Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Donald Trump GOP Lynch Job - The GOP does not understand the harmony that Donald Trump enjoys with the American people because they broke all their strings over the years and have lost the beat of the American taxpayer.

Last Night, The GOP Republican Leaderships tried to fence in Donald Trump concerning the Illegal Alien Immigration problems in America.  

The GOP Republican leadership tried to explain that they've been courting the Mexican Wetback's in the attempt to gain power and the White House so Donald Trump should shut the hell up.  The GOP Republican leadership, at the national level, inside the Congress is afraid of Donald Trump and the absolute truth about illegal aliens, the crime waves of murder, rape, robbery, drug dealing, gun running and jihadist trends. 

Donald Trump wants to control the borders and stop the raping and murdering of American citizens but the GOP wants to sacrifice a few hundred more victims until they gain power.

The GOP does not understand the harmony that Donald Trump enjoys with the American people because they broke all their strings over the years and have lost the beat of the American taxpayer.  The GOP is just as corrupt as the Democrats.  

CNN even tried their best using the gay Anderson Cooper to flush out the dozen or so illegal aliens that Donald Trump had on this payroll through a third party provider.  

CNN ABC CBS NBC MSNBC is so far removed from facts that they think the 30 million illegal aliens don't show up inside every state, city, town and village.  Employers hire illegal aliens by the millions for their cheap labor.  Obamacare benefits take care of them and your taxpayer food stamp dollars feed them but CNN wants Trump to Dump the dozen illegal alien guys that are working through a contractor.  If you give Donald the names they will surely be dumped and quick.

As Donald Trump harps along with the American voters the GOP had best go buy another set of strings and tune up with the voters.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Van Jones, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Eric Holder and thousands of others are playing the survival game as they steal the Constitution.  They point the fingers at the GOP while the GOP points back.

This scheme killed Kate Steinle and thousands of others.

The two parties are maintaining their scheme of mutual implications, keeping the voting taxpayers off balance as the whole of a centralized government gains more and more power, thus survival.

These political animals pursue their political existence in real time and they are programmed to evade the truth, destroy computer servers and evidence, issue executive orders, authorize queer marriage, half ass battle Jihadists, draw invisible red lines in Syria, allow Iran to gain a nuclear bomb, leave the borders open, allow 47 million people to live off food stamps as the Latino communities burn the America flag.

You don't see the tiger, but the tiger is outside your door and its hungry.


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