Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, May 20, 2016

LGBT Hillary Clinton Barack Obama If you're one of those gent's that likes to slip on some panty hose and a nice dress with heels, welcome to America. Every waterfront saloon has been putting up with your B.S

That four letter word - LGBT - has shocked the world and was once a dirty word spoken by only cross dressing men but it's not dirty anymore.  The pros and cons of being a cross dressing transgender is many so America should get used to the letters LGBT because Barack Obama has again corrupted the system to gain and hold political power. 
If you're one of those gent's that likes to slip on some panty hose and a nice dress with heels, welcome to America.  Every waterfront saloon has been putting up with your B.S. for years taking into consideration the sexual problems you're very willing to share with other so-called normal people, whatever that means.
We don't want to learn about the various sex acts of a transgender because most people would agree that would be dirty and obviously people don't like dirty.
There's all kinds of words that can describe you but those same words would get you kicked out of church, local business fronts and even the gay bar you droop around.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has heard your first-class tizzy because you want to pee with the girls and maybe get in that dressing room with young girls wandering around in the panties trying on dresses.
You have a lot of support now, but not really.  Target Stores says o.k. because they don't want to end up in court and ROSS Stores is doing the same thing.
It wasn't that long ago that the postmaster could not deliver a magazine with a picture of you so things have really changed for the worse. You're not considered filth anymore by political force only as 99.9% of Americans, pray tell, have the correct name for you.
Sure, you and your friends will end up in federal court and some sloppy employer will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines through some EEOC moment so you can keep playing dress up with the girls.
You're kind of like segregation, government force changed the reality but not really.  Your still being censored so you can plan on being watched, a lot of 911 calls to the cop, maybe an arrest here and there but as long as your control your sexual urges you'll just be a cross dressing freak and not a felon.
But as Target Stores is learning and ROSS Stores will learn this LGBT story is not going to be a cold war, it will be hot in court and will most likely collapse the Hillary Clinton run for President because she supports every queer idea from Benghazi to the dressing room.
Sex is a positive act created by our creator to create other human beings so you can consider in time you must become extinct at some point.  You're considered pretty much crazy, mixed-up and perverted but don't let that bother you as the socialist progressive movement by Obama and Clinton will protect your rights, civilization be damned.
Most people know that Bill Clinton is a sexual pervert but he makes a buck and is still on the government payroll.  Bill Cosby was weird for decades and he did pretty good.  The so called natural normal people don't get it so be really careful in the little girls room peeing in the next booth or trying on dresses with the girls.  You're not matching up to the process of lovemaking or religion so you're good answers are only brought about by a corrupt socialist and forced upon the people.
In November, you might want to stay at home and play your phony sex game in private like before because we can suggest that the government force will be removed by the force of the people even if we must eliminate the supreme court.
Fake rights in short won't work without the radicals in government as the majority of people are for natural sex, but you already know that.  You have no way to come honestly together in real love making even though your passion makes most of us sick.
A neurotic man dressed up like a woman is wrong for America and you can suggest that some violence must be in the future when a husband and father discovers you adjusting in the ladies room.  Just like a fictional story the sex scenes embedded in the male mind does not match yours.
You have a real desire, we got that, but we also get that you now want to bewilder the youth of America, freak out girls and women in the bathroom which is some silly weird desire to make yourself feel like a girl.  You are simply t.v. entertainment at this point with Obama and Clinton guarding your back but remember we're about to vote in November so don't plan on being neurotic about Sex in Target or Ross Stores too long.
Target market value is down $10 Billion dollars because they support the Transgender relationship with their store, it's their store. Right or wrong, people are walking away and Ross Stores are the next. 
The country is cheering about the Target drop in value so don't plan on the natural sex people to be suppressed so you can prance around the girls inside bathrooms and dressing rooms.
You're considered obscene.
You have demanded a public hearing.
Obama and Clinton have taken the torch.
Millions will refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump becomes President.
The New York Times cannot hide the truth.
In the end, the courts may be disregarded and the public natural sex morals will again be established and protected.
So in your private life, get those heels on and act foolish on Saturday night but your actions will become illegal and your actions barred and in some classic way you'll end up in jail for your own lack of self control.
You frolicsome little devil you.
Love America

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