Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, November 5, 2015

National Work Stoppage Announcement All American Workers All American Unemployed Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) This agreement calls for a National Work Stoppage by every American with a job, blue or white collar, hourly or salary, union or non-union and a ten million man march on Washington D.C. and Barack Obama.

Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) This agreement calls for a National Work Stoppage by every American with a job, blue or white collar, hourly or salary, union or non-union and a ten million man march on Washington D.C. and Barack Obama. Distressing Barack Obama's Elite Socialist Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) is strong proof of Barack Obama's Socialistic Aristocratic Communist influence in one document. 
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) was obviously written by elite hard left liberal progressive radicals of Barack Obama.  With some astonishment and regret you can clearly see and the document offers strong proof that no intelligent man worked on this agreement with the American middle class worker in mind.

National Work Stoppage

This free trade agreement is another Barack Obama progressive socialist move to take power away from America and spread it around the world thus forcing more slave like labor and less American jobs.  Barack Obama and his socialist progressive liberal minions could care less what you think let alone Congress.

Big giant multinational and the Barack Obama Administrative Socialist Government has been hiding the actual text of this document.  This one world new world order document has been designed mainly by communists and socialists and their secret work has been underground for years.

The ISDS portion of Obama's trade deal called the Investor-State Dispute Settlement is a direct threat to America.  The ISDS portion is really a new treaty that Barack Obama wants badly to continue the destruction of America.  The ISDA is a treaty which will override the Constitution of the United States.  The big national or international corporation will have more power than Congress, which leaves you at the bottom of the economic pile again.  We hope you like ObamaCare, Food Stamps, Section Eight Housing and other Obama Clinton Kerry Welfare safety nets.

The sovereignty of the United States will be undermined at the least or destroyed at the worst.  As a U.S. Taxpayer you can expect to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in fines to other third world bastard countries, without the benefit of a U.S. Court.  The international arbitrators could award foreign countries and foreign factories billions in damages and force U.S. taxpayer funds to move in the form of fines. 

You can imagine the black national radical Barack Obama pointing his finger and saying "it ain't so" but please remember ObamaCare, you can keep your doctor.

This is an odious and oppressive wealth re-distribution scheme of Barack Obama and even some odd Democrats and Big Unions are saying no.

You can expect millions of people being forced on unemployment while at the same time TPP foreign labor can move to America, freely, and work inside America inside a foreign owned factory while honest and legal citizens move to unemployment and welfare.

This agreement calls for a National Work Stoppage by every American with a job, blue or white collar, hourly or salary, union or non-union and a ten million man march on Washington D.C. and Barack Obama.

This is a slave agreement that will force your wages far below their current levels today.  Imagine a Communist Slave Worker in Vietnam being laid off due to the work being done in an American factory at twice the labor cost.  Communist Vietnam can sue the United States, not in a U.S. court, but with international arbitrators and force the U.S. Company to lower their wages to their U.S. workers, making the playing field level again.  So, you went from $15 an hour to $5 and hour, regardless of minimum wage laws.

You will be forced to the lowest international rate of pay, salary or hourly and the Big International Companies will lower their costs, earning more and more profit.

This agreement forces America down to lower levels, creating equal opportunities around the world regardless of borders.  The borders of America will be removed as any foreign country can move their own imported labor to America.  

The United States is negotiating the TPP with 11 other like-minded countries (Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam), once you are foolish enough to agree with the first draft you can expect Great Communist China to join the agreement.  Once China signs and is accepted the United States will be destroyed. 

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