Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Breaking News Story Rumor Confirmed Obama History Revealed Slowly CNN ABC CBS NBC MSNBC FOX AP won't touch. The Authoritarian President Barry Soetoro AKA; Barack Hussein Obama has a very sorted past. This breaking news story rumor will be updated as facts come together. Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama and his supporters have described you; traitors, kidnappers, suicide bombers, domestic abusers, arsonists, domestic enemies, extremists, Jihadist, anarchists. The new breed of progressives like Barack Obama takes you to a new level of bad guys like Mao (killed 70 million), Stalin (murdered 50 million), Khmer Rouge (buried 50 million, Sadam Hussein of Iraq and now Syria and the Russians. You've been called hostage takers, corporate shills, religious fanatics, freedom fiends, Jesus freaks, gun nuts and hundreds of other things by the centralized government of Barack Hussein Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama Barry Soetoro Breaking News.  A glimpse into the true history of Barack Hussein Obama was brought about by a very brave Christian Women recently.

Can any of this be true?  Mia Marie Pope is telling the story and she is compelled to tell the truth as a Christian. 

Ask the questions, Obama inheritance includes corruption, drugs and gay old white man lovers? This shocking story, told by the person that says she knew will shock you into reality.  

The Radical Black Obama's how they
really look and act without the power 
of corruption, wealth and influence.

Obama Pictures like these
are being scrubbed from the web.

Their entire history has been blocked 
by expensive lawyers and piles of cash. 

Breaking News Story Rumor Confirmed Obama History Revealed Slowly CNN ABC CBS NBC MSNBC FOX AP won't touch. This shocking story will never be confirmed by the national media.  The White House would crush free speech if they could so they shut down stories by threats, intimidation and cash.  Obama is trying to control the internet right now by the F.C.C. and N.S.A. nudges, shoves and shouts to the White House daily tracking down Patriots. 

The Authoritarian President Barry Soetoro AKA; Barack Hussein Obama has a very sorted past.   

This breaking news story rumor will be updated as facts come together.  

The brave women that was there and knew Barry Soetoro and knows the truth but not one person will listen, until now.  

You can expect her to be destroyed by Obama, Clinton, Reid, Holder, Pelosi, Biden and other corrupt officials in Washington D.C. 

Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama and his supporters have described you the honest law abiding citizen; 



suicide bombers, 

domestic abusers, 


domestic enemies, 




It was just a few years ago that you were considered the backbone of the nation, the middle class, the patriots that saved the world from great evil. 

Now you're in the way.  

The leaders that are trying to save America; Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Michele Bachman, Jim DeMint, Paul Ryan and others need your help, right now.  

Copy and paste this story to spread the rumored story of truth about Barack Hussein Obama. 

The new breed of progressives like Barack Obama takes you to a new level of bad guys like Mao (killed 70 million), Stalin (murdered 50 million), Khmer Rouge (buried 50 million, Sadam Hussein of Iraq and now Syria and the Russians.  

We have new progressives coming to surface like John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Richard Durgin, Susan Collins that have no intention of honoring the U.S. Constitution.

This Saudi princess held slaves in her home right here in America but she was not jailed.  She is free and the slaves escaped.

Saudi Arabia is not our friend,
they are evil cowards, this Saudi princess
kept slaves in her U.S. home.

You've been called hostage takers, corporate shills, religious fanatics, freedom fiends, Jesus freaks, gun nuts and hundreds of other things by the centralized government of Barack Hussein Obama.  

The many secrets of Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States have been shoved into the media by long time so-called friend Mia Marie Pope and the world is watching.  

Barack Obama had many drug friends.
It is said that Barack would have homosexual sex
with old White Men for cash and drugs?

Mia Marie Pope has contacted the F.B.I. and nobody will listen, she has tried for years to tell the truth.  She braves through as a Christian and believes it's her duty to expose the queer homosexual drug user and liar to help save the United States. 

This is a real story, 
copy paste and sharehurry because 
it will 
be removed 
by the Barack Obama government. 

Read the Red Letter Edition of
The Truth about Barack Obama

James Manning recently interviewed a high school friend of Barack Obama, who claims to have known him back in the 1970s as Barry Soetoro. 

We've learned that the president will lie and he will lie often and is seemingly proud to be the biggest liar on the White House Lawn. 

It seems illegal activities is the hallmark of Obama and the growing cult of Obama only grows.  

You should copy and past this article and end your own sleepy time and ask your own government officials to confirm this story.  

You know the story of ObamaCare ACA Affordable Care Act and the N.S.A. spying around the world including across the street into your home. 

Why would the freedom loving government want to know what you do, where you go, who you talk to, what you read, who you email, what you look like and track all your money flow and friends?

You know about Google and the White House connections and the big profits of big business, big unions, big government and most importantly big media.  

Your newspaper will not print this and you won't see on the T.V. News.  These are secrets from the past of Barack Hussein Obama and if they're proven to be true, you have a problem. 

Obama continues your destruction.

The Vandal - Theif - Liar Barack Obama
has been called out by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and 
others but many, millions of people, have been
tricked by Obama's Bait and Switch Tactics

You already know that Barack Obama wants your guns and fakes his Christian beliefs to gain favors and not salvation.  Obama believes in fame and fortune and you have nothing to do within his belief system.  He hates the American WHITE founders not because they owned slaves but because they locked people out of the system using their historic power of influence and money.  

Obama does not believe in the Constitution but much like a roach plans to live large after the U.S. civil unrest destroys your home town. 

Hitler, Stalin, Mao and others lived in their mansions, enjoyed eating $100 steaks and enjoyed their exclusive travel while millions were being killed or dying of starvation.  

Obama has been spinning the merry-go-round using community organizing corruption techniques, big lies covered up by bigger lies, big unions and their violence and cash, big media with their talking heads just reading what they're told, big companies enslaving poor people around the world, big banks keeping all the money and selling bad investments around the world and their groups are in every neighborhood including yours.  Nobody is in jail.  

The C.I.A., N.S.A. and other spy groups never
run out of money.  They must follow you.

Obama is a Tyrant
Obama is a Dictator
You could consider these groups

Like a trick dog the black man begs for his food from the new plantation owner, Barack Obama. The Master Crooks in Congress become rich as the Black Man waits on unemployment.  The small business cash drawers are now empty and soon they will close forcing more millions on unemployment, welfare and other government programs like ObamaCare to control the people. 

They're after your God, Guns and Wealth as they open the borders for cheap slave type labor, cater to their queer homosexual pets, legalize drugs and tax the money in play. His past terrorist friends like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn became famous for their crimes and their history with Barack Hussein Obama. 

SNAP EBT Food Stamps is a government form of controlled starvation.  48 Million people are starving.  Obama promises a better life, free food, free transportation, free health care, free medical, free housing and he plans on taking everything.

In years to come the patriot will be using periscopes to look outside their prepper shelters because they will be hunted. 

Obama is applying the soft mitten handcuffs today but the mittens will come off very soon.  Hillary Rodham Clinton will fool the Negro and the Progressive White Women again and when she gains power the end will be near.  She will convince enough independents to trust her, she will show the smile to White Women and fool once again the Black Women for their votes. 

Obama is running a Cash for Clunkers Government
His past has always been a controlled mystery.
He supports drug smugglers, he was a drug user.
He is a cannibal, he's been on welfare his entire life.
He lovers fame and fortune, Hollywood.

He is a Communist-Socialist that does not believe in GOD so stop buying his B.S. and the talking points from his chameleon friends.  They lie and then lie again to match the moment.  

Barack Obama has done this his entire life and at some point a real constitutional judge will referee is prison terms, you would think?  

We now understand that Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama left Americans to die in Benghazi and there has been no accounting.  

Brave Americans died.  

Brave Americans were left alone.  

The U.S. Military stood silent and did not save them and we know that the ultimate authority Commander In Chief is Barack Hussein Obama.  

He is little more than a DRONE president that will send technology to kill but leave real men to die in a foreign country. 

Hillary now enjoys a great life and she is free to control the most powerful nation on earth.  She is the new government nanny because black people are slow to learn, white progressive people blessed their hope and change but now Obama supporters are starting to wake up as they see their hard work and cash being absorbed into the hands of the corrupt officials.

The lesbian Hillary Rodham Clinton
has a great deal of sexual problems with her husband
President Bill Clinton but she had her own secrets.

You remember that he filled the White House with Czars that are not just hard left liberal they're Communists, Marxists, Socialist and Maoist but the media CNN ABC CBS NBC MSNBC FOX will not tell the entire store.  

They are hiding the secrets and making their place in the new America.  The media is now in compliance and the creative thinking and reporting is dead.

You can see Obama's famous Communist Van Jones on CNN today spouting and sprouting new Communists in America. 

Van Jones believes in the Destruction of the United States so make sure you watch him on CNN.  

Cher the singer want's to deep six the tea party members which means kill you.  

She wanted to show "you" the "weak asses" the road to hell as tea party members are imbeciles and the devil incarnated.  

Nothing is done about Cher threatening your life and you should not expect help from the D.O.J.

The entitlement mob is winning and their winning very big.  The man that steals your television set or computer has full medical care now so stop shooting at them, you get the bill.  

Once their out of jail or prison they will vote entitlement, welfare so stop listening to Mitch McConnell who received the biggest bribe in history to give Obama more money and raise the debt ceiling.  

Carl Rove is in business so turn him off and stop giving your money to the RNC Republican National Committee because they use your cash to kill your tea party. 

You see Michelle, I am Black Women, see me Roar,
but the black lady on the right is her friend that 
got the multi-million dollar no bid contract 
to build the ObamaCare Web Site, that doesn't work. 

We know that the federal reserve is printing money at the stroke of a computer key in the amount of $85 Billion dollars per month that is destroying America.  

The stock market crash soon to come was designed to happen by people in the news.  Fiat Fake money will collapse the American Economy and it won't come back.  America will enter the darkness like the Soviet Union, North Korea, Syria but the few elites at the top will control the world.  It's not Hollywood, its true. 

We know that the F.B.I. will be looking for cheaters within ObamaCare while they should be looking at Yale for promoting a RACE WAR NOW in America.  

You can imagine the ObamaCare Navigators selling your social security numbers to whispering Russians on the internet and using your credit card number during Black Friday and you still find it hard to believe O.J. Simpson was set free after his murder trial. 

Web Sites for Dummies
Obama's lead on ObamaCare
Scandal, Bribes, Corruption
Navigators For ObamaCare Can Be Felons

Each day your wealth is being removed but few know the truth.

The National Media shutters as the White House has been caught calling reporters shouting their outrage that they would dare speak against the president or his programs. 

The N.S.A. spies on the AP to discover who is leaking out of the White House.  Obama whispers to Russians.  Hillary says she's queer.  China owns most of America and our history is being written over to match the Obama plan.  Teachers have sex with students, teacher unions want more money and better pensions, Detroit is bankrupt but it's only the beginning.  The U.S. has more energy than any other place on earth and goes by the name of Shale Oil, nothing new but just in time.  Obama blocks their every move, the Gulf coast is shut down, BP Oil says no more money as the New York Times and Washington Post continues to support the progressives while they go broke.  Everything is upside down, part of the plan.  They confuse you. 

The national media doesn't tell you the truth because of power and money.  

Glenn Beck is not on Fox because he told you the truth.  

FOX News counted the money and booted out Glenn Beck who discovered Van Jones in the White House and educated millions and millions of people about Barack Hussein Obama and his corrupt administration.

Our children play games and buy smart phones as our soldiers die on foreign soil.  You must help them.

Trillon's of Dollars on Welfare
CNN Piers Morgan Wants Your Guns (foreign)
One World Order New World Order (Soros-U.N.-Clinton)
Released Prisoners Should Be Able To Vote
Black Farmers Receive Billions of Dollars
Welfare Fraud Hundreds of Billions of Dollars

Our foreign friends understand that Obama Spy's and cheats our American friends under the cover of security.  

We know Obama runs guns from the U.S. into Mexico in the never solved Fast and Furious explosive story.  

We know that Black Panther gangsters can stand in front of voters with clubs in their hands but would never answer to the law.  

We know that our local police and regional police forces now look like military forces.  

We know that government agencies have bought billions of bullets and billions of dollars wen't missing in Iraq. 

The government is now hoarding Ready To Eat military type meals by the hundreds of millions.  The coal mines are being shut down but Obama's E.P.A. doesn't like Nuclear Power so plan on the lights going out in America. 

Racial Integration was accomplished by government guns.
Kent State University Students were shot dead by government guns.
Dozens were killed by the government at WACO
You can't say "The Washington Redskins"
You cannot say "My Right Hand Man"
The Obama Government is the largest vice ring in the world
and he has opened a drive-in cash window for his friends. 
Illegal Aliens by the tens of millions surround you.

We watch as ObamaCare melts down just like Solyndra never gathered the Sun for power.  

We know Michelle has a friend that got the money for ObamaCare and the I.R.S. seeks to the destroy the Patriotic Tea Party. 

We all know these things as our national debts grow and grow and the fireworks hasn't even started yet because the Fortune 1000 business leaders plan to dump millions of employees because of ObamaCare. 

The Going To The Dog's Government Leaders
will find justice when the slaves discover their great theft.
They took your liberty, freedom and wealth. 

We see that leading generals are being kicked out of the services because they know the truth.  

The generals know that Obama will kill citizens and hold them inside FEMA camps and feed them rations and lock them behind barbed wire fences. 

We know that college records were never produced and people that went to Occidental, Columbia and Harvard at the exact same time didn't know the black radical Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama. 

Mia Marie Pope says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner and a crack-smoking homosexual.

Barry Soetoro AKA; Barack Hussein Obama churns America into the meat grinder to ignite the civil unrest so he can take revenge on America.  

His welfare mother lived off the free food of the people and studied with taxpayers paying the bills just like Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama but that wasn't enough. 

Obama continued his crack-smoking homosexual life-style as Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals she too is homosexual and has been living a lie her entire life.  What did Snowden and Wiki Leaks teach you?  

Money men like George Soros can use people like Hillary and Barack because they have many secrets and need many things.  

Drug users enable smuggling, killing, extortion and their life must be illegal because what they do is illegal.  

Barack Obama wants more illegal aliens, open borders, national health care, free food and remove private property by wealth distribution and our children owe over a trillion dollars for their college education but we cannot produce a light bulb. 

The Walmart Store was raided by Obama Supporters
using the EBT SNAP Food Stamp Cards
when the Xerox Government System failed
to maintain limits on spending
Stealing When You Can
The Obama Way of Life
Take What You Can Get and Run

Ms. Pope was born in 1962, in California, and moved with her family to Hawaii when she was still an infant. 

Pope claims that she did not meet or see Barry Soetoro until about 1977. 

She said that she, Barry and other kids would hang out at the beach at Waikiki.

Freedom Loving Truck Drivers Protested
but the national media showed no interest,
Obama wouldn't allow any substantial reporting.
Obama Controls the National Main Stream Media

Mia Marie Pope says that Barry Soetoro "always portrayed himself as a foreign student."

While Soetoro was a little older than her and didn't always run around with the circle of friends that she had, Pope says that he "very much was in sort of the 'gay community,'" which she says that even back then was "thriving."

These Companies Support Obama, Open Borders, Imported Cheap Labor to improve their profits. 


"We knew Barry as, just common knowledge, that girls were never anything that he was ever interested in, and as a young teenager….as a young girl… was clear to me that Barry was strictly into men," Pope said. She also indicated that she had no desires for him and said that they didn't get along, largely in part to the fact that he was "a pathological liar, even back then."

Who voted for the government takeover of your health? The government now decides who will live or die.  They might not need all those bullets when the older patriots die a natural death without proper life saving doctors.  

Pope said that Soetoro's lies were "egotistical" and always to "boost himself." She referenced Barry "bumming cigarettes," and said that as soon as someone would give him a cigarette, he would instantly turn and walk away, after he had gotten what he wanted. In Pope's words, "He seemed to be incapable or genuine about anything."

Ms. Pope said that Barry Soetoro was always "getting with these older white men." She recognized that he was one that had cocaine, which she said was "newsworthy" in the groups she hung out in. They then began to believe it was Soetoro's engagements (ie. Homosexual acts) with these older white men is how he "procured" cocaine.

These are illegal aliens demanding that they be made legal.
Slave Type Cheap Labor destroys the national job market
and forces wages lower and lower.  You will 
notice the SEIU banners. Most likely, 
most if not all of these people now receive welfare 
support and do not pay taxes, they get everything free. 

"In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys, and that's how he was getting his cocaine to be able to freebase," she told Manning.

Mia Pope also said that she actually saw Obama dress up as a transvestite. She remarked that it was during the era of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, starring Tim Curry, that this took place.

Do you recognize these Obama Sisters?
Which One Was Shot Dead by the Government?

When asked by Manning why she came forward, and others were not, she said that because she it is a Christian and deeply concerned about her country. She says that if Barack Obama was doing a "good job" today, then she would not worry about his past. 

Rangel has another TAX problem but nobody cares.
He has stolen from taxpayers his entire career it seems.
You can't put Charlie in jail, look at that smile.
They were just honest mistakes, over and over again.

She wondered when Obama first came on the scene if he had, in fact, "changed his ways." Apparently, according to Pope, he had not. Pope said that she didn't care about his homosexuality or the fact that he used drugs in the past, but was concerned about who he was as an adult.

Punch This Numbers On Your Phone
The Obama Phone Number for America

Pope says that her willingness to come forward has taken courage, and she believes it is "righteous" to speak out against Barack Obama.

"I refuse to be a coward," she added.

Bill Clinton had a Lesbian Wife
Flowers wasn't gay

Flowers took care of Bill Clinton

Weiner didn't become Mayor of New York
His wife, the secret lover of Hillary Clinton?

Ms. Pope also says that she had called the Federal Bureau of Investigations several times to expose Barack Obama's use of fake Social Security numbers, and nothing was done about it. This took place several years ago.

Pope said that when Barry's name began to be pushed forward as Barack Hussein Obama, she though there was "something shady" going on.

Monica let Bill Clinton abuse her inside the White House

Illegal Aliens riding the rails to America

Barack Hussein Obama is a member 
of the Muslim Brotherhood, 
at least that's what the 
Muslim Brotherhood says. 

Sanger wants to kill all the blacks.
It was a secret way back then.
Obama Supports 
Planned Parenthood 
which continues to kill black babies before birth.

She was familiar with the claims of Larry Sinclair, the man who claimed prior to the 2008 elections that he had a homosexual relationship with Barack Obama and the two had smoked crack cocaine together. Sinclair was rumored to have been killed in a hit and run in November of 2011.

Click On the Book

Pope also said that for Obama to have attended the school he did, Punahou high School (which he graduated from in 1979), required a lot of money and it required that he start from kindergarten, but seeing that he was entering mid-level; she believes that he must have had "something stellar" which allowed him to get in, especially when he was "fresh from Indonesia."

Manning suggested that Obama's involvement with older white men is what got him into Punahou, and Pope seems to agree, though she used a reference to the CIA or some "force" that got Obama "set up" at Punahou. "It was certainly not a natural thing," she said.

They both agreed that has been the way things happened for young Soetoro from Punahou to Occidental to Columbia to Harvard. Pope pointed out that interviews were conducted with those who were in the same classes at Columbia that Obama was supposed to be in and not a single person remembers him being there!

When Dr. Manning asked Pope why she thought that Larry Bland, Nate Spencer and Donald Young (all member of the church Obama attended, Trinity Church of Christ, where Jeremiah Wright pastors) were all killed within days of each other in Chicago, she said that she believed Obama's handlers like what he is doing to the country. Therefore, in her opinion, they have kept a lid on these murders.

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