Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, February 2, 2015

49% of Americans receive some type of government hand out. You are now living inside a Barack Obama progressive radical socialist state, a Administrative state controlled by communists - socialists - radicals and some of these government officials are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood CAIR and are militant to the U.S. Constitution, Private Property Rights, Freedom and Liberty under the U.S. Constitution. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Bill De Blasio, George Soros, Van Jones, Pelosi, Reid, Biden are extremists against the Constitution.

The Sticky Truth about Barack Obama, he thinks everything is o.k. now because he's a radical breaking down the United States to create a welfare state. how can it be “normal” when… 49% of Americans receive some type of government hand out.  You are now living inside a Barack Obama progressive radical socialist state, a Administrative state controlled by communists - socialists - radicals and some of these government officials are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood CAIR and are militant to the U.S. Constitution, Private Property Rights, Freedom and Liberty under the U.S. Constitution.  Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Bill De Blasio, George Soros, Van Jones, Pelosi, Reid, Biden are extremists against the Constitution. 

* Roughly 75% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, with essentially zero savings, according to a recent study.  You have two weeks of cash and there's not another job waiting on you. Your money is private property because it has been earned but, Barack Obama re-distributes your wealth, by giving it away to others that don't work, don't own property, don't buy their own food and their mostly Negro and Latino.  Millions of illegal aliens, waiting for you to pay them as Democrats give them your cash for their vote.  What happened to the honor of the Negro man?  Does the NAACP to anything except take money from government programs?  

* The labor force has collapsed.  Millions of men waiting at home on welfare. The “labor force participation rate” (basically the percentage of able-bodied people who are actually working) has fallen every year since 2007 and is at its lowest level since the 1970s. (Source: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

* Your neighbor is on SNAP food stamps, you're next, just wait. How can things really be “normal” in America, when the number of people on food stamps has basically doubled since Barack Obama took office… and when HALF of all children born today will be on food stamps at some point in their life?

Yes, you read that correctly: Roughly 50% of all children born in America today will be on food stamps at some point in their lifetime. Does that sound “normal” to you?

* Can our country really be back to “normal” when, according to the most recent numbers from the Census Bureau, an incredible 49% of Americans are receiving benefits from at least one government program EVERY SINGLE month?

* Or when 52% of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year?

* Can things really be “normal” in America when at one point, a single U.S. government-controlled agency (the Federal Reserve) was purchasing up to 70% of the bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury—simply by creating money out of thin air?

* Or when the “too-big-to-fail-banks” that got bailed out in 2007 are actually 37% larger than they were back then?

* And how can things be normal when our country’s money supply has increased by 400% since 2006—all just printed out of thin air. Look at this chart below… it should scare the hell out of you…

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