Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Don't let your girls go to ROSS Stores... LGBT ROSS Stores Seemingly Follows Target Store down the queer idea lane for guys that like to dress like girls? Ross Stores, Inc. NASDAQ: ROST

The Female Garb Transgender Policy; ROSS Stores has joined Target - Transgender Dressing Rooms - The female customer heard a man's voice in the ladies dressing room.  A new federal law, by executive order, Barack Obama loves the LGBT gay transgender vote just like Hillary Clinton.  They'll do anything for a vote but their ass backward policies are not match for free enterprise, free choice because ROSS and Target Store customers can just walk away.  If you truly want your country back, your liberty back and some common sense in the world walk away from retailers that don't really care what you think because they're afraid of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  ROSS Stores has joined the club, even if they didn't want too?  Nobody knows.  Boys that want to be girls is just o.k. but keep it away from girls and women half naked trying on dresses and such.  ROSS Stores will have to do a lot better because they're getting ready to do a lot worse concerning sales and profits.  You don't have to go to ROSS STORES or TARGET Stores to buy anything.  Stay away from ROSS STORES!

Ross Stores, Inc. Really! You sell dresses to women!  


Oh what a deal! A Ross spokesperson reportedly said the company does not discriminate against transgender individuals, but refused to comment on this particular case.  You can be sure that ROSS Stores would have a fit if a store manager would speak to the media about their transgender policy.  Maybe ROSS Stores has that kink of sneaky, don't ask and don't tell transgender policy where the harry guy can play girl dress up.. maybe sneak and peek around looking at the half nude women and young girls in the next stall.. maybe a little giggle here and there?  Maybe ROSS Store Customers should think about a ROSS Store boycott like at Target Stores?  If you cost ROSS Stores a few billion dollars in the next ten days.. maybe they will start protecting women and young girls that run around dressing rooms in their panties while looking in mirrors.  

Question, did ROSS Stores call the police?

Did ROSS Stores protect the women customers?

Think about a boycott, while ROSS decides their next secret policy.

The guy had a beard and was wearing blue jeans when the woman heard the mans voice.  

The ROSS Store Manager told the women, just wait until the guy was done.. doing what?  It seems that ROSS Stores has gone along with Target Stores and plans to let the guys run loose in the woman's dressing room with naked or half naked girls around in the next stalls.  ROSS Stores is playing a dangerous game for a group selling dresses.  Customers, Female customers, girls, have no intentions of letting some guy play around in the dressing booth next door.. forget about it.  ROSS Stores, surely will play duck and cover for a while but most likely tens of thousands of ROSS customers will walk away in the same way they now avoid Target Stores and their LGBT progressive socialist stance advanced by radical Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Don't let your girls go to ROSS Stores...

A woman is outraged after she says a man was permitted to use the women’s dressing room at a Mesquite, Texas, Ross department store on Monday.

Lisa Sickles said she was using the women’s dressing room when she suddenly “heard a man’s voice.” She said she immediately told the store’s manager.

“She went inside the dressing room, came right back out and called me to the side and told me… he was representing himself as a woman today,” Sickles told CBS DFW.

However, Sickles said the man “was in no way dressed as a woman.”

“He had on jeans, a t-shirt, 5 o’clock shadow, very deep voice. He was a man,” she recalled.

A Ross spokesperson reportedly said the company does not discriminate against transgender individuals, but refused to comment on this particular case.

Sickles said the incident left her feeling as if her feelings didn’t matter.

“What about me? Or my feelings?” she said.

Sickles claimed the manager told her if she “felt uncomfortable in the dressing room with him there,” she should “wait until he’s finished.”

Ross isn’t alone in its bathroom policy. Target, TJ Maxx and Marshalls all reportedly allow customers to use restrooms and dressing rooms based on their gender identity.

Christine Jorgensen in 1953. She was the first widely known transgender person in the United States. After serving in the Army during World War II, she later worked as an actress and nightclub entertainer

Following the ejection from a Ross Dress for Less store of a transgender woman who was trying on clothes, the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington says that the store is making positive changes to make the company less discriminatory. 

In November 2010, “Christy_M” posted on a cross-dressing forum that a manager pounded on the dressing room door of the company’s Lynnwood, Wash. store and yelled, “You need to get out of the dressing room now!” as she was trying on a sweater dress. Startled and embarrassed, Christy_M left the store, and vomited in the parking lot. “I felt so embarrassed and disgusted with myself,” Christy_M wrote. “I have so much shame wearing on me that I can hardly move.”

In December the ACLU contacted the stores for the unlawful discrimination under Washington state law, writing, “Ross was legally required to afford (Christy_M) ‘full enjoyment’ of its Lynnwood store, which includes the right to enter the store and not be treated as unwelcome, unaccepted, undesired or unsolicited.”

The ACLU of Washington says that California-based Ross Dress for Less has clarified to employees that company policy prohibits discrimination against persons based on gender identity and expression, and that the Ross Stores was drafting policy including a “special instruction” to employees on accommodating customers’ gender identities for use of the bathroom and dressing rooms.


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