Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Monica Lewinsky Sex Story - The Cigar Lover Story White House Sex Story goes International The same White House that Barack Obama disrespects has a history of Sexual Abuse Lewinsky, Monica Lewinsky, the other woman vs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the wife. Monica Lewinsky, the secret lover of President Bill Clinton while being a government employee, on the payroll, inside the White House comes to surface again to speak to the world that no longer cares. Monica Lewinsky was almost child like when President Bill Clinton enjoyed her inside the White House as her wife Hillary Rodham Clinton played first lady of the United States. The happy couple Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton went on through the impeachment and disgrace only to be reminded often of the criminal sexual affair inside the White House.

Lewinsky, Monica Lewinsky, the other woman vs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the wife.  Monica Lewinsky, the secret lover of President Bill Clinton while being a government employee, on the payroll, inside the White House comes to surface again to speak to the world that no longer cares.  

Monica Lewinsky was almost child like when President Bill Clinton enjoyed her inside the White House as her wife Hillary Rodham Clinton played first lady of the United States.  The happy couple Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton went on through the impeachment and disgrace only to be reminded often of the criminal sexual affair inside the White House.  Many people remember the story of sex with a cigar and the stained blue dress but they talk about Benghazi. 

The EEOC seems to forget the law or maybe Monica Lewinsky forgot about the EEOC and sexual abuse inside the workplace.  No matter, Hillary Clinton has a weird smile on her face this morning, some claim the Lesbian Hillary Clinton has a lot to hide and Monica Lewinsky is not on the list. Bill Clinton has been accused of everything, at least twice but, the women voters seem to love the cigar lover.  Clinton's behavior has destroyed a generation of young girls that learned from the President that anything goes.  

Many wonder if Monica Lewinsky has been prompted by Hillary Rodham Clinton or her famous operatives to tell the story now and get it out of the headlines.  Hillary may hope that Americans are tired of the Clinton's Criminal Past before the 2016 presidential elections.  When President Bill Clinton decided to have sex with Monica Lewinsky he proved to the women of the world that he has little regard for love, marriage, parenthood or even common sex.  FDR and LBJ and the famous JFK had girlfriends while in office which might make some wonder about the liberal progressive democratic mindset concerning god, country and family?  Barack Obama, some say, has friends over while Michelle Obama is out of town but, we must wait for the book.

The now aged Hillary Rodham Clinton, grandmother, really wants to be president of the United States and finish the radical progressive socialist work of her pal Barack Hussein Obama.  Hillary Clinton has dodged criminal prosecution for decades but many questions are on the table.  Monica Lewinsky White House Sex Scandal matters little as Hillary Rodham Clinton is accused by the American people of letting Americans die in the sands of Benghazi while she idled away her time being a big shot. Hillary Clinton also may have a connection with the Muslim Brotherhood that was the beginning of ISIS, ISIL, TALIBAN, AL-QAEDA which is killing people across Syria and Iraq this very day.

We wish Monica Lewinsky well.

We still want to know about Benghazi.

For Hire Claiming He Did It For The Money

Larry Nichols, former 10 year accomplice to the Clintons, can now add hit-man to his list of dirty deeds.  Nichols dropped a bombshell on The Pete Santilli Show when he very calmly admitted that he had murdered people, on command, for Bill and Hillary Clinton.  

Mr. Nichols has been a voice crying out in the wilderness since he brought to light the sexual brutality of Bill Clinton during his reign as Governor in Arkansas. That information would eventually play a key role to Clinton's impeachment in the 90′s.  Larry says he makes no apologies.

They sent me overseas to kill people for them and told me it was for the good of the Country

So when they asked me to do it for them in the States it felt no different. The real truth is, I did it for the money and I didn't give a shit about the women I beat and the men I murdered.   

The Clintons are bad people and I did bad things for them.  I had to live with that all of these years and now I just don't care anymore who knows it.

Larry maintains the Clintons were into so many illegal activities at the time, they had to have a team of mercenaries made up of friends and state-troopers to cover it all up and keep them protected from the public finding out.  

According to Larry Nichols, both Bill and Hillary were wild and out of control and both were relentless in their pursuit for money and power.  From running drugs, to the rape and beating of women and young girls, both of the Clintons are guilty of the unspeakable crimes.

When Pete asked Larry about Gennifer Flowers making headlines last week claiming Bill had told her Hillary had eaten more pussy than he had Larry said that's old news, and indeed it is … Larry had made that same statement on the Pete Santilli show early last spring.  Larry is adamant that Hillary Clinton is a "Dyke" and always has been.

One thing I know for sure She did have enough sex with men to have a kid, but it wasn't Bill Clinton's Kid she had … Chelsea is actually the daughter of Web Hubble.

Nichols and many other insiders claim Clinton began having sex with Hubble to gain employment at The Rose Law Firm which she believed would eventually advance Bill Clinton's chances of becoming Governor of Arkansas.

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