Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Why The Dicks Loose and Captain America Donald Trump Wins, Jail Time, Including Hillary Clinton - Sex Addict Bill Clinton - Pedophile Anthony Weiner - Muslim Brotherhood Huma Abedin - Cheryl Mills - Philippe Reines - Doug Band - Chelsea Clinton - John Podesta - Susan Rice - Valeria Jarrett - Mitt Romney - Jeb Bush - Vladimir Putin - Terry McAuliffe - Michelle Obama - Andrew McCabe - Unsecured Emails, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Benghazi Terrorists Attacks, Open Borders, Open Trade, Wall Street, Immunity Deals, DOJ Corruption, FBI Corruption, Clinton Foundation Scandals, Russian Reset, Islamic Jihadist, Iran Terrorists Nuclear Deal, Vladimir Putin, WIKILEAKS, Bad Trade Deals, Careless Hillary Clinton National Security, Criminal Activity. *Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,

Why are people changing their votes away from Hillary Clinton, it might be the Active investigations of Hillary Clinton and her inner circle to merit a list of the most important ones. You're in a informational gunfight for America so don't let your guard down.. fast draw learning, accurate shots at the Clinton Criminals, no hostages.. and you don't even need a gun, use facts and the law.

People are running away from Hillary Clinton and for good reason, the heat from the law, including the FBI is getting really hot and they don'w want to be burnt.  

A simple search of Clinton Foundation records reveal the inside of the Criminal enterprise called the Clinton Foundation.  

DNC donor lists reveal local thugs who help and support Clinton.  

People are moving away from Clinton, it's not longer a fireside chat. If you sent or received an email from the Clinton Campaign, the FBI knows. Many states let you change your vote from Clinton to Donald Trump, thousands are running fast to change their votes.

Hillary Clinton is a Criminal
The Criminal Investigations of Hillary Clinton

In short, just about everyone tied to Hillary Clinton is the subject of a serious investigation. If you gave money to the DNC or the Hillary Clinton campaign you're being reviewed by the FBI DOJ for criminal activities, helping criminal activity. The Clinton's have been crime ridden for years.. even Marc Rich information was released by the FBI, the FBI is trying it's best to warn honest Americans.. stay away from Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, DNC, Podesta, Mook and others...

The Clinton's have a very crime ridden past and they know dead men tell no tales, you may remember WIKILEAKS and the DNC conspiracy to defeat Bernie Sanders from the inside, after the WIKILEAKS DOCUMENT DUMP four DNC employees were murdered, dead on the streets, the DNC murders...

Not all of them were are the beneficiaries of those curious preemptive immunity deals tossed around by FBI leadership, to the consternation of some agents. Hillary Clinton is on the hook this time and Obama with Lynch is very quietly trying to get her off...

1. Clinton Email Scandal: As everyone knows, this supposedly de-railed investigation was dramatically hoisted back onto the rails by none other than sex nt Anthony Weiner – 

the accused pedophile who ended up with a huge trove of State Department emails on his computer, which the FBI seized because Weiner has been sending sexually explicit messages to a 15-year-old girl. 

Anthony Weiner, like Bill Clinton has a need to fiddle with their dicks and many say Weiner gave the FBI the laptop computer with 650,000 secret emails to avoid a life sentence in prison?

U.S. National Secrets may be found on a pedophile's computer and of course Huma Abedin (Muslim girl for Muslim Brotherhood) didn't know anything about it.. but Huma's not on the campaign any more, Hillary Clinton dumped her Muslim ass and hides her out of sight, Huma also has big time White House from the White House...

The Clinton's always buy their way out of jail,Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to keep himself out of prison.. sexual assault charges, rape charges.. 

broadens again..

Not only is the Clinton email investigation back on the rails, it’s chugging along at high speed. It was reported on Monday that the FBI has “accelerated its timeline” for reviewing Weiner emails linked to Clinton. A close Podesta friend and Lawyer, from the DOJ, is now in charge of the Hillary Clinton FBI Email investigation sent over by DOJ Loretta Lynch, Lynch is the boss of FBI James Comey..

2. The Anthony Weiner Investigation: The poor judgment displayed by Hillary Clinton in allowing vital government emails to slip onto Anthony Weiner’s computer is absolutely breathtaking. Huma most likely was building a Clinton Blackmail file, 650,000 email secrets allows her to bargain with Hillary Clinton the President, leverage for the Muslim brotherhood..

Huma Abedin is a global supporter of the Islamic Whores known as the Muslim Brotherhood or CAIR in the United State.  

Huma .. should never touch, see or hear anything.. this is why.  

She took 650,000 private State Department Emails home.. printed out documents..where are they? Did Huma FedEx copies to HAMAS, Saudi Arabia?

Furthermore, Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin has trotted out the shopworn all-purpose Obama administration excuse that she knew nothing about the situation until she heard it reported on the news.

That should disqualify her from ever obtaining any sort of security clearance, if Hillary Clinton had not already rendered information security a joke.  Huma Abedin is going to prison,that was set up a long time ago by Cheryl Mills, Hillary and Bill Clinton.  Huma, little Muslim girl was the fall guy.. she's falling now. 

Both Abedin and Clinton could be in legal jeopardy, depending on what emails the FBI finds lurking in the diseased corners of Weiner’s laptop. 

Weiner himself is absolutely in jeopardy, the kind that puts perverts in jail for long stretches of time. He has every reason to make a deal with law enforcement so many experts agree, he gave the FBI the computer for a get out of jail free card, another criminal, another bribe, another insider deal. 

He might have a lot to deal with. 

How did 650,000 State Department emails end up on his computer? The simplest explanation might be that Carlos Danger (as he once liked to be called) was stockpiling leverage to use against his now-estranged wife and her boss, 

The Smartest Woman Who Ever Lived.

3. The Clinton Foundation Probe: We’ve learned an FBI probe of the Criminal Clinton Foundation for possible financial crimes and influence peddling has been in progress for over a year. 

As the Wall Street Journal put it, some of the investigators were “frustrated” because FBI leadership seemed “uninterested in probing the charity.”  It is thought that DOJ Lynch, put FBI James Comey in the hot seat and told him to back off.. 

This is an investigation that could rope in a lot of people in Clinton’s inner circle, besides Hillary and Bill Clinton themselves.

Abedin is a player, and so is Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and another key aide, Philippe Reines

Bill Clinton’s old “body man” Doug Band – basically the Little-finger of Bill Clinton’s financial empire, for you Game of Thrones fans – and even Chelsea Clinton could end up answering some tough questions. 

The American people are demanding prison time and this time they can vote Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Philippe Reines, Doug Band, Chelsea Clinton and Podesta in prison by electing Donald Trump for President. FBI James Comey jumped up again because he doesn't want to go to prison, but it may be too late?

Much will depend on whether the Clinton Foundation is scrutinized in isolation, or whether charges of influence peddling are pursued, at which point Hillary Clinton’s entire criminal past from her days in the Senate and State Department would have reason to feel nervous.

4. The Podesta Brothers: Most of those WikiLeaks bombshells the Clinton media is ignoring with such furious intensity are to, from, or copied to John Podesta, the CEO of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and probably the most powerful figure in Clintonworld not named “Clinton.”

In one of the latest WikiLeaks revelations, Podesta is caught telling Cheryl Mills, “We are going to have to dump all those emails,” and it would be “better to do so sooner than later.” That sounds ominously like a conspiracy to destroy evidence in multiple federal criminal investigations, depending of course on which emails he was talking about, and what he meant by “dumping” them.

Podesta’s brother Tony, and the brothers’ Podesta Group lobbying firm, are involved in an FBI corruption investigation related to the deposed president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. 

The allegations boil down to illegal lobbying activities. 
 – but Podesta’s pipeline into the Clinton machine means more highly-placed people in her camp could become part of the investigation.

5. Terry McAuliffe’s Campaign Donations: The Clintons’ old friend Terry McAuliffe, currently the governor of Virginia, has been under FBI investigation for over a year by the Public Integrity unit over campaign fundraising and donations. Part of that investigation involves his time with the Clinton Global Initiative.

The events of greatest interest, until now, were some curious foreign donations, but now we’ve got the eye-popping sums of money McAuliffe steered to Virginia state senate candidate Jill McCabe, whose husband just happens to be Andrew McCabe, who just happens to be a top FBI official, and who just happened to end up in charge of the Clinton Foundation investigation.

This controversy doesn’t seem to be fading despite rote denials of impropriety and swift media assurances it was all a big nothingburger. Some of those dismissals are based on Jill McCabe receiving her pile of McAuliffe money before her husband became involved with an FBI investigation of the Clintons, but not all of it was donated before that point, and it hardly strains credulity to assert that the Clinton machine was making down-payments for favors it knew full well it would need later.

There have been calls for McCabe to recuse himself from the Clinton Foundation probe, and House Oversight Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) has a few questions.

The fascinating thing about these five investigations is not just that so many prominent people from the Clintons’ orbit are caught up in them – the UK Daily Mail suggests a few more, lower-profile names – but that all of these cases could have trails leading to Anthony Weiner’s computer.

It will take a long time to go through all the material of interest, but meanwhile Weiner has suddenly become the key figure in Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid. It seems safe to say nobody saw that coming.

Clintonworld is looking like a carload of bandits in a chase film from the 1970s, heading for the state line with pedal to the metal, a swarm of cop cars roaring through the dust right behind them. Can Hillary Clinton and her crew hit the White House in a squeal of shredding tires and win total political immunity before the law catches up with them? Stay tuned for the big finale on Election Day!

FBI Agent Andy Ledger, Washington D.C., found something several months ago, but he kept it to himself. He never told the Director of the FBI James Comey even though they had a working business lunch every Thursday, that was going to change today.

Unsecured Emails, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Benghazi Terrorists Attacks, Open Borders, Open Trade, Wall Street, Immunity Deals, DOJ Corruption, FBI Corruption, Clinton Foundation Scandals, Russian Reset, Islamic Jihadist, Iran Terrorists Nuclear Deal, Vladimir Putin, WIKILEAKS, Bad Trade Deals, Careless Hillary Clinton National Security, Criminal Activity. *Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,

B.S. in Writing

The fictionalized truth about Hillary Clinton is simply fiction but it may lead you to think and act different, so escape into the fictional world of FBI Special Agent Andy Ledger, he could save America and you. FBI Special Agent is convinced that Hillary Clinton is a global monster and the Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner email discovery could prove every point. Honest Americans are willing and able to make Donald J. Trump the next President of the United States, voters were tired of Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Jonathan Gruber, Loretta Lynch, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX NEWS, Illegal Aliens, ObamaCare, Eric Holder, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Iran, Syria, Russia and thousands of other things.. 

Andy Ledger, Special Agent in Charge, Muslim Brotherhood Investigation, Washington D.C. has been sifting through the known Hillary Clinton Email's but when he glimpsed at the Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin laptop hard drive and the 650,000 mails it was like winning the lottery.

Human Abedin has direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, known as CAIR in America which is per say common knowledge or at least common thought.  For some unknown reason Huma Abedin had been dumping hundreds of classified emails every day on her private laptop which contained U.S. Top Secret intelligence, this was an odd deed, without the rest.

With billions of dollars of U.S. Government secured computer systems and data storage available why would Huma Abedin store U.S. Top Secrets on a laptop that you could buy at a dime store outlet?

The FBI had gone after Hillary Clinton but not in a big way and Andy knew everybody was pissed off when Director Comey said she was a stupid bitch but had no criminal intent.

Andy Ledger could see the strain on Director Comey and saw it close up every Thursday.  Hundreds of FBI agents were now ignoring FBI Director James Comey because he let the mob boss Hillary Clinton off the hook, the FBI never let anybody off the hook.
Comey was being pushed around by Loretta Lynch, the radical boss over at the DOJ Department of Justice and the FBI men and women knew that, but it didn't matter. 

FBI Comey should have told her to take a hike because Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, without any doubt but agents knew something was up.

No grand jury concerning Hillary Clinton. No criminal charges against Bill Clinton for Nasty Sex.

The guys and gals with the badge knew that the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton was fake. Comey let the FBI down and disgraced them all.

FBI Agent Andy Ledger could reclaim the glory of the FBI because with a little more work he could prove that the Clinton Foundation was Organized Crime, headed up by the wife with the balls Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton acting as the front man.

Andy knew that Comey, in his heart, was a cop with a big job but he could also spend a few years in jail as the American people are tired of Mobsters like Lynch, Comey, Obama, Reid and Pelosi let alone Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton's were always layered and covered with lawyers but the Clinton emails, joined by WIKILEAKS and now the Huma Abedin Anthony Weiner email discovery broke down all those wall.  Bill Clinton wouldn't take a piss without a lawyer holding his dick,the guy was a wrecked criminal but the boss was Hillary Clinton.

Her crimes, the crimes of the mobster Hillary Clinton according to Andy's notes could land her in federal prison for 23 years to life and his review of the 650,000 emails just got started.  One of the sissy culprits Human Abedin had gotten her own team of lawyers, Andy knew the Clinton's would back her.

Hillary Clinton is worse than any man, women mobsters roam the world but Hillary was jetted around the world on the taxpayer dime, she was crime ridden.

FBI Agent Andy Ledger did the right thing and requested private time with FBI Director Comey last Thursday after lunch and gave him his 302 report's concerning Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Huma Abedin and now Anthony Weiner.  Donald Trump has talked about little Weiner being a National Security concern, the emails will tell the story. 

Andy had found the over 30,000 missing emails of Hillary Clinton and James Comey just sat there, once in a while sipping water as he read the 302's that Andy laid on the lunch table.

Andy Ledger had just given James Comey everything he needed to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton and all the serious consequences that came along.

Americans would be voting in a matter of days.

James Comey remained silent, but kept reading.

Andy Ledger waited, also in silence.

Hillary Clinton was a global Mobster using the Clinton Foundation to funnel cash money from foreign agents, foreign governments and other nasty people including big business in America and in return they gained U.S. Government access at the upper most levels, government no-bid contracts, free money in grants, the list went on and on.

Andy listed their names. Andy had connected the dots, even though thousands of data points had not been investigated or connected, even good people were in the Clinton web, without knowing. 

The final line James Comey read out loud; concerning the irrational Hillary Clinton'

 "Money and Power made her crazy"

Andy Ledger spoke up;

"Director, she's a Mobster, a Fucking Godmother of political crime that reaches around the world"  the Director had always known that the first women for president phenomenon Hillary Clinton had been granted to the wrong woman.

The FBI director read all about the murders, bribes, extortion, blackmailing, foreign cash, whores, fixers, and all the branches of the Clinton Foundation that was designed to hide and conceal the truth, even the Uranium deal with Russia would put her in jail.

The accepted reality of Hillary Clinton developed by the dishonest corporate controlled main stream media lie CNN, ABC, CBS and in some was FOX NEWS was keeping Hillary Clinton's head above water, these emails would drown her forever.

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton would be disgraced for the last time, a federal prison, nearly all the top DNC leadership would be indicted, the main stream media would be exposed, big business C.E.O's would use their golden parachutes, the Muslim Brotherhood would be rounded up, the borders closed, this was bigger than big as Andy Ledger had listed over 150 names that he wanted federal subpoenas and warrants to investigate.

"This women should not be in any position of power Director no matter what the DOJ prosecutors say."

The most powerful people in the United States government could be indicted from the President down to the lowly DNC street walkers drumming up votes for Hillary Clinton.

Comey considered his findings for a few hours after he left Andy Ledger at the lunch table not saying another word, in the stillness of his office he then signed the letter to Congress, we're re-opening the Hillary Clinton Criminal investigation.

The woman considered boss at the DOJ Loretta Lynch called the White House and talked to the real boss Barack Obama and in local jargon told her friend Barack Obama "We're Fucked". Comey was taking the groundbreaking step and going over the head of DOJ Lynch and in effect Barack Obama, fuck em all.

Loretta Lynch read the private and confidential letter she had received from James Comey to Barack Obama the President;

"Hillary Clinton has sacrificed nothing for America Loretta, she has taken everything and her criminal friends, foreign and domestic, in skirts or work boots have shaped a worldwide criminal organization known as The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation"

"The Clinton Foundation" with many branches around the world operating under many names has broken all morals of the United States, and sacrificed the safety of the United States of America and has in fact broken dozens of federal laws."

"Hillary Clinton is seemingly the first woman that could become president of the United States, she is really the Godmother of a worldwide crime family known as the Clintons, hiding behind lawyers, receiving political cover for political favors, she is the boss and she is ruthless, cruel, ready to order liars and cheats to murder the U.S. Constitution with a simple click of her fingers."

"Hillary Clinton has been collaborating with the enemies of the United States, the insiders of the corporate controlled media, global business enterprises, the Russian government, and every level of the DNC indicates some level of corruption ie Debbie Wasserman Shultz and we still have four DNC associates murdered on the streets that may tie back to operatives and agents."

"Loretta, to avoid prison, Hillary and Bill Clinton would do or say anything and daily we should doubt our decision not to indict Hillary Clinton the first time, law enforcement may have time to correct this legal error and from a secret location Huma Abedin may be helping us, it's too early to tell but now we have 650,000 emails, connecting all the dot's to all the crimes."

"We may need to call back the people that were granted protection by immunity because the emails may prove that they still have liability. We can offer them witness protection or federal prison but they too will have to live and die by their own mistakes."

"With respect Loretta I now understand the past and times have changed and we hold the keys to the truth and with further respect offered, the truth will lead the way."

James Comey

FBI Director

The fictionalized truth about Hillary Clinton is simply fiction but it may lead you to think and act different, so escape into the fictional world of FBI Special Agent Andy Ledger, he could save America and you. FBI Special Agent is convinced that Hillary Clinton is a global monster and the Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner email discovery could prove every point. Honest Americans are willing and able to make Donald J. Trump the next President of the United States, voters were tired of Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Jonathan Gruber, Loretta Lynch, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX NEWS, Illegal Aliens, ObamaCare, Eric Holder, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Iran, Syria, Russia and thousands of other things.. 

Just Imagine The Truth

B. S. In Written Form
Story Telling Fiction

I don't care who you vote for 

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