Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Stock Bloodbath Moves to America, Wall Street, State of Panic - Communist China Economic Meltdown. Even as Communist China exploits every resource, including the use of human slave labor their fiat stock market collapses under the weight of the artificial economy.

Communist China Economic Meltdown.  Even as Communist China exploits every resource, including the use of human slave labor their fiat stock market collapses under the weight of the artificial economy.  The Communist Menace of China continues to spread across Asia but their stock market and currency is in the midst of a total collapse which will spread into the United States.  

The slave labor lower than low middle class was suckered into the rising stock market by the Chinese Communist government as prices moved up, backed by lies and misinformation and government support.

China appears to be in a state of panic over the 30% loss in stock share value since June 12, and analysts are comparing it to America’s 1929 crash but its a lot worse than that because their entire Communist guided stock market is rigged or fake in nature.  Slave labor being used and their markets still fail.  Barack Obama is doing the same thing inside America with illegal aliens, low paying jobs and government welfare or a centralized government support system. Obama and Jarrett are Communists. 

The Barack Obama administration, using zero interest rates, has also forced the lower middle class and middle class into the rising stock markets in America, which in time will collapse, sooner than later.  American stock investors will lose Trillions of Dollars when the U.S. stock market bubble explodes, making 2007-2008 financial collapse look like play time as the entire U.S. economy will drop into a decade long recession and then a total depression making 1929 seem like a trial balloon.

Imagine the U.S. Fortune 500 or the Fortune 1,000 companies losing 33% of their stock value in less than 30 days, it will happen.

About 1,000 Chinese mainland-listed companies, or over a third of firms on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, suspended trading on Tuesday precipitated mainly by the continuous drop in share prices. So when the Shanghai Composite Index lost only 1.29% on Tuesday, it was because the prices of stocks for 1,000 companies were frozen, and owners of these shares were stuck with them, unable to sell them.

Now the Chinese Communist Stock Markets have collapsed, losing $3 Trillion dollars in value in 30 days or less as the Communist government forces companies to buy losing stocks and the public to stop selling stocks.  Government backed companies have been forced to buy losing stocks to stop the declines and now the Communist Government is forcing people, all stock holders, not to sell their stocks. 

It is now illegal to sell stocks in China, the last ditch effort.  This will also happen in America most likely by executive order from the President. 

Tens of millions of slave labor citizens will be removed from the factory cities and returned to their poverty villages as the Communist Chinese look to save their false economy and government supported industries.

As the Chinese Government backed industry fails the prices for manufacturing will fall thus allowing major U.S. companies to save more money using slave labor in China, increasing their profits and further destroying the U.S. Manufacturing base and causing hundreds of thousands of additional layoffs inside America.

Major stock traders in the U.S. Wall Street Markets will buy low in bulk as China forces world stock prices down to gain profits later in time.

The U.S. NYSE was shut down yesterday, by U.S. Government officials to stop the decline in U.S. stock prices, allowing the stop will cause a buying surge today in America and billions of dollars will be allocated to future profits.

Since trading is still halted on over 1,300 stocks, it appears that the desperate policies to halt the Chinese Communist Menace bloodbath have failed. Meanwhile in Greece, the banks and the local stock exchange remained closed, a cap on withdrawals are still in place and liquidity remained critical.


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