Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Macy's and Donald Trump for President. Imagine all the illegal aliens that work inside Macy's at their distribution centers and back rooms of their stores.

The Bandits at Macy's and Donald Trump for President don't get along.   Imagine all the illegal aliens that work inside Macy's at their distribution and fulfillment centers and back rooms of their stores. Imagine at this very moment the reality of hundreds of illegal aliens crossing our borders today, because it happens while your Barack Obama government is asleep at the switch.  Imagine Communist Cuba sending hundreds of thousands of criminals to America next year and you start to get the message.  Big business wants slaves, not the old fashioned Negro kind that people compare with the Confederate flag.  The new modern slave at Macy's and others are on food stamps, ObamaCare, section eight housing, free phones, discounted bus tickets and they never argue with the boss.  Illegal Aliens create cash profits for Macy's and Donald Trump is tired of Mexico, China, Vietnam and Cuba.  Get real, get American.

 “When Mexico sends its people,” Trump said, “they’re not sending their best.”  

Mexico continues to send their dumb people to America to take up those minimum wage jobs like you find at Macy's working like slaves behind the scenes in warehouse jobs, fulfillment jobs and other bottom feeder jobs at Macy's.  When you hit the enter button at Macy's . Com you can be sure a low paid illegal alien has a job while native born Americans are scratching their heads watching Obama open up to Communist Cuba. 

The retailer Macy's under direct pressure from progressive radicals said no to Donald Trump products but they continue to say yes to illegal aliens.  

Macy's wants you to think immigrants because is sounds so much better.  

Illegal aliens are illegal and millions of them have invaded the United States, working in your neighborhood, taking and spending your taxpayer dollars, eating up ObamaCare like free government cheese while getting a free education in every local school across America. 

There are already enough Donald Trump supporters, Republicans that spend money, to shut down Macy's and you can be sure hundreds of thousands of patriots will stop buying at Macy's so good luck to them and their employees.  

Slave labor from Mexico is good for business and Macy's is all about cash money and one parade at Christmas.  

Does Macy's use a temporary labor service anywhere across their network?  If they do, they have illegal alien slave labor being provided to them by 3rd party agents.  Macy's should remember that America wants somebody just like Donald Trump that speaks his mind and theirs.  If you're an illegal alien inside America you should pack your bags and start walking.  


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