Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, July 3, 2015

The servants were killing their masters - U.S. Army forts reported shootings on base. National Guard arsenals had been looted. Border and Custom Houses for imports were on fire in Los Angeles and Baltimore. Negro's were burning Confederate Flags in Georgia. Minorities in desperation were looting downtown stores and pharmacies. The servants were killing their masters, the train had left the station.

Too fat for active duty, the general sat in his chair trying to get a good signal on his cell phone.   His vomit-inducing plan was called "tonight's train" and had been planned for almost seven years now.

At one time he was the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy but had been disgraced and removed from office by the President of the United States.  He had been determined not to resign but David and Valerie managed to push the president to push him out the door.

They thought he had been reckless and had exposed the President to danger during a foreign trip to Saudi Arabia but it wasn't his fault.  

The poorly trained and equipped U.S. Secret Service had escorted the President of the United States to the wrong airport terminal and terrorists of sorts had attacked the presidential convoy.

The old fashioned mistake had caused havoc inside the Kingdom and the ISIS ISIL fighters dragged out a captive and took his head off within two hundred feet of the President, all captured on film.

The generals Naval victories and long history of accomplishments gave the false impression of glamour because he was in fact an alcohol ridden relic.

The Islamic Muslim Radical insurgents had prevented the Secret Service convoy from escaping easily and hundreds of rounds of rifle shots hit the escort vehicles and killed several agents.

The Islamic fire of insurrection always smoldered close to the surface in Saudi Arabia but the airport firefight shocked the endangered Kingdom.

The general had exhausted every effort to keep his office and reputation but his suspension was just the very start of the hostilities against him.  He was removed and then shamed across the media including his so called friends inside the Pentagon.

With aspirations of becoming the next president of the United States Hillary had decided with careful deliberations to email high level officials about the generals performance in Saudi Arabia. 

These secret email messages have been revealed by her own folly as her private computer server had been hacked and thousands of secret emails had surfaced on the internet. 

Hillary was writing the world of power inside the U.S. Government about the barbarities of U.S. forces inside Syria, Iran, Iraq and other places around the world as she claimed that the horrible Muslim miseries around the world were the fault of old fat generals and the first black president of the United States.

Her writing was if she belonged to another nation even as she enjoyed her own armed protection provided by the government at taxpayer expense.

She wrote about Barack destroying commerce and trade, destruction of personal wealth and property and the devastation of the middle class and the American way of life.   She wrote in support of Islamic Sharia law not as a constant menace but as the solution to injustices against working people and minorities.

Hillary wrote about the conflicts and wars, open borders, illegal aliens and welfare but she also talked about removing and destroying property rights, limiting personal liberty of the citizens and the seizure of guns and the media.

Her elements of disorder were right out of the Muslim Brotherhood handbook mixed with Communism and Socialism as the general was deeply and justly moved to planning and actions.

The general had found a friendly harbor and needless to say his plan "tonight's train" would require men, equipment and financial support.  His plan would start off with an exterior explosion on the Capitol grounds with impressive minor explosive devices placed all across the nation in the name of humanity, in the name of civilization and to protect the Constitutional Republic of the United States and to save endangered American citizens and their interests.

The plan would be determined a success when the list of national government officials of the United States resigned their positions.  The entire cabinet would be forced to resign in disgrace and that would include the presidential hopeful Hillary, Congressional leaders of both House and Senate would be given no choice.

The "tonight's train" plot would start within days at the Cherry Street train station in Washington D.C. in utter darkness when the Russian Special Forces agent killed the electrical supply as another Russian Special Forces agent poisoned the water supply as the summer heat would keep everybody groping for air conditioning and fresh water.

From behind a dingy brick wall the Spetsnaz Russian Colonel would climb the stairs out of the subway station even as the life was ebbing out of the police officer he would bitterly stab only seconds before.

These Spetsnaz Russian special forces would make a mockery out of DHS FBI CIA DOD gaps in security and reach across over two hundred cities in one night.

The retired and disgraced American general knew that might makes right but he also understood that the plan had to be started and finished within 24 hours.

He was still trying to gain a good cell phone signal, he was running out of time, his deeds and acts were in error, what had he done.

The too fat America general was trying to call it off and stop the train but he was afraid that Putin jumped the schedule and was acting alone.

The disgraced general had discovered that the president of the United States was not guilty but merely stupid at times. 

He had to make sure the president was safe and even the future president even though they differ about everything.

The little patches of electrical power outages were showing up on the internet news channels and now on the T.V. 

Water problems and sickness were being reported by C.D.C Center for Disease Control out of Atlanta.

The charred remains of the black church in South Carolina meant the plan was in action down south as the lonely brick chimney stack was the only thing standing in the ashes.

U.S. Army forts reported shootings on base.

National Guard arsenals had been looted.

Border and Custom Houses for imports were on fire in Los Angeles and Baltimore.

Negro's were burning Confederate Flags in Georgia.

Minorities in desperation were looting downtown stores and pharmacies.

The servants were killing their masters, the train had left the station.

Putin was for real, plainly proved he would have victory tomorrow. 


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