Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, November 6, 2015

CNN Assassins Ben Carson's shaggy hair, black consciousness and strong work ethic is moving ahead at startling speed as the pollsters prove daily. Hillary Clinton is jumbled and crumbled Another Safe Negro kicks her to the curb

The assassins bullets aimed directly at Ben Carson and this should be considered the beginning of the end of the New York City - Washington D.C. Progressive Media Empires. 

CNN is attempting to assassinate, politically speaking, Ben Carson now known as the safe Negro within progressive socialist circles but the story is a lot bigger than Ben Carson.

The CNN decision to fire directly at Ben Carson and destroy him runs deep within the New York City - Washington D.C. media empires as the honest man and good doctor Ben Carson will take millions of hard working black American voters away from their champion Hillary Rodham Clinton, the jumbled up socialist we all call Hillary.

The progressive socialist media empires of CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC have proven again that the crisis in confidence in Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton can be very dangerous to their deceptive empires.

As historians will prove and show the hard left liberals are desperate as their socialist champion Barack Hussein Obama is on the verge of impeachment and federal prison time in the mind of the public.   CNN is pounding Ben Carson and his story of his past even though the false stories of Barack Obama never mattered.  The never to be used word N-Word has come to the surface again and the Dixie flag waving Hillary Clinton wants blood on the floor.   She played hard ball with Barack Obama and lost big time as he became President going down in history at the worst president, ten times worst than Jimmy Carter.

The Obama Funk is destroying the Progressive Socialist Democratic Party DNC and Hillary Clinton has already faltered and if the predictions hold true, she'll lose again, to another black American, what awful truth she lives with every day.

The CNN assassins bullets will bounce around but some of them, if only by luck, will strike Ben Carson just like they did with Martin Luther King Jr.  Ben Carson and Donald Trump and the Patriot's are back in full force and they're moving outsiders into the mainstream which would be terrible news for the media empires, big government, big media, big unions, big business and even Communists hiding inside America.  The CAIR Muslim Brotherhood would be routed and so would the illegal aliens if Carson or Trump ever combine on one ticket.  The Clinton Foundation hiding billions of foreign dollars would be crushed by a newly energized DOJ and FBI and Hillary Clinton could be behind bars.

Ben Carson's shaggy hair, black consciousness and strong work ethic is moving ahead at startling speed as the pollsters prove daily. Hillary Clinton and her marriage to the black voting block is crumbling and the Barack Obama Administrative State buried black families in false promises, jail time and no jobs.  Hillary Clinton was forced to deal with Black Lives Matter out of fear but she has been replaced rapidly with Ben Carson and Donald Trump leading the way.

Ben Carson and Donald Trump have started another revolution and it's based on law and order and the U.S. Constitution that Barack Obama burned every day.

A revolution without violence.

A return to a constitutional peoples government, without bribes.

Under Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and thousands of others the painfully sad story of America was written by debt, corruption, secrets, bribes and treason against the U.S. Constitution.

Like a frightened child, CNN is screaming as their ratings decay every day and Americans turn them off for the last time.

The main stream media, the filthy no-man's land is crumbling.

They're fighting back, reduced to cheap punch lines and bad presidential debates.

Splitting up is easy to do, welcome back America, 


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