Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, September 13, 2013

Patriot News Update Senator Pat Toomey One of the disillusioning facts about Senator Pat Toomey Pennsylvania is that he likes his picture in the newspapers but won't take a stand against Barack Hussein Obama and his Marxist Socialist agenda. Washington is that Congress can vote on something and that vote won’t mean a thing.

One of the disillusioning facts about Senator Pat Toomey Pennsylvania is that he likes his picture in the newspapers but won't take a stand against Barack Hussein Obama and his Marxist Socialist agenda.  Washington is that Congress can vote on something and that vote won’t mean a thing.

The United States and its original Constitution is under direct threat and attack from President Obama, Holder, Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Soros, Biden and thousands of other socialist left wing radicals which now includes thousands of Czars on the taxpayer payroll.  Senator Pat Toomey Republican RINO has taken no firm public stand on any issues. 

You will lose your job thanks to Senator Pat Toomey Pennsylvania RINO, suffer under ObamaCare socialist health care, stand next to released prisoners at the voting booth, watch over your shoulder looking for the black panther stick about to strike, pay more and more taxes to fund the destruction of America. 

It would seem that a congressional vote should be a meaningful occasion but Senator Pat Toomey and Senator Bob Casey are really the same as your Members are not weighing the costs and benefits of voting for the particular measure at hand they are just always running for office and collecting money. 

Unfortunately, political gamesmanship offered up by Senator Pat Toomey and Senator Bob Casey  often leads them to create voting opportunities that have no real impact, but will allow them to tell constituents, “I voted for this” or “I voted against that.”

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