Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dumping Black Americans - Rampaging Blacks - The Free Slaves are burning down America - Baltimore Chicago Detroit Philadelphia Los Angeles Macon - Dixie is burning Obama and Clinton Laughing - The Negro always follows the Masters

Rampaging blacks.  You must imagine that under-educated, under-motivated, under-employed Negro's have decided to rampage against retailers, employees and even customers inside stores across America.  Macon Georgia the resent target of young Negro idiot's rampage through Wal-Mart and cause havoc, most likely prompted by national leaders like MSNBC Al Sharpton, Radical Islam Nation Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson Sr, out of jail Jesse Jackson Jr., and always white speaking Barack Obama and black speaking Hillary Clinton?

Isn't that fun for the oppressed Negro's living in cities, towns and villages across the free land of America.  Barack Obama, the first Negro to occupy the White House has destroyed America and he's taken every Negro down the same dead-end road.  Barack Obama's free rent is about to expire so he can move on to become just another corrupting billionaire and start a foundation.  I would not put Jesse Jackson Jr. in charge of the money. 

What the Negro doesn't understand is the black is out and brown is in so they can rampage, burn and loot all they want because leadership went Latino and dumped black.

The black man once proud is now a slave of the state but continues to follow the Democratic Progressive Socialist Liberal Left that Hillary Rodham Clinton wants to manage as President.  Clinton is for sure a modern Plantation Owner, there is no doubt. 

As the rampaging Negro's burn down Baltimore, the slave-city of America today and in the past the cycle of crime and poverty continues.  The White Privilege Class in America is also done with Negro's and illegal aliens so things are going to get really tough. 

You have black leadership promising the Negro economic prosperity, equality of income and a lot of free stuff from the government but one thing, one big thing has gone wrong.

Latino's are the new slaves.  The Democrats have dumped black.

The Negro thinks and acts like a slave and they follow the wrong people, due to the wild promises of the Democrats like Obama and Clinton. 

The illegal aliens got the idea, follow the jobs to get the money.

The smarter slave always wins.

Latino employment is up.

Negro employment is down.

Hillary Clinton will end up in jail at some point but disgraced for sure like her impeached husband Bill Clinton.


Cuba, more slaves on the way.

Island Negro's, Communist breeding, here we go.


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