Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, November 6, 2015

The social glue, welfare. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama doesn't offer up your grandfathers welfare system, they offer, no holds bared Socialist Welfare that's more addictive than heroin and it's free of charge, almost.

The social glue, welfare.  Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama doesn't offer up your grandfathers welfare system, they offer, no holds bared Socialist Welfare that's more addictive than heroin and it's free of charge, almost. 

The feral progressive socialist democrats roam every city, town and village now and they have replaced the temples and churches.  They look for their pray within the urban colored areas and smile when poverty takes hold of millions of people.  As illegal aliens escape the law the socialist dictator Barack Obama expands his hold on millions more.

These urban ruins like New York City, Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas and dozens more are populated by socialists that bleed the wealth and prosperity from the working middle class like a plaque of black crossing the nation.

The garden-variety government criminals have expanded into things like the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and they have billions to spend.

Socialist Terrorism has surged during the Obama Clinton Kerry Administrative State and the welfare bombs and race riots continue.  The increasing criminal violence from Black Lives Matter continues to spread and Obama Clinton thugs cater to their crimes and habit.

Illicit government taxes and gangster spending moves rapidly through the population so therefore you must declare war on the progressive socialist democratic party.

The elite circles of power must be destroyed.

Welfare addicts now number in the dozens of millions.

The unimaginable thug culture of the underground socialists have taken over your local, state and federal governments like a disease of squalor, crime growing like mold on old bread.

Stand up, and be counted.

Stand up, and be heard.

There is no room for frightened children, stand up, and take your country back.

Stop Hillary Clinton

Stop Marco Rubio

Stop Jeb Bush

Stop Barack Obama

Stop the progressives. 


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