Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Andy Ledger, FBI, looked for felony fighting computer data fingerprints in his New York City central FBI office and what he found was priceless. Andy had turned out to be the Presidents worst enemy as he worked late, never gave up and only used his FBI, CIA and NSA gadgets when nobody was looking. Andy discovered all he needed to know about Benghazi but it didn't stop there. North Korea, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria and even Saudi Arabia was a gold mine of intelligence concerning the President.

The Andy Ledger Story, 
FBI Special Agent - West Wing - White House
The Fictional Story of Andy Ledger, FBI Agent, Assignment White House
Federal Bureau of Investigations New York City Office Special Agent Andy Ledger
Congress Was Out of Business - State of the Union
The President of the United States 
Speaks to the American People. 
The President had a Pen and a Phone
Andy Ledger, FBI, looked for felony fighting computer data fingerprints in his New York City central FBI office and what he found was priceless.  Andy had turned out to be the Presidents worst enemy as he worked late, never gave up and only used his FBI, CIA and NSA gadgets when nobody was looking.  Andy discovered all he needed to know about Benghazi but it didn't stop there.  North Korea, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria and even Saudi Arabia was a gold mine of intelligence concerning the President. 
Andy Ledger, special agent, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations was watching the biggest criminal felony in the history of the world taking place and it was an inside job. His friend at the CIA gave him some leads and just recently a lot more than leads.  His CIA friend gave him hundreds of pictures of documents that were taken in Benghazi and Andy had read almost all of them and was leaning back in his office chair. 
Andy was known as the Cop's best friend and the crook's worst nightmare but in Washington D.C. and specifically the White House, in official government offices he was known as "Dark Stain" which was his code name in the Oval Office and used often by the President of the United States.  Yes, Andy Ledger had once worked in the West Wing of the White House and was the FBI special agent in charge of keeping the President safe and sound night and day.  
Andy was a senior FBI agent but even with over thirty years of service his boss was pushing back and asking too many questions.  "Andy, what's the point?"  "The President is a left wing nut job so you should expect him to lie out loud." but Andy never had any intentions of backing off, not after seeing the pictures and reading the secret State Department Documents, every one of them marked, top secret. 
Hearing after hearing the Congressional committees failed to uncover the criminals known as "Czars" inside the federal government and the White House.  The GOP found things they didn't like but didn't have the power to stop the evil train of the Muslim Brotherhood let alone put a Democrat in jail.  The nation was divided if you watched the CBS evening news but Andy was sure that the patriots were digging in and willing to fight. 
Billions of dollars were being stolen almost daily now but it all started under the previous President ten years ago.  FBI officials knew it was the biggest inside job in history but to reveal the truth it would cost them their jobs and maybe even their life.
Millions of people had lost their homes, their jobs and their sense of pride as the President continued his wealth re-distribution plans and actions. 
FBI agent "JD" was killed overseas only three months earlier while carefully finding and documenting the money trail from the DOD Department of Defense to Iraq and then back to offshore banking accounts in England, Mexico and even Japan and it looked like the boss was located inside the U.S. State Department.  
The FBI knew that the current President was using taxpayer money like his own cash department store and was moving billions of dollars around the world using the CIA and the DOD Department of Defense.  Just recently the great military purge had started and career generals were leaving the services.  Andy was sure that the generals were being kicked out because the sprinkling of money left a trail.  If a general or colonel wouldn't play the game they were retired, disgraced, killed off or all of a sudden a scandal was revealed to the global media.
Over the last year or so it seemed that every General and Admiral had a girlfriend and the CIA or NSA had enough intelligence to bury them forever.  
Once a U.S. military leader was removed Andy could prove that cash moved to the next guy or gal in the line of authority.  Andy Ledger was sure and that the FBI could prove that the President had created a very private army inside the current standing army around the world and he suspected Congress knew about the whole thing, at least the Democratic side of Congress. 
The President of the United States was blocking all the economic emergency exit doors and Andy thought supposedly that he also planned to create the conditions for a bloody civil war and then a closed society, just like North Korea, Syria, Iran and other places that the President seemed to appreciate.
 So like any good FBI agent Andy Ledger dusted for prints not by sprinkling fingerprint powder but by using the FBI computers to search for cash movements around the world.  His friend and associate "JD" had found something but Andy wasn't sure what it was because the mysterious stains of Socialism, Communism and Islam would disappear from data bases with a stroke of a computer key.  Andy did know that "JD" had accused the Federal Reserve of moving money to foreign countries in a special report issued and sent to FBI regional offices across the United States. 
Andy knew that the President had many accomplices and he also knew that "JD" had his hands on the door knob that would open the case for all to see.  "JD" was killed in a hotel washroom in France after the killer trapped him by tossing in a chemical smoke bomb and locking the door leaving "JD" to die a horrible chemical death that burnt his lungs just like a fire inside his body.  The Federal Bureau of Investigations was in the unique business of working inside the United States but "JD" had gained approval to follow his leads in Germany, England and France using any devices available.
Andy also knew that the CIA "The Company" had some knowledge because his college buddy "Blackjack" had use of the best CIA NSA wiretapping equipment in the world and he was blowing every whistle he could find, without making too much noise.

"Blackjack" knew he would end up in the penitentiary if Andy ever told anybody about their communications.  It seems that the President of the United States did a lot more in college than smoke pot and rant about the slavery of blacks.  With the use of technology you would only go so far but with lock-picking tools, microscopes, flashlights, handcuffs, NSA security badges, night sticks and guns "Blackjack" broke into the Libyan Embassy just a few days before it was attacked by terrorists that killed the ambassador and several CIA agents and rocked the political world of the United States.  "Blackjack" took pictures of everything.  The word everything, didn't do it justice. 

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