as his mind raced back hundreds of years, back to the stone age of slavery as the Russian guard called him by name.
"Barack Obama, come along with me!"
The prisoners were not allowed to talk to each other but Barack obviously recognized his cell block mate Bashar al-Assad the imprisoned president of Syria.  Assad recognized the good morning from Barack by the cough and a glance but never a whisper.  The two men looked at each other standing nude before the junior guards that would body search them and maybe a morning kick and a curse by the guards.
"You two were better off in Germany!"  the Russian guard remembered the arrival of Assad and Obama only a few weeks apart.
"I hear Barack that you were not very nice to your German guards, you ended up in Russia didn't you!"  the Russian guard enjoyed his job as two Russian's in civilian clothes entered the room and in a toneless voice ordered the junior guards to search the bastards.
Barack or Bashar never knew how to answer the guards but it didn't matter, it was against the rules to talk at all unless ordered to talk and the topics to speak about.
The examination of Barack lasted several minutes to make sure that he was in pain before they stopped.  This was the time when Barack wondered about America and would they come and save him.
"I trained these technical assistants Barack!  Do you like the little torpedo up your ass comrade?"  the Russian guard sneers at the President of the United States as Bashar is bent over for the same treatment.
The two Russian's in civilian clothes naturally watched as it was their direct responsibility to assure all orders were followed, Vladimir Putin didn't like surprises.
The one Russian in civilian clothes told Barack and Bashar to pick up their red uniforms and toss them in the laundry basket.  He raised his finger one more time and the other Russian in civilian clothes pointed them in the direction of another room.
The Russian guard stood silent as the two Russian's in civilian clothes took both Barack and Bashar inside what was called the water room.  It was clear to Bashar when he saw the water plank that they were about to be water boarded as he pulled back and was quickly grabbed by the guards.
"You can speak as much as possible comrade, unless you drown first and die!"  the Russian guard helped the others strap Bashar to the water boarding planking and placed a towel over his face.
"In our experiments Barack we already know that you will talk but you have a habit of saying nothing, yes?"  the Russian guard strapped Barack to the planking but this time the electric clamps were attached "These little shocks comrade will help you tell the truth, yes?"
Another man entered the room and some were too busy to even notice until they looked up from their work.  He was known as the "listener" and he had arrived the day before from Moscow with direct orders from Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia.
Barack and Bashar were blinded by the towels over their faces but they both heard the "listener" talk to the two civilians.  "This one is a smooth liar comrade so pay attention to your work.  We want him alive today"  as the "listener" opened a file folder and handed them a list of questions for Barack direct from Vladimir Putin.
Weeks went by, maybe months and the whole thing started over every morning with the Russian guard and his cell keys.
"Good morning comrade, welcome to Christmas, there is snow on the White House lawn and your new president Hillary Clinton speaks of you often." 
It was now December and it seemed to Barack that the Hillary Clinton administration had given up and showed little interest in the missing and presumed dead Barack Obama.
The Soviet Russian empire had expanded dramatically since the great Islamic world as Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia,  Libya, Jordan and Egypt had been fused into the Russian realm by brute force and a single atomic bomb explosion over Israel offered up by Iran folded in the Jew bastards into the new world order of Russia and the Chinese.
The Americans had showed little interest in saving the Middle East Oil and Kingdoms as four hundred thousand Russian troops entered the region through Afghanistan and five hundred thousand Chinese troops entered the battle through Egypt.  ISIS ISIL Islamic Jihadist Extremist Radicals had been quickly killed off at the Russian flag flew from every pole and tree across the Middle East.
Hundreds of thousands of Christians had been taken prisoner and condemned to disciplinary and education camps inside Russia and China and their conditions were hopeless.  The American's had collapsed as Russia and China had cut off all oil shipments and the American dollar had been replaced by the Yuan across the globe. 
The Western armies of England, France and the United States were fighting but really they lived behind barbed wire as their economies could barely feed their citizens let alone strike out against Russia and China.
Hillary Clinton was deemed President of the United States by Congress and the Supreme Court held back any challenges by the citizens.
The cellmates of Barack and Bashar were ordered just yesterday "Pack everything together comrades, you leave today."  as the Russian guard marked off their names on his special blue paper of the day. 
Release documents were printed on blue paper as another security step inside the prisons "Hurry Hurry comrades before Vladimir changes his mind." the Russian guard smiled at the two naked men.
Barack's heart started beating again and his head exploded with hope and dreams as the Russian guard keyed the lock on his cell door.
"Do you remember your address comrade Barack?"  as the guard whispered "good luck" in Russian.
"You will be leaving Russia Barack Obama and Vladimir wishes you the great luck you deserve."  as the cell door clangs shut but this time Barack Obama is outside of the Russian cell.
"You will be loaded on a truck and with great haste you will be taken to the airport to fly to Moscow, yes?"  "Your wife Michelle and your daughters have been notified Barack and they are very happy this day, yes?"
The technician standing beside the guard handed Barack a piece of wheat bread with marmalade and told Barack to eat quickly.
Barack Obama was handcuffed both hand and foot and a canvas hood was placed over his head and he was told to start walking as he was led down the long balcony of the cell block.
He was loaded into an open truck and heavy blankets were tossed over him to keep the winter freeze off his frail body.  At the last moment Barack heard the dogs barking at him as Russian guards jumped up on the truck bed with their security dogs.
So the travel started.
The Hollywood technical writers spent several months with Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and other key people collecting data for the Hollywood director in sunny California. 
The story of a new world order depicted the X-president Barack Obama being held by the evil Russians but the primary actor Barack Obama had the last word.
The producers were running all over Russia during the winter snows trying their best to find that perfect place for filming.  The far-fetched screenplay might be doing some injustice to that special brand called Barack Obama but his 50 million dollar paycheck paid for a lot of Hollywood sins.   
The location managers wanted to film in Siberia but Vladimir Putin wanted five million dollars so Hollywood decided on Alaska, Ireland and Honolulu to tell the story.
Obama, politically speaking, wanted more Republican cannibals in the movie as evil players against the American people.  California Paramount Movies wanted to start shooting film next year but they were waiting for some more snow in Alaska.  Climate change was part of the story line so Barack Obama didn't see the problem.  The frantic searching for clear water streams in California was another problem but the miracle workers created a river in Victorville in San Bernardino county for some background shots of Barack Obama escaping from the clutches of Hillary Clinton and the Progressives.
The assistant director sitting with Barack and Michelle hears another phone ringing and yes it was President Donald Trump saying he would not issue any EPA fresh water permits for the movie.
He would allow them to use his gold coast golf course on Catalina Island for one million dollars, cash only.
The assistant director said they should have done the French Revolution in some damn Chinese town for twenty bucks.
Behind the scenes, Barack Obama was having a blast.

Planned Parenthood is killing America
Bengahzi the murdering of Americans
IRS Lois Lerner the force of government to stop the Tea Party
Fast and Furious the running of illegal guns to drug cartels in Mexico
DHS Border Patrol Open Borders the rush of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens
CBP Customs Border Patrol Total failure to secure the border.
Syrian Red Line the killing of hundreds of thousands of people by Obama's refusal to help
Crimea Invasion and Putin the expansion of the old Communist Soviet Empire
VA Veterans Administration Death Waiting List for cash bonuses and awards
NSA Spying against FOX news reporter Rosen
Solyndra Solar Scam the spending of billions of taxpayer dollars with no results
Keystone Pipeline never to be build so wealthy friends can haul oil on their railroad
Federal Reserve the creation of trillions of fiat-fake money destroying the dollar
Barack Obama whispering a secret deal to Soviet Union Russia Putin
NSA Spying against AP Associated Press
Welfare Food Stamps over 50 million people being fed daily by the government
ObamaCare the ACA Affordable Care Act Communist Socialist control over medical care
Iran Nuclear Program given time to build a complete nuclear weapons system
Iraq Premature Troop Withdrawl and Obama's failure to protect the investment in blood and money
ISIS and other Islamic Caliphate members allowed to build a nation of terrorists
Planned Parenthood funding by Obama allowed to kill hundreds of thousands of Negros
Illegal Aliens by the millions allowed to remain inside the United States without deportation
Main Stream Media bribed and bought and paid for by Obama and controlled by the FCC
LGBT Gay Marriage Movement against the wishes of the American people

Unemployment Under-employment raging across America
False Government Reporting and broadcasting half truths and lies-staged White House briefings
Bundy Cattle Ranch as BLM raids the lone rancher who was late paying fees
DHS Department of Homeland Security TSA airport security abusing individual rights
The Lying Obama President Obama clearly a liar and continues to lie to the America people
Dictatorial Power Obama ignores Congress and uses Executive Orders against the people
DOJ Department of Justice is racial - radical - and resists the Constitution
NSA National Security Agencies spying on each American and others around the world
IRS Lois Lerner IRS Commission Koskinen corruption destruction of records
EPA Gina McCarthy War on Coal - Closing Power Plants - Surging Energy Prices
DHS Jeh Johnson Open Borders - 
FEMA domestic camps and prisons
Bergdhal Taliban Five (5) Terrorist Trade from GITMO for the Traitors Return
NSA Snowden Security Collapse allowing the discovery of illegal government activity
Caliphate Formed Islamic Muslim Taliban Al-Qaeda ISIS Army Syria Iran Iraq


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