Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Monday, December 1, 2014

Can someone ask my Dictator - Can We Say the N-Word again? President Obama asked to sign N-Word Executive Order for the White Folks

Mr. Farrakhan,
Mr. Obama,
Mr. Holder,
Mrs. Clinton, 

We - tired of the fake government.  

My Dictator has divided the Nation but the Ram's went too far. I want the NFL to discipline the St. Louis Rams and the players involved in "hands up, don't shoot" displays at Sunday's game. This Sunday display was "tasteless, offensive, and inflammatory."  If the Negro is going to riot and burn out the White Folks I want to know if my Dictator will let us say the N-Word for a while?  Maybe B-Rock could sign the N-Word Executive Order, maybe allow White Folks to say what they want and act foolish and say stupid things like the N-Word.  Since the St. Louis Rams want to fight their majority White customers, thus causing a national boycott of the NFL we want to shout something back so Eric Holder don't think we're cowards.  We understand that Obama is hold up inside the White House trying to help these poor black people that are burning, kicking and in general killing Ferguson Mo for the next twenty years. Al Sharpton says what he wants and so does Jesse Jackson Sr. the one not in jail and Eric Holder gives a lot of speeches. So if you happen to see my Negro Dictator can you ask him about the N-Word?  Now that Farrakhan has cleared the air about the law of retaliation, you know the bible stuff, not the Islamic Muslim nut job stuff wants White folks to be killed, kind of eye for an eye trial without a judge.  

Mr. Farrakhan,
Mr. Obama,
Mr. Holder,
Mrs. Clinton,

We - tired of the fake government.  If the White Folks are going to die anyway, don't you think we ought to die for something?  I don't know much about your Muslim Brotherhood and the ISIS ISIL AL-QAEDA TALIBAN friends you got but Mr. Sharpton has threatened my family.  Mr. Obama doesn't seem to care much.  Mr. Holder thinks I'm a coward and well Mrs. Clinton, in all her Christian faith don't care about anything.  Wait, wait, Mr. Farrakhan wants retaliation, which is a direct threat on White Folks.  I'm not sure what he (Mr. Farrakhan) meant about Wendy's and their good hamburgers, maybe he likes McDonalds even though I hear blacks like Burger King the most? That's one thing we could stop fighting back, I like Burger King best.  Maybe Barack Obama could skip the illegal alien fiasco for a while and we could have a Burger King meeting at the White House so Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson Sr., Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid don't start another civil war. 

The Negro Jihadist Movement in America Today,  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson on Saturday — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren’t met, “we’ll tear this goddamn country apart!”  It's clear that the Negro Community, with direct leadership from Barack Obama plans on harming the United States. If you have not prepared your family against minority violence you should do so today.  If you do not have a food storage you should buy one right now.  If you do not have enough supplies to shelter in place those plans should be made today.  Barack Obama does not plan to slow down the minority violence because he wants Marshall Law and the FEMA holding camps opened, this time to hold millions of white folks as Farrakhan enjoys calling your family.

Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks.”

It seems that the typical Negro needs a leader.  A leader that understands education, thrift and hard work but this is not being provided from Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and the other Negro's that hold the wealth and the knowledge, never to be shared. 

“We going to die anyway. 

Let’s die for something,” the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.

He even said the parents of teenagers should teach their kids how to throw Molotov cocktails.

 “Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can. 

Fight,” the minister advised, 

and then imitated throwing the explosive device.

Does Barack Obama plan to stop the violence?

Does Eric Holder plan on stopping the riots, fires and threats?

The United States Treasury Inspection General may help Al Sharpton land in jail. Al Sharpton - Ferguson MO - Barack Obama - IRS - Negro Economics - Welfare - It's no secret that Sharpton has been an adviser to the President, even though nobody knows why?

 The White House reached out to Big Al Sharpton (Mafia - FBI-IRS)  after the shooting of Michael Brown, the 300 pound 18 year old gangster. 

 "There’s a trust factor with The Rev from the Oval Office on down." meaning that Al Sharpton, famous for doing or saying anything for a buck has a direct connection to the radical Obama.

That "trust factor" may be a little more strained since a story published by the NY Times last Tuesday revealed that Sharpton and his National Action Network currently owe $4.5 million in back taxes. Big Al Sharpton doesn't pay taxes and he never plans to pay them, other people will.  

And despite this outstanding debt, Sharpton continues to fly first class. 

The Times notes this is, "the kind of practice by nonprofit groups that the United States Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration recently characterized as 'abusive,' or 'potentially criminal' if the failure to turn over or collect taxes is willful."

Mr. Sharpton and the National Action Network have repeatedly failed to pay travel agencies, hotels and landlords. He has leaned on the generosity of friends and sometimes even the organization, intermingling its finances with his own to cover his daughters’ private school tuition.

Last week after the story broke Sharpton emphatically denied it saying, "I have not owed a dime in current taxes." But New York State verified to CBS New York that he personally owes $779,576 and $457,968 in corporate taxes. In the same news conference Sharpton also suggested that the NY Times story was politically motivated because of his connection to Mayor deBlasio and President Obama.

“We gonna die anyway,” Farrakhan said. “Let’s die for something. Elijah Mohammed said 40 years ago, maybe near 50 years ago – there were 20 million of us then – he said if 10 million of us lost our lives, 10 million would be left to go free. Wait, wait. Just think about that. See, when my Muslim family here, Imams and my Christian family – in this book, there is a law for retaliation – a law for retaliation, like for light. The Bible says – an eye, a tooth, a life. As long as they kill us, and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep – they gonna keep killing us. But when we die and they die, then soon we gonna sit down at a table and talk about – we tired. We want some of this earth. We tear this goddamn country up.”

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