Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, October 20, 2014

Life Begins After Obama, unless you're over 50 years old. Prosperity isn't difficult to understand so why is the American middle-class falling flat on its face year after year? With the current economic conditions we now have millions of illegal aliens working jobs for a lot less money than the guy next door wants per hour. When you think about illegal aliens you think about McDonald and Wal-Mart low paying dead end jobs but the truth is a lot deeper.

Life Begins After Obama, unless you're over 50 years old.
Prosperity isn't difficult to understand so why is the American middle-class falling flat on its face year after year?  With the current economic conditions we now have millions of illegal aliens working jobs for a lot less money than the guy next door wants per hour.  When you think about illegal aliens you think about McDonald and Wal-Mart low paying dead end jobs but the truth is a lot deeper.
The Obama economy is not merely in some economic slump the massive plunge in prosperity was the plan by the White House.
This Obama economic downfall was designed to weaken you and of course it's worked perfectly well.  Your annual income is down and millions of people are on welfare and eat by using the Obama food stamp programs and ObamaCare will strike the middle-class right between the eyes after the first of the year.
As in any economy, some are lucky and some are lost.  If you have the right big business, big banking, big union, big media and big government connections you can also become very wealthy during this Obama economic collapse.
As far as business and prosperity goes the free enterprise system is a simple to understand economic model. In our system you have makers, sellers and buyers.  One way or another each American falls into these simple broad based categories and with a little extra knowledge called training you can master every signal grouping.
If you're over 50 years old you know it's just about impossible for you to get a job interview for a decent job or new career. Today's employers have no intention of hiring people over 50 years old for a lot of reasons but they can all be counted by dollars.  You simply cost too much.  You'll want a day off to go to the doctor.  Today's progressive liberal employers like part of the Obama economic collapse as it gives them reason to convert people to part-time, no long term commitment or retirement and wages and salaries are dropping like a rock.
You have become a used consumable.  A consumable that has been used up and discarded and are now considered a surplus in the Obama economy.  Unemployment is very near 25% when you remove the fishy government numbers.  Under-Employment is epidemic and is a widespread problem across all age groups.
Millions of hard working men and women over 50 years old are discriminated against every day.  If you're lucky enough to get the interview, you won't get the job. 
People over 50 years old have been abused by the Obama administration in many different ways.  The minority groups inside America like Women, People over 50 years old, Disabled, Veterans and all Colored Groups like Negro, Latino etc have very little hope for the future. 
These groups have been discarded but other sweeping national problems called ObamaCare, Ebola, Entrovirus, AIDS, Illegal Aliens, ISIS, ISIL and dozens of other appalling Obama scandals curse the American future.

We all hope, Life begins after Obama. 

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