Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, July 3, 2015

The United States Citizen has had no previous political experience to deal with a tyrant in the Oval office and we only have the U.S. Constitution to guide us.

The atrocious acts of Barack Obama seems to be the justification to hoist the war blackened flag of the Confederates?  

History has taught us that the Civil war was a total war of horrors and wickedness that was ever recorded to assure the continuation of the Union and to extend absolute freedom to the Negro's enslaved by the Confederates. 

The arbitrary acts of the President are considered lawless and has caused much alarm all across America and the entire world.  Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Joe Biden,Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson Sr., Bill De Blasio, Van Jones, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Harry Reid and thousands of others have arranged their affairs and influence to become the ruling class in America.

The President is making his own laws without the consent of Congress which represents him using his Czars of Government to create a great indifference to the mass of the population of the United States. The people spoke during the last election and used the law to vote in a new Congress and start the process of absolute intervention to stop the Obama administration.

The character and tendency of this President is to work against the people and the United States Constitution which breaks his oath of office and does in fact make him lawless and impeachable. The people that made the mistake of voting for Barack Obama and supporting his efforts now understand that 93.6 million working age Americans cannot and will not find employment (work).  They also understand that almost 47 million Americans will not eat tonight without the help of government taxpayer food programs.  Voters also understand that 56.1 million women are out of the workforce by no actions of their own and the plot darkens when we understand that 24.8 million illegal aliens are now working inside America.  The government of Barack Obama plays the citizen as a fool and the next President in line is Hillary Rodham Clinton and she shows no wide and deep sympathy for the Constitution or the honest citizens.  

The United States Citizen has had no previous political experience to deal with a tyrant in the Oval office and we only have the U.S. Constitution to guide us. The media, newspapers and radical politicians have closed the doors on freedom and liberty so the door must be forced open again by law and order. The aristocratic parties must be removed from office and no other progressive liberal socialists communists must hold any offices in government, local, state or federal. 

This President is beyond mischievous and political and is dangerous to the liberty, freedom and wealth of the nation as a whole. 600.000 people died in the Civil War so what price must be paid for Negro emancipation?  No man has refused the Negro freedom but the Negro has refused all challenges to learn and earn their own way. 

His actions are mostly unauthorized by law and are always directed against the White middle class taxpayers in favor of the minority.  We must have peace but we shall not give up our country, liberty, wealth and freedoms.

This President spends his time making a display of force against the people and his gigantic usurpation, unrelieved by the Congress holding the advantage makes the government a great menace against the people.  It may be wise and prudent to prepare in time for the worst to come?  

The Constitution has been cruelly imperiled by Barack Obama and his radical administration and you have the right to correct with devotion.

The government our fathers framed is far above the power of Barack Obama as he remains only a temporary occupant of the executive office as President. Barack Obama is not a ruler and must be obedient to the laws of the land.  The American people are hungry for freedom, jobs and prosperity but the horrors of Barack Obama continues.

Barack Obama comparatively has little worth to the nation but he has caused lasting harm to the office of the President through his manipulations and lawlessness.

The sands run quickly through the Obama hour glass now and he has become increasingly dangerous to individual freedom, liberty, private property as he attempts daily to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States.  The stench of the Obama administration has moved around the world and can now be felt in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Cuba and other places as Barack Obama noses in and then walks away leaving hundreds of thousands of men, women and children to die.

He understands that his existence is running fast to the end and he will be held accountable by the people under the law. His official existence will end in due time but the grand socialist political structure he has put in place must be eliminated and obliterated from our Constitutional government.

The federal government shows signs of pillage and the charred remains of our Constitution are almost laid in ashes.  Barack Obama has truly declared the law as contraband and he is running a blockade on the Congress leaving him with the only true power. 

He has fully designed the new world order shadow government taking away all the treasures and the energies of western civilizations around the world.  The lofty and shining dome of the Capitol is now tarnished with absolute corruption and the Constitution is the only thing that can save the eager hopes of free people.

The temporary servant of the people, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, has made the unlawful sacrifice of your wealth, economy and world prestige on the altar of Socialism, Communism and Black Muslim Radical Nationalism and shows no loyalty to the Constitution or people of the United States.

If necessary our representatives in government must act.  Your representative must hold Barack Obama accountable, impeachment, trial and possible prison.

Barack Obama is from the streets and enjoys his free education and taxpayer life for himself and undeserving family.  

He has hurled everything at the honest citizen and continues to dare deviance. 

He has held contempt for what he terms White Privilege middle class Americans because he's stuck in the lower class, even as President.

While justice, true justice, is indisputable we may suppose that your representative may also be corrupt if they refuse to act.  

Barack Obama has waged a war against you and your family so therefore he has forfeited his right to the executive office.

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