Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Boldly preach what you believe. Sufficiently stand your ground. Confidently assert your Constitutional rights. Agitate your Congressional representative. Promote Free Speech and Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Remove all corruption where you find it.

Our founders created a country with a government for and by the people, this is the natural constitutional law of the United States. The original tenants of freedom and your rights were only asserted after a violent revolutionary war with the British Crown.  Now you hold something more valuable than any other thing on earth, your individual liberty and freedom, protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Our confederation and subsequent United States gave us a political existence and a free enterprise existence that allowed America to become the greatest nation ever created by mankind.  In the light of the natural laws of our Constitution every man is created equal and can enjoy his or her life in any way they may choose within the law.  Our ancestors could be hunters or they could feed their family with agriculture and no other man, including the federal government could allow any encroachments on their land, wealth or beliefs, it was a miracle.

Now, we have politicians and their artificial reasoning have endeavored to break up the U.S. Constitution and justify their radical changes to the people that would excuse their law breaking and treason against the Constitution.

These progressive socialist politicians depend on some kind of social consent outside of the laws of Congress which is illegal.  The American people have never been consulted and have never agreed to these radical changes.  The President of all the United States has made dramatic and illegal changes by executive order, not by law.

The free people and honest citizens have the right to exercise all their rights within the Constitution and bring back the privileges of the free and independent citizen and all the rights that are considered law. 

With substantial confidence granted to every citizen you have the right today to say no to the Tyrant Barack Obama and his progressive socialist anti-constitutional government.

Your individual rights have been melted away and your wealth has been re-distributed to the worst of the people, millions not even legal citizens of your country.

You have complained but you accepted the Tyrant meekly and you suffer on through the illegal actions of the first dictator-tyrant of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

Adverse to law, your liberty and wealth is being taken away and the labor of your fathers have been washed away.  Barely adequate to survive millions of people are trying to survive on unemployment, feeding their children with food stamps as the last remains of their pride is being destroyed.

The aggressor has no fear of you so therefore he dictates to you without moral principles and you should be very concerned.

It is time for you to study Donald Trump and his work to return harmony and wealth to the nation and the honest citizens.

You cannot abandon the graves on your ancestors and the country they created for you and your family.  Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Joe Biden, Marco Rubio and many others are incompatible with your wealth and prosperity.

Boldly preach what you believe.

Sufficiently stand your ground.

Confidently assert your Constitutional rights. 

Agitate your Congressional representative.

Promote Free Speech and Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Remove all corruption where you find it.

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