Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hillary Clinton Hit List Death Wish? The Amazing Facts of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her Sex Crazed Husband and Obama Supporter Bill Clinton. The Hillary Rodham Clinton Hit List, sure you're on it. We're confident that Barack Hussein Obama must be on the hit list as he became President, even after all Hillary's dirt tricks and underhanded games. The Hit List or Death Wish List, who really knows? The Amazing Facts of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her Sex Crazed Husband and Obama Supporter Bill Clinton.

The Evil  Elders of America, both Colored and White reject Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and their wonderful theories on Wealth Distribution, Equality no matter the effort, Government Welfare Programs and the fountain of evils they have flowed over America. 

There was so many dissatisfied Americans the Socialists and Communists knew it was time to build up the steam and push for dramatic changes.  

People like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama knew that American's would not buy the Communist line so they simply call it Progressive. 

They wanted enough pressure to create a armed revolt but nobody was willing to take the first shot and the revolt was slow in the making.

The "Top" was doing a good job concerning stoking the flames but the Tea Party was fractured and letting off steam meant writing your congressman or senator even though they owned millions of guns.

There would not be any armed revolt but there would be devoted voting in 2014 to kill the seeds of Socialism and Communism planted over the years.

The "Top" had the White House and the Senate so they each gnawed at the Tea Party and delivered blow after blow with higher taxes, wealth distribution, foreign entanglements, enormous debt and now ObamaCare that should have been the trip wire to a new civil war. 

The people are not willing to play the ObamaCare game so they are refusing to enroll and the economic horse would not pull the wagon. 

Everything was working for the radicals but not working enough.  

The citizens were mad but could not be knocked off balance.  

The President promised salvation for the world and every poor man could become richer inside this new earthly utopia but for some reason the fermentation was not complete.

The "Top" was ready and had enough power to start mischief, eat and drink Socialism and Communism but like vegetation the Tea Party kept growing even as the government tried to plow them under.

The Tea Party had no center and like a tiny little army they couldn't be attacked in force by the government. 

The President joked "they're waiting for a Christian intervention" but he really knew nothing about the housewife that plotted against him.  The wife trying to feed her children with food stamps for the first time.  Her husband trying to find a job and realizing that he wasn't even counted without unemployment any longer.  

The President was using money to make and pay friends but like unleavened bread his feast for the poor wasn't palatable so he planned to make it more digestible by taxing the rich until they fell to their knee.  

He spaded every cash field he could find but the Tea Party was like mosquitoes and the pestered him night and day.

With their own scrutiny millions of citizens found out the President was a liar and had corrupted the institutions and the founding documents of the nation.  

Since the President took office the nation was now full of Kings and Queens so his experiment had to face the truth of unemployment, continued depression and the people discovered that the employer had no conscience and politics was evil.

The Hillary Rodham Clinton Hit List?  

Who knows if it's true, I have no idea. 

Another Rumor?  

Another Hillary Rodham Clinton Hit Piece? 

Hit List? 

I'm writing a brand new book, that you might want to read. 

 Have you ever heard of Andy Ledger? 

Andy Ledger is a guy, a Navy seal team guy, you know, the Navy Seals that kill off the enemies so your kids can go to school, crops can be planted, stores can stay open late and the killing Muslim Islamic nut jobs stay away from your home.  

Andy Ledger is the guy you want on your side and you never want to be on his hit list, real or not.  Cher, the old singer, would never threaten Andy Ledger and in fact Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton or that poor little creature of a daughter would never want to play with Andy.  

Hillary Clinton uses people like Andy Ledger to do her bidding and when the shi... hits the fan she takes a dive.  

Can you imagine leaving strong guys defending their position in Benghazi alone to bleed out and die alone?  

Some may say that Hillary Clinton already has had a hit list and it's very real with real victims in the ground but, I have no idea because we only know what G.E. MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX news might decide to tell us.  

You've heard about all the generals that got kicked out of the Military you might draw the conclusion that a purge is happening in America.  That weird feeling you have about America started with people like Bill Clinton having sex in the oval office with a young female intern.  Or maybe that bad feeling you've got started when Ted Kennedy, the lion or liar in the Senate killed a young girl by drowning in some car accident.  Maybe you were not happy about the blank panther blocking voters with a club and no police or legal actions were ever take.  All we know, is all we know and we know that something is very wrong in America and Hillary isn't close to the honest answer. 

What Clinton Hit List? Would Hillary Clinton have a hit list like Richard Nixon?  Richard Nixon was a liar and cheat just like Barack Hussein Obama and just like Hillary Rodham Clinton.  

Many think, most think, that Hillary lies about most things but covers her tracks very well. 

Like her dodging bullets getting off a plane.  

Like her really being a race hound that continues to tell the poor black souls that she's the gal that can save them.  

President Johnson didn't like blacks and neither does the Kennedy family so you just add the Clintons on the list.  Jesse Jackson Jr is in prison and I'm sure he won't be the last one to go including many in the White House. 

Yes you might be on Hillary's hit list, and you're on it if you voted for Obama.  

Hillary hates Barack and did everything to destroy him.  

Barack bought her off, put her on the payroll, taxpayer payroll, to shut her up for eight years.  

Times up and the alarm has gone off all across America.  

She's going to run and run over a lot of people.  

She lies, cheats and steals everything not nailed down but not to worry, just worry about Chris Christie and the G.W. bridge because that's what the main stream media is going to feed you while Hillary and Obama feed on you. 

If you supported Obama you can expect a rough and tumble Clinton administration full of political death at the federal, state and local level. This is crazy talk.  Hillary is a victim of Bill Clinton, just like Michelle is the mistress of Barack Obama.  Hillary is about saving the planet, she would never hurt anybody.  Right?

The Hillary Rodham Clinton Hit List, sure you're on it. If you're not on the Clinton hit list today you will be soon.  Maybe Barack Obama called her and asked "How do I get off the Hit List Hillary?"

Benghazi dead bodies had names.  They were left to die.  Our American sons are all over the world being shot at, jumping out of planes, guarding ass wipes and in general, keeping America free as our leaders in Washington D.C. keeps cash in freezers, write hit lists, loan their campaigns cash for high interest rates, black panthers running nuts, drugs legal in the high country, illegal alien lawyers in the court house, muslim nut jobs killing people by the thousands, oil flowing, bribes flowing and votes being bought.  

So why would you think Hillary has a hit list?

The New York Times, the national newspaper supporting Communism and Barack Obama said Benghazi was not a big deal.  

The Fast and Furious, you remember, the U.S. running guns to the drug cartels in Mexico.  

Not a big deal per the DOJ Eric Holder.  

Really, do you think the government of Obama and the wannabe President Hillary Rodham Clinton keeps a hit list?  The strange diet of Hillary Clinton is power and influence and she'll do anything to get it, increase it, use it and keep it.  

Letting 12 million illegal bastards stay in America and live off welfare, yes, not a problem.  Let them stay and let them vote for Hillary.  What's the big deal.  50 million Americans living off SNAP food stamps, not a problem because poor and hungry people do what their told.  

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and honest Joe Biden no little about personal responsibility, hard work, risk, creative thinking, perseverance but they know a lot about keep a current hit list to punish people, including you. 

We're confident that Barack Hussein Obama must be on the "Hillary Clinton"  hit list as he became President, even after all Hillary's dirty tricks and underhanded games.  Most likely millions of people wish Hillary had won the game because Obama is a Marxist-Communist-Socialist and of course that means Hillary is of the same flock. 

The big firms like McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Wal-mart, and thousands of other minimum wage slave type labor empires will go with Hillary because of all those cheap illegal aliens.  These companies don't want to be on the Democratic hit list.  Support Hillary or get on the list. 

The Hit List or Death Wish List, who really knows? The Amazing Facts of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her Sex Crazed Husband and Obama Supporter Bill Clinton will be a best seller some day when one person, with all the insider knowledge, puts pen to paper, publishes the true life and times of "One Date Dick" Bill Clinton and "The Benghazi Bitch" Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

Can somebody kindly explain these "coincidences" that reveal some amazing facts or guesses about the powerful and evil Clinton family.  These are names from the past and maybe there's more names. 

We know that Hillary Rodham Clinton wants to be president but its all for the wrong reasons.  

She lives off power and influence as her husband lives off sex and cash.  

Do you remember any of these name.  

Dodging political death is part of the game but Hillary and Bill Clinton live on the edge of darkness, back room deals, threats, cussing and spitting out rumors about people like the black radical dark horse Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro the little president. 

Hillary went after the Negro Kid Barack Hussein Obama really hard and got her ass handed to her so we can assume she's wanting some payback big time.  Fast and Furious, I.R.S. shutting down the Tea Party, DOJ monitoring the Associated Press, Solyndra, ObamaCare, NSA spying, Benghazi, Shutting down coal mines, Foreign debt, China, White House Czars, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, it's all o.k. 

The American citizen is little more than a zoo animal to the Clintons, Obama's, Pelosi's and many others to expect some exotic stuff hitting the internet.  The main stream media will ignore but the real news on the internet will pick up the pieces.  Don't expect CNN or MSNBC to shine the light of truth on Obama or Clinton.

Have you heard any of these names on FNC Fox News?

Has the New York Times, Investigated, Published and Pushed for Hearings?

Vince Foster

Former Whitehouse counselor & colleague of Hillary Clinton.

Died of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide.

Ed Willey

Clinton fund raiser. Found dead, deep in the woods of Virginia in November 1993. 

Gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. The very same day, Willey's wife 

claimed Clinton had groped her in the oval office.

Kathy Ferguson

Found dead with a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. She had several
packed suitcases as if ready to go somewhere. Kathy was a witness for Paula Jones.

Bill Sherton

State trooper. He was the fiancé of Kathy Ferguson (above). Found at her graveside 
with a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide.

Ron Brown

Secretary of Commerce at the White House. Reportedly killed in a plane crash.
Post-mortem: 'hole in the skull, looks like a gunshot wound'.

Suzanne Coleman

Reportedly had an affair with Clinton whilst an Attorney General. Died of a gunshot 
wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. She was pregnant at the time of her death.

Mary Mahoney

Former Whitehouse intern. Murdered July 1997 at a coffee shop in Georgetown.
Allegedly about to go public about sexual harassment in the Whitehouse.

Paul Tulley

Democratic National Committee Political Director. Found dead in a hotel room
in Little Rock CA, Sept 1992. Described by Clinton as a dear and trusted friend.

Jerry Parks

Head of Clinton security. Gunned down at a quiet intersection in Little Rock,
CA. He was allegedly building a dossier on Clinton. Threatened to reveal
secret information. After his death the dossier mysteriously vanished from his house.

C. Victor Raiser II & Montgomery Raiser

Major players in Clinton fund raising campaign. Died in a private plane crash in 1992.

Charles Meissner

Assistant secretary at the Department of Commerce. Died in a small plane crash.

Dr. Stanley Heard

Treated Clintons' mother, stepfather & brother. Died in a small plane crash.
His attorney, Steve Dickson, was also killed.

Hershell Friday

Clinton fund raiser. Died when his private jet exploded.

Gandy Baugh

Attorney for Clinton's friend, Dan Lassater. Fell to his death by falling
from a tall building in Jan 1994.

Paula Grober

Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf. Died in a car-crash.

Barbra Wise

Worked closely with Ron Brown (See above). Her nude body was locked in her
Department of Commerce office.

Stan Huggins

Investigated Madison Guarantee Scandal. Committed suicide before the report was published.

John Parnell
Previously investigated the 'Whitewater' scandal. Jumped to his death from his Virginia 
apartment balcony. He was investigating Madison Guarantee Scandal.

James McDougall

Clinton's convicted 'Whitewater' partner. Died of a heart attack whilst in solitary confinement.

James Wilson

Found hanging. Ruled a suicide. He was linked to the 'Whitewater' case.

James Bunch

Died of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. It was reported Bunch had a 'black book' 
of influential figures who visited prostitutes in Arkansas, Clinton's constituency.

Florence Martin

Accountant sub-contractor for the CIA; Also related to the Mena Airport drug smuggling case. 
Died of three gunshot wounds. Mena is a small airport in Arkansas, 160 miles from Little Rock.

Danny Casolaro

Investigative reporter, reporting on the Mena Airport case. Slit his wrists during the investigation. 
Ruled a suicide.

Kevin Ives & Don Henry

Youngsters, rumoured to have stumbled upon the smuggling operation at Mena  Airport. 
Both bodies were found dead on railway track, near the airport.
Coroner's verdict: Death due to falling asleep on track.

Paul Wilcher

Investigating corruption at Mena Airport along with Danny Casolaro (above). Found dead 
on the toilet at his Washington DC apartment. 3 weeks earlier he produced an investigative 
report on the case.

All of the following were connected with the Mena Airport investigation:

Keith Conley 
Died in a motor cycle accident

Keith McMaskie
Stabbed 113 times in Nov 1988

Gregory Collins
Died from a gunshot wound in Jan 1989

Jeff Rhodes
Shot, mutilated, and found burned in trash dump.

James Milan
Found decapitated. Coroner's verdict: Natural causes

Jordan Kettleson
Found stabbed in his pick up truck June 1990

Richard Winters
Killed in a robbery in July 1989

The following Clinton bodyguards have all died of unnatural causes:

Major Willie S Barkley Jr
Capt. Scott Reynolds
Sgt Brian Hanley
Sgt. Tim Sabel
Maj. Gen. William Densberger
Col. Robert Kelly
Spec. Gary Rhodes
Steve Willis
Robert Williams
Conway LeBieu
Todd McKeehan.

Anybody know anything about these names?

What Hit List, That's B.S., Honest Americans don't have Political Hit Lists,


Related stories, mostly about specific people on the list:

Benghazi and the Lust for Power.  Ricky Ray Rector is a name you will probably seldom see in the mainstream media.  On January 24, 1992, the state of Arkansas executed Rector for murder.  Rector, however, was mentally deficient.  He was so mentally deficient that he put aside a piece of pecan pie from his last meal and told his guards he would finish it after his execution.  Then presidential candidate and Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton could have stopped the execution.  Instead, Clinton made sure the execution went ahead as scheduled, breaking off his primary campaign in New Hampshire to return to Arkansas to personally oversee the implementation of the sentence. [...] While candidate Clinton killed one person to get Gennifer Flowers off the front pages, President Clinton was willing to bomb an entire country to get Monica Lewinsky out of the news cycle.

Clinton Library Builder's CFO Disappears Amid Audit.  John Glasgow had a healthy salary, with an opportunity to pick up stock in the construction company where he worked.  He was the kind of guy who paid back a $500 bonus he got for completing an anti-smoking program because he started to light up again.  But now Glasgow has been missing since Jan. 28, with his car found abandoned the next day, and family and police say it's impossible to tell whether he killed himself, was abducted or left to start a new life elsewhere.

Search Continues for John Glasgow, New Details Emerge.  Conway [Arkansas] attorney, Frank Shaw said his client, Jonathan Brawner told police not only where John Glasgow is buried, but also who is responsible.  In an interview Shaw said, "I can't comment on who did it, why they did it and those other kind of facts because I'm not privy to all of that and Little Rock homicide is in the middle of an investigation."  When asked if he knew who 'did it' Shaw said, "Yes," and wouldn't elaborate.  He said his client has told law enforcement and that there is more than one person involved.

Jon Brawner, the man claiming to have helped bury John Glasgow, failed to abduct Jim Daven in 2009.  Our partners at Arkansas Business recently took a closer look at Jon Brawner.  The convicted felon claims he helped bury Glasgow's body.  Arkansas Business reports his credibility is obviously suspect. He served time for masterminding the failed abduction of commodities broker Jim Daven in 2009, about 18 months after John Glasgow vanished.

Construction CFO Disappears During Four-Minute Drive.  John Glasgow was last seen just after 5 a.m. on January 28, 2008, pulling out of his driveway.  While it was a few hours earlier than he would regularly leave for work, he was putting the finishing touches on a large financial deal involving the multimillion dollar construction company for which he served as Chief Financial Officer, and another major company in Little Rock.  His commute normally took about four minutes. Something happened during that time, because he never made it to work.

John Glasgow: Missing Since: 01/28/08.  When normally reliable CFO John Glasgow left home but never arrived at work, friends and family were immediately concerned.

Kathleen Willey suspects Clintons murdered husband.  Asked if she suspects her husband Ed, a lawyer and son of a prominent Virginia lawmaker, was murdered, Willey replied, "Most definitely."  "I'm having someone with a forensics background look at this, and I intend to pursue this further, now that these questions have been raised," she told WND, pointing to alleged discrepancies in the autopsy report.  Does she believe the Clintons were involved?  "I do have suspicions," Willey said, "yes."

Hillary Clinton faces sensational claims from another woman in Bill's past.  Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign faced damaging allegations yesterday from one of the women who claim to have been groped by former president Bill.  Kathleen Willey suggests in a new book that the former First Couple could have been involved in her husband Ed's death. … He died from a gunshot wound to the head on the day Willey claimed she was sexually assaulted by Clinton in the Oval Office.  Willey insists her husband's death was murder and not suicide.

Businessman pardoned by Clinton found dead.  A controversial businessman once pardoned by former President Bill Clinton has been found dead inside his Miami Beach condo, authorities confirmed Thursday [11/2/2006].  Almon Glenn Braswell, 63, was found dead Saturday at 1500 Ocean Dr.  His death has been labeled "unclassified" pending more tests, the Miami-Dade medical examiner's office said.

The "unfortunate coincidences" continue ...
Clintons' neighbor dies after roadside shooting.  A woman who lives on the same cul-de-sac as former President Clinton died Monday after a mysterious shooting on an isolated road that left her lawyer husband wounded, authorities said.  Sgt. Marc Simmons, a detective, said 55-year-old Peggy Perez-Olivo died about 3 p.m. at a hospital.  He said there are still no arrests.

Update 1:
Gun recovered near scene of Clinton neighbors' shooting.  State police have recovered a gun that was dumped in a lake near the scene of a roadside shooting that killed a neighbor of Bill and Hillary Clinton and wounded the woman's husband.

Update 2:
Ex-Clinton Neighbor Goes On Trial In Wife's Death.  Prosecutors allege that a disbarred lawyer who lived three houses down from the Clintons in suburban New York executed his wife in "a seemingly perfect murder."  Assistant District Attorney Christine O'Connor told a jury Friday that Carlos Perez-Olivo shot his wife in the back of the head as she dozed in their car on Nov. 18, 2006.

The Train Deaths:  Countdown to justice

Another witness bites the dust:  The Ron Miller case.

The Clinton Body Count:  There are at least 30 internet sites keeping track of the people in Clinton's orbit who have died under mysterious circumstances since the first year Clinton became Governor of Arkansas.  These suspicious deaths have continued right up to the present.

What a difference a day makes.  In twelve hours I was able to find enough information to turn my blood cold.  In four months, I've been able to find enough verification to compel me to put my name to this editorial.

Charles Ruff  was one of Clinton's attorneys during the impeachment trial and was known to have inside information on the White House emails scandal as well.  Original reports were that he died in an accident in his home although no details were given.  Then the report changed to claim that he was found in his bedroom unconscious, then declared dead on arrival at the hospital.  The authorities will provide no details other than the usual (and quite premature) assurances that there was no foul play involved.

This material came from
Caution:  This article includes thinly redacted vulgarity.
Why The Clintons Belong in Prison:  An interview with Melrose Larry Green.  (Q:) What are the top crimes perpetrated by the Clintons for which they deserve to be in prison?   (A:) I feel that Bill Clinton committed treason when he sold American military secrets to the Red Chinese government.  I think that Bill Clinton is guilty of rape (of Juanita Broaddrick).  I think that there are numerous examples of bribery committed by Bill and Hillary Clinton during the final round of Presidential pardons (especially the case of Marc Rich and his ex-wife Denise Rich.)  Let's not forget the dozens of unexplained deaths surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton — Ron Brown, Vince Foster, Mary Mahoney — for which there have been no proper investigations.

D.C. Police Silent on Murder of Former White House Intern.  On July 6, 1997, a brutal triple murder took place at a Starbucks restaurant in an upscale Georgetown neighborhood.  The victims were Aaron Goodrich, 18; Emory Evans, 25; and Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25.  According to a July 13 Washington Post story, ballistics test indicated that 10 shots were fired from two different guns, sometime after 9:15 p.m.  The Post story characterized the crime as an "execution-style" murder. … Making the story particularly interesting is the fact that Mary Mahoney was shot as many as five times, according to some press reports.

Mary C. Mahoney and Eric Butera:  Mary Mahoney, 25, was murdered at the Georgetown Starbuck's coffee bar over the 4th of July '97 weekend.  She was a former White House intern who worked with John Huang.  Apparently she knew Monica Lewinsky and [knew about] her sexual encounters with Bill Clinton.  Although not verified, it has been said that Lewinsky told Linda Tripp that she did not want to end up like Mahoney. … Eric Butera was an informant who came forward offering information regarding the murder of White House intern Mary Mahoney.  He was then sent into a known crack house to make an undercover buy for the police and was beaten to death.

Here is the connection.
Too Many Dots.  [Mary Caitrin] Mahoney had landed an internship working in the office of the Secretary of Commerce, Norman Mineta for Doris Matsui.  Matsui is the wife of California Democrat Representative Robert Matsui. ... Matsui worked closely with John Huang, with the title of deputy assistant to President Clinton.  Together they raised over $3 million in campaign funds from Asia and Asian-Americans.  $1.2 million had to be returned because it came from corporations and non-citizens.

More about the Mahoney murder:  Washington police have never been able to solve this triple murder in a posh section of the nation's capital. … Yet, no one — not Kenneth Starr, not Congress, nor any other investigative agency in government or the press — has bothered to look into this suspicious murder.

The Starbucks Murders:  Of the 40 to 90 people surrounding the President who have died mysteriously, the story of Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 25, is only just now being resolved (or covered up).  Mary was an intern in the White House.  She was gunned down in July of 1997 inside Starbucks in Washington DC where she worked.  No money was taken.  This Starbucks was frequented by Monica Lewinski and Chelsea Clinton.  If you read the Starr report and notice that Monica was afraid and said that she did not want to end up like Mary, this is the Mary in which she refers.

Did He Cry for Caity Mahoney?  July 7, 1997:  The Starbucks Massacre.  Former White House intern Mary "Caity" Mahoney and two co-workers are killed execution style at the Starbucks Coffeeshop in Georgetown. ... Caity was singled out for the most horrendous fate -- as if she'd been the killers' prime target.  Of the ten shots fired, she was hit five times at point blank range, including at least once in the face.  The final bullet was delivered to the back of her head after she'd already fallen.  In one hand, in a death grip, Caity clutched the keys to the store's safe, which held the weekend's receipts of more than $10,000.  D.C. cops were mystified by the apparent lack of motive in the crime.

Starbucks Fall-Back Fall Guy:  [Scroll down]  Also heightening suspicion is the extremely sparing and incidental mention of the fact that the apparent primary target of the shooter or shooters wrath, night manager Mary Caitrin (Caity) Mahoney, had been one of the original interns in the Clinton White House and that she was a Democratic Party activist.  Since Monica Lewinsky's name became a household word, there has never been any mention at all in the mainstream press, to this writer's knowledge, of the two former interns names in the same breath….

The murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry:  August 23, 1987, in a rural community just south of Little Rock, two teenage boys were murdered because they witnessed a police-protected drug drop.  The drop was part of a drug smuggling operation based at a small airport in Mena, Arkansas.

1st Amendment wins victory in court.  [Patrick] Matrisciana was sued for libel in 1996 by two Arkansas law enforcement officers mentioned in a documentary video the filmmaker produced.  The video, "Obstruction of Justice:  the Mena Connection," focuses on the unsolved deaths of Kevin Ives and Don Henry.  In the documentary, Pulaski County Sheriff's Department Lts. Jay Campbell and Kirk Lane were listed among six law enforcement officers that alleged eyewitnesses said could be implicated "in the murders and the subsequent cover-up."

Little Rock Airport to be renamed for Bill and Hillary Clinton.  The Little Rock Airport Commission has scheduled a discussion at its meeting Tuesday [3/20/2012] to rename the airport the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport.

The Editor says...
Better yet, how about the Kevin Ives and Don Henry airport in Mena, Arkansas?

Arkancide.  Here's what to do if you disagree:  Make a list of all the deceased.  Google them.  Verify that they were real people with real connections to the Clintons and who really died violently -- and were not just imaginary people invented by anti-Clinton propagandists.  Find out how they were connected to the Clintons and what information they were going to divulge.  Find out when the Clintons became aware of this.  Find out how soon afterwards each potential witness was bumped off.  Explain why so many of these murders had similar MO's (bullets fired into the back of the head, exploding planes etc.).  Explain why so many of these murders were described as suicides by the coroner.  Find out who appointed the coroner.

Clinton's dead lawyers.

Somewhat related:
Hillary Was Key Partner in Clinton Attack Machine.  With the paperback version of Clinton's memoirs set to hit bookstores in early June, World Ahead Publishing has unveiled Their Lives:  The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine by Candice E. Jackson.  Billed as the stories that Clinton left out of My Life, Jackson uncovers the trail of bribes, threats and intimidation that Clinton's inner circle leveled at the women who got in their way.

Hillary's First Big Lie.  Among the people the Clintons reached out to [in 1992] — in this case, through a proxy — was Sally Perdue, a former Miss Arkansas and Clinton paramour.  "[The proxy] said that there were people in high places who were anxious about me and they wanted me to know that keeping my mouth shut would be worthwhile," Perdue would later relate.  "Worthwhile" meant a GS-11 or higher job with the federal government.  If she turned down the offer and talked to the media, "He couldn't guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs."  Perdue was the least of the Clintons' problems in 1992.  More potentially troublesome were the women that Clinton had criminally assaulted or humiliated — Juanita Broaddrick, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and Paula Jones among others.  Jones, though not raped like Broaddrick or attacked like Gracen, would prove Bill Clinton's undoing.

The Mysterious Death of Ron Brown
  ... and 34 other people, including Shelly Kelly.

It's time for Obama to talk about Brown.  In early December 1997, after eighteen months of successful damage control by the White House, the black community in Chicago finally learned of the anomalies in the death of Ron Brown.  Bill Clinton's Secretary of Commerce, Brown had dreamed of becoming America's first black president from the time he was a little boy.  And although he was, as Joe Biden might have put it, as "articulate and bright and clean" as Barack Obama, he never got the chance.

The Left's Blind Eye to the Obvious.  The Air Force concluded that the controlled descent of [Ron] Brown's USAF plane into a Croatian mountainside was "inexplicable."  The maintenance chief responsible for the airport's navigation system showed up with a bullet hole in his chest the day before his Air Force interview.  Brown's fatal head injury struck the forensic photographer and attending pathologist as having the size and shape of a gunshot wound.  He was nonetheless buried (over the protest of the pathologists) without an autopsy.  The photographer and three Armed Service pathologists would sacrifice their careers going public with their discontent.  The major media reported close to none of this.

What really happened to Ron Brown:  In Argentina, during the dark days, they called them "los desaparecidos," the disappeared.  On April 10, 1996, Ron Brown was buried with full honors at Arlington National Cemetery and then joined his fellow desaparecidos.  So thoroughly has Brown disappeared from view that the only articles I could find on Google News about the 10th anniversary of his death were those that I had written myself.

Did Bill Clinton order Ron Brown killed?  [Scroll down] All 35 people aboard are dead except for stewardess Shelly Kelly, who, riding in the tail, sustained only minor cuts and bruises. So far. ... Four hours and 20 minutes after the crash the first Croatian Special Forces search party arrives on the scene and finds only Ms. Kelly surviving.  They call for a helicopter to evacuate her to the hospital.  When it arrives, she is able to get aboard without assistance from the medics.  But Kelly never completes the short hop.  She dies en route.  According to multiple reports given to journalist/editor Joe L. Jordan, an autopsy later reveals a neat three-inch incision over her main femoral artery.  It also shows that the incision came at least three hours after all her other cuts and bruises.  Further necropsies will not happen.  Clinton has ordered the cremation of all victims.  It is hard to perform autopsies on ashes.

Ron Brown's Loose Lips Seal His Fate.  Ron Brown — who at various times has been under investigation by the Commerce Department Inspector General, the FDIC, the Justice Dept., the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, and the Senate Judiciary Committee — was only two weeks away from being indicted with respect to a bribe paid by Oklahoma company Dynamic Energy Resources.  "I am too old to go to jail," Brown loudly proclaimed.  "If I go down, I'll take everyone else down with me."  Brown assumed the threat would force Democratic bigwigs to rally around him, to make sure that the charges he faced were buried in an appropriate fashion.  But Brown miscalculated.  His own words buried him instead.

Ron Brown's Death Still A Mystery.  Maj. General Charles Coolidge, who headed the Air Force investigation of the accident, won't explain why his report failed to mention the radical course correction by the plane that sent it into the mountain.  When the Air Force plane carrying Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown crashed in Croatia in April 1996, rumors immediately circulated that the beacon that was supposed to guide the plane to the airport had been set to guide the plane into the mountain nearby.  This was allegedly done by an employee at the airport who was found shot to death three days later.

Was Ron Brown Assassinated?  Experts Differ on Ron Brown's Head Wound.  A circular hole in the skull of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown could have been a gunshot wound and certainly should have prompted an autopsy, according to an Air Force lieutenant colonel and forensic pathologist who investigated the jet crash in which Brown died.  "Even if you safely assumed accidental plane crash, when you got something that appears to be a homicide, that should bring everything to a screeching halt," Lt. Col. Steve Cogswell, a doctor and deputy medical examiner with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, told the Tribune-Review.

10 years after Ron Brown:  After the crash in Croatia, the bodies were brought to America and examined by a team from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. … The chief of the photographic unit, Chief Petty Officer Kathleen Janoski, saw there were no lethal injuries to Brown's body — other than what appeared to be a bullet hole in his head.  She showed the wound to two colleagues, both colonels, who agreed with her.

The assassination of Ron Brown:  [Ron] Brown had gone to Croatia to broker a sweetheart deal between the neo-fascist strongman who ran Croatia, Franjo Tudjman, and Enron Corporation.  This was all part of the Clintons' desperate drive to raise money for their 1996 re-election campaign.

Did Ron Brown die for Enron's sins?  An explosive new expose on the man "who knew too much".

Book review:
Ron Brown's Body:  How One Man's Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and Hillary's Future.  Considering the highly disturbing implications of his explosive book's title, investigative reporter Jack Cashill's work deserves a better fate than the silent treatment it has thus far received in the establishment media.

Was Ron Brown murdered, and, if so, how and by whom?  "At the end of day," says Jack Cashill who began the project a skeptic, "it is not irresponsible to talk about murder, nor to ask what Hillary Clinton was doing in Bosnia a week before Brown's death."

The Sun Peeked Through the "Worst Storm in a Decade".  Jack Cashill notes that he dedicates his book to the six Air Force crew members "who died in honorable service to their country through no fault of their own."

The bullet hole that should have shaken Washington:  Jack Cashill shows why there is no innocent explanation for what happened to Ron Brown.

CIA Documents on Ron Brown Declared Secret:  Central Intelligence Agency documents on Ron Brown's involvement with the Chinese army are secret in the interests of "national security," according to an April 30 CIA letter.  The Clinton commerce secretary died in 1996 in a plane crash while under investigation for illegal financial ties to Beijing.

Everything but the News!  CNN is famous for having a scoop on a breaking story, then, very oddly, the next hour it is discontinued.  This happens on other news sources also.  For example, the first announcement of Ron Brown's plane crash was said to have happened in the Adriatic Sea and that divers were preparing to go down to search for bodies.  The next announcement, an hour or so later, was that the plane had crashed into the mountains!  There was one survivor, a female flight attendant.  She walked to a rescue helicopter but was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.  Was that in the news?

Ron Brown:  Evidence Of A Cover up.  When the rescuers arrived, they found one survivor, an Air Force Sergeant named Shelly Kelly, one of two stewardesses assigned to the T-43 (a modified Boeing 737) which had only recently been converted from a navigation training aircraft equipped with all the latest navigation aids to a VIP passenger transport.  The rescuers spotted Shelly Kelly moving about the wreckage, several hours after the crash itself.  Shelly was placed on a helicopter and evacuated to the hospital, but strangely, was dead on arrival….

Where are the Black Boxes?  Within hours of the crash, the Croatian Ministry of Transport announced that they had the black boxes.  One and half days after the crash, Croatian TV (plus Russian and French TV) announced that the FDR (flight data recorder) and the CVR (cockpit voice recorder) were safely in the hands of U.S. Marines.  The U.S. European Command in Stuttgart, Germany, also stated that a black box was on board.  Later, the Pentagon brass stoutly disputed all this, stating that there were no black boxes aboard.  It is difficult to imagine that America's #2 VIP plane had no black box.  Veteran Air Force mechanics claim that they never have seen a T-43A without a black box.

Why the Lies About Ron Brown?  It is clear that the government lied, destroyed evidence that proved it, and punished those who disclosed it.

"Too many lies are being told.  Too many lives are being destroyed.  And I think it's time for the truth to come out."
— Kathleen Willey  
quoted from Potshots  

Vince Foster's case seems to be the most obviously suspicious.

Following Orders: The Death of Vince Foster Prologue Excerpt.  Hillary and Bill Clinton are being re-crafted as moderates, and speculation for a Hillary 2016 presidential run endures whether or not she remains serving as President Obama's Secretary of State.  It's upside down.  Americans deserve to know what happened in their White House and they have been lied to.  Americans deserve to know what is happening in their White House now and always and they are still being lied to with no accountability or consequence in sight.  This must end — now.

Court to review Foster photos:  The Supreme Court agreed Monday [5/5/2003] to review whether photographs relating to the 1993 suicide of White House deputy counsel Vince Foster were properly withheld by the independent counsel's office.  A lower court has ruled the photos are subject to the Freedom of Information Act, and should be released.

Vince Foster:  What really happened?

Clinton's Calendar and Vince Foster:  Foster, a lawyer from Arkansas, was in the same kindergarten class as Bill Clinton and worked at the same law firm as Sen. Clinton.  After President Clinton was elected in 1992, Foster joined the White House as deputy White House counsel and handled many of the Whitewater-related tax returns.  In July 1993, he was found dead in a park in Virginia with a gunshot wound.

101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vincent Foster:  Vince Foster's death was almost immediately labeled a suicide by the U.S. Park Police.  Normal procedure in the case of a violent death is to treat it as a homicide until all doubts are resolved.  Despite this, a homicide investigation was never launched.  Even before the death scene or the body had been inspected, a suicide confirmation process was under way.  In her sworn Senate testimony, senior Park Police officer Cheryl Braun said, "We made that determination [of suicide] prior to going up and looking at the body."  From that point on, all police and FBI efforts were directed toward collecting evidence that would support the suicide verdict.

Thomas Sowell remarks about Vince Foster:  Any number of things might have happened on July 20, 1993, when Vincent Foster's body was discovered in Marcy Park.  The hardest thing to reconcile with the evidence is that he committed suicide in that park.  He may have committed suicide somewhere else, where it would have been embarrassing to have the body discovered, so that it was moved to the park.  Some experienced police detectives have suggested this, partly because the small amount of blood found with the body in Marcy Park is wholly inconsistent with what they have seen happen when someone puts a .38 revolver in his mouth and pulls the trigger.  Moreover, there are many other inconsistencies.

l Vince Foster and the Peripatetic Gun.  [Representative Dan] Burton asked the Confidential Witness to give sworn deposition.  He agreed.  When asked under oath if he was sure about the gun, he replied:  "As sure as I am standing here.  I am absolutely and totally, unequivocally [sure] the palms were up.  I looked at both palms.  There was nothing in his hands."  Nothing came of it.  The Confidential Witness retreated back into the shadows.  Reflecting on the event three years later, he suspected that he had disturbed the crime scene before it was "ready" and thought that he was very lucky to be alive.  "The whole thing stinks, he clearly didn't shoot himself there.  You can't shoot yourself without a gun.  The man had no gun.  End of story."

101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vince Foster.  I merely want to highlight what I see as a large number of gross "peculiarities" surrounding the Foster case.  I hope to convey to the reader some sense of the sheer weight of over 100 discrepancies and unanswered questions.  Also bear in mind that the number "101" is itself a modest number.  As a practical matter, I was forced to omit dozens of striking anomalies.

Summary of Impeachable Offense Allegations Against Janet Reno.  Janet Reno fired William Sessions and replaced him with Louis Freeh on July 19, 1993, the day before the body of Vince Foster was found in Fort Marcy Park.  Under Freeh, the FBI has entered the most incompetent, unaccountable period in its history...

Wikipedia: Death of Vince Foster.  With respect to this case, conspiracy theorists are largely divided into two groups.  Some suspect that Foster committed suicide in a location that was embarrassing to figures connected to the Clinton administration and that government agents dumped his body in the park.  Others suspect that Foster died from a shot from a small-caliber pistol to the neck and his body was dumped in the park.

Barbara Olson to Hillary:  Come Clean on Vince Foster.  If Hillary Clinton wants to write a book that would justify the $8 million advance she won from Simon & Schuster late last year, she should clear up the mystery of her own relationship with the late deputy White House counsel Vince Foster — and explain what her most trusted aides were doing rifling through his office on the night he died.

Some forgotten details of Foster death.  According to a recent [1998] Zogby Poll, commissioned by the Western Journalism Center, an overwhelming majority of Americans no longer believe the official story of suicide.  With good cause, Americans suspect much remains concealed.

Brief on the Merits of Respondent Allan J. Favish:  Although the official government story holds that Foster was found with a gun in his hand, the first person that officially found Foster's body said that there was no gun in his hand.  This witness, known as the "confidential witness," testified that Foster's hands were palms-up and empty. ... But [Kenneth] Starr failed to tell the public that one of the body site photos shows a gun in Foster's right hand that eliminates the possibility of there having been a gun at the back of Foster's hand that went unseen by the witness.  This photo, leaked to ABC-TV and published in Time and Newsweek magazine, shows Foster's gun-hand palm down, while the witness said the hand was palm-up and empty.

Nobody can explain Foster inconsistencies.  The FBI Field Office reported on Page 3 of the memo that "preliminary results include the finding that a .38 caliber revolver ... was fired into the victim's mouth with no exit wound."  The official report on Foster's autopsy described an exit wound in the back of his head, 1x1.25 inches in size.

Will Starr Find a Smoking Gun in the Vincent Foster Case?  Former Independent Counsel Robert Fiske wrote in his report on the death of Vincent Foster that Mr. Foster's widow, Lisa, said that the official death gun "looked similar to one that she had seen in their home" although official government documents show she had not made any valid identification of the official death gun.  These documents suggest that persons conducting the Fiske investigation deliberately tried to manufacture a misleading gun identification from Mrs. Foster in order to make it appear that Mr. Foster owned the official death gun prior to the day he died.

The Death of Vincent Foster:  Evidence Of A Cover-up.

Vince Foster's death:  An FBI cover-up?  We've been told incorrectly by the American press and our officials that there have been numerous investigations of Foster's death when, in reality, every investigation that has been done was conducted by the FBI.

Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying.

... Which includes Thirteen Questions Concerning the Vince Foster Mystery.

Numerous additional documents about the Vincent Foster Death.

News magazines overdo Cheney-gate.  Texas lawyer Harry Whittington getting peppered by Cheney was a cover story in both magazines.  White House lawyer Vince Foster shooting himself dead in 1993 was not.

The FBI – A Legend Decays.  Without the seeming immunity granted [to the FBI] by virtue of long-past successes, they would have lost most of their credibility by the time of the TWA 800 disaster and the mysterious death of Vincent Foster, and their activities in both these matters would have been subjected to the most rigorous scrutiny.

Tape of U.S. attorney:  Foster probe was a fraud.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Miquel Rodriguez is no longer speaking to the press, but a newly released audio recording purportedly contains excerpts of his candid comments on the case.  …Rodriguez claims the FBI threatened him, not only targeting his career reputation, but his "personal well being."  "The FBI told me back off, back down," Rodriguez said.  "I have been communicated with again and been told to be careful where I tread."

Did Hillary Clinton Order the Waco Assault?  According to Linda Tripp it was Hillary and not Bill Clinton who directed the final assault on Waco.  During an interview in early February 2001 the former White House aide alleged that Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vincent Foster to resolve the Waco standoff. … Foster himself was found dead, from a gun-shot wound to the head, in a Virginia park three months later.  Could he have known too much about Waco?

Tripp:  Hillary Directed Waco, Bill Abused Monica.  Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vince Foster to resolve the 1993 Waco standoff in a move that led to the deaths of more than 80 men, women and children, former White House aide Linda Tripp charged in an interview Friday night [2/9/2001].

FBI Cover-up dot com  [re: Vince Foster] We have meticulously studied over 50 volumes of official documents related to this matter.  The information contained here is the most complete source of facts and evidence on this subject.

Vince Foster Death Photos Bring Access Battle to High Court:  Nearly 10 years after White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster died in a Northern Virginia park, a contentious battle over public access to death-scene photographs is before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Patrick Knowlton saga continues.  Patrick Knowlton, a lifelong Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton in 1992, stopped in Fort Marcy Park to relieve his bladder just hours before White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster's body was found.  Little did he know that his life would never be the same.  Knowlton saw another car with Arkansas license plates in the parking lot, but not Foster's.  He also was alarmed by the menacing-looking occupant of that vehicle.

Patrick Knowlton's lawsuit speaks for itself.

Vince Foster was Murdered.  Five years ago this reporter took a slightly-more-than-cursory gander at the Vince Foster case and remarked, "It doesn't take a brilliant professional investigator to define this case, but it takes many to cover it up."  Indeed, from Day One the facts have shown that medical examiners and investigators — following a tremendous influx of intimidation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation — had molded their own "facts" to mesh with the White House spin.  And once again, the American people bought it.  An uncommon cadre of amateur sleuths has proven the deception.

Mystery Still Remains in the Death of Vince Foster.  A careful FBI microscopic investigation of Foster's shoes found not a trace of soil or grass stains on them, though he supposedly walked several hundred yards through wooded Fort Marcy Park to where his body was found. ... Foster was found with a 1913 revolver no one in his family could claim, with two serial numbers, made from the parts of three or more guns.  None of Foster's fingerprints were found on the gun.  The bullet that supposedly killed Foster was never found, despite intensive searches.  The first witness to find the body insisted that there had been no gun near the body.  The memory in Foster's pager had been erased.  Critical evidence began to vanish. ... All of the X-rays taken during the autopsy are missing.

Death of Vince Foster:  Since July 20, 1993, when the body of deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster was found at Fort Marcy Park, the American government, and more importantly, the American press, have concealed the true facts of the death from the American people.  Now, ten years later, we hear from the leading government investigator that Foster did not die the way officials have said.  We now learn firsthand — from the person in charge of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's Foster death investigation — that Starr's investigation was a sham and that its conclusion was determined even before the investigation even began.  Investigators altered the crime scene, and a few people controlled the outcome of the investigation.  The press controlled how it would be reported.

Coroners vs. Medical Examiners:  The investigation of [former White House deputy counsel Vincent W.] Foster's death was entrusted to the U.S. Park Police.  It should have been handled by the FBI, but the White House was not sure it could control the FBI, whose director Clinton had just fired.

Did The OIC Obstruct Justice?  Did the FBI, the Independent Counsel's office, White House lawyers and staffers work together to conceal information concerning the death of former White House Counsel Vincent Foster, Jr.?  Documents relating to the investigations are missing or are being withheld in violation of Federal law.  The courts may crack the case open due to an AIM lawsuit.

The Media Must Expose The Lies:  July 20th was the eighth anniversary of the death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr.  For eight years nearly all our media have refused to examine the evidence in this case.

Government Concedes "Mistakes" on Vince Foster's Death.  The government is now saying discrepancies in testimony of witnesses in the murder of Vince Foster were merely "mistakes."  "It is not a crime to make a mistake," declared Karl N. Gellert, associate independent counsel in a federal court session considering Accuracy in Media's lawsuit against the Office of Independent Counsel.  The group charges the office of former Independent Counsel Ken Starr of criminal activity and cover-up in the murder of Clinton White House aide Vincent Foster in 1993.  The death was officially ruled a suicide.

A Broken Promise:  Psychologist Alan Berman was one of three consultants hired by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr to help him convince the public that Vincent Foster committed suicide.  Berman wrote a 21-page report in which he said:  "In my opinion and to a hundred percent degree of medical certainty the death of Vincent Foster was a suicide.  No plausible evidence has been presented to support any other conclusion."

More information about the Foster case:  On the eve of 1994 congressional hearings into Foster's death, Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., obtained permission from the then-Democratic-controlled Senate Banking Committee to dispatch a team of investigators to Little Rock to determine if Foster had learned of the search of Hale's office before taking his own life.  But at the last minute, committee Democrats withdrew their authorization and ordered Bond to call his investigators back to Washington.

 Excellent!   The Unanswered Questions in the Foster Case.

The Biggest Story They Won't Report:  The most important breaking news story that has been suppressed in recent times is the murder of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. in 1993.  A leading Republican senator said seven years ago that the reason they were not investigating Foster's death is that if he did not kill himself, the president was somehow involved and the democratic process could not survive such a disclosure.  The media seem to share that view, because no major news organization has ever investigated or reported the flaws in the official investigations.

Vince Foster might save America from Hillary:  On July 20, 1993, Vince Foster was found dead. His death officially was termed a suicide but is suspected by many to be a murder — if not a superbly planned assassination. The cover-up that followed Foster's death is one of many compelling reasons Hillary Clinton must be defeated if she ever again runs for public office.

Unsolved Mystery Hampers All Starr's Probes.  Five summers ago this week the body of Vincent Walker Foster, Jr. was discovered by an antique cannon in an out of the way Virginia park.  Two independent counsels, two congressional probes and one federal police investigation have determined he died by his own hand.  Still, in national polls taken in 1995 and 1997, the American people by overwhelming margins say they do not believe Foster died as officials say.  Yet even with this popular mandate, no investigator was willing to act on serious evidence of a White House cover-up of Foster's death.

The White House Lawyer and the Clipper Chip:  On May 2, 1993, Vince Foster, Benard Nussbaum and Webb Hubbell went to Ft. Meade Maryland to meet with the National Security Agency.  The topic of the secret meeting would be an effort to "mandate" government computer security and ban all other products.  The proof of his meeting at NSA HQ would come in written form.  Foster had two notebooks from the NSA in his office at the time of his death.  Two notebooks that mysteriously disappeared.

This material came from
Publisher Spikes Whitewater Tell-all by Key Witness:  A planned book by key Whitewater witness David Hale, who may be set to reveal new information about the death of Clinton lawyer Vincent Foster, has reportedly been spiked by publishers.

"Vince Foster's Gun" serial number was searched before his death:  Serial number 355055 was found on the frame of the gun.  That number was searched by the Park Police, on the evening of Foster's death, more exactly at 22:45 EDT on July 20, 1993.  Searches were conducted on the same serial number no fewer than three times earlier that year, before Foster's death, on March 3, March 7 and April 29.  Is it a coincidence that in the year of Foster's death, four searches were conducted on the serial number found on the old gun - none ever before or after?

Vince Foster haunts Hillary?  Independent counsel trying to retrieve files from late White House lawyer's hard drive.

Ken Starr's Secret Reports:  When independent counsel Kenneth Starr released his report on the death of former White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. in October 1997, he refused to make public reports written by three consultants that he had hired to study the case.  Those who concealed that evidence should be called to account no matter what positions they now hold or hope to get.

The Parks Murder:  "I'm a dead man," whispered Jerry Parks, pale with shock, as he looked up at the television screen.  It was a news bulletin on the local station in Little Rock.  Vincent Foster, a childhood friend of the President, had been found dead in a park outside Washington.  Apparent suicide.  He never explained to his son Gary what he meant by that remark, but for the next two months the beefy 6'3" security executive was in a state of permanent fear.

Critiquing Berman's report on Foster:  [Dr. James] Janecek says, "Homicides masquerading as suicides are rare but do occur."  He cites three cases in which deaths were ruled to be suicides even though the physical forensic evidence strongly indicated they were homicides.  All three have something in common with the Foster case.

Does Lee favor new Foster probe?  The best-known of the Foster death investigators reportedly wants the case reopened.  His new book cites stronger evidence of murder than of suicide.  He may believe may believe it was murder, but doubts the case will be reopened.

Summary of the suspicious circumstances of Vince Foster's death
Excerpted from

   1.  The "blowback" material was minimal even though Foster apparently fired the gun deep in his mouth;
   2.  No powder burns were found in the mouth and no teeth were broken from gun recoil;
   3.  Very little blood was found at the scene, either on his body or on the ground;
   4.  The body was found in a highly unusual position for a self-inflicted gunshot wound into the mouth: too neat with his arms at his sides;
   5.  The fatal bullet was never recovered;
   6.  Foster owned a modern silver revolver, but the one found in his hand was black and composed of parts of two 80-year-old guns;
   7.  A paramedic reported seeing a small-caliber wound on Foster's neck under the jaw, which some say is confirmed by a crime scene photo;
   8.  Suspicious-looking people were seen around a car with Arkansas tags that was parked in the spot where Foster's car was found an hour later when the police and rescue workers arrived. The official investigations say this was Foster's car even though three eyewitnesses said it was a different color and model.

President Barack Hussein Obama has already been confirmed a liar.  Harsh words will not stop the hypocrite as the phony President Obama plans on sacking the citizens one more time. Obama knows that ObamaCare will just about do the job but flooding the U.S. with Illegal Aliens will finish off America. Many CEO's have been working secretly to spoil your American Dream and cash in on the present day renter at the White House.  These CEO's have contacted the highest levels of the U.S. Government in secret behind your back and have held meetings behind closed doors.
These in secret meetings are about power and influence and personal wealth which you are a major unknown and nameless player.  We now know that Czars inside the Obama administrative government, which have been given special authority, without the knowledge of Congress is dealing with major U.S. Organizations to cut a particular and specific deal concerning the issues and opportunities about illegal immigration.

“The President says people are worried ‘the system is rigged’ and yet it is the President who has teamed up with a small cadre of CEOs to double the flow of immigrant workers when these exact same companies are laying off American workers in droves… [CBO] confirms the White House-backed plan would reduce wages, reduce per capita GNP, and increase unemployment…

The truth is that the policy formula favored by President Obama—more regulation, hostility to American energy, anti-growth taxation, surging debt, bigger government, more federal interference, government-run healthcare, and mindless immigration policies—are the cause, not the cure, for growing middle class distress.”

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today regarding President Obama’s speech on the decline in economic conditions for U.S. workers:

“It is shocking for the President to give a speech about income disparity and falling wages while pushing an immigration plan that will hammer American workers and widen the disparity. The Congressional Budget Office confirms the White House-backed plan would reduce wages, reduce per capita GNP, and increase unemployment. The President says people are worried ‘the system is rigged’ and yet it is the President who has teamed up with a small cadre of CEOs to double the flow of immigrant workers when these exact same companies are laying off American workers in droves.

Wages for American workers are lower today than they were more than a decade ago—and take-home pay has fallen each year since the President came into office. A recent study demonstrated that all net job growth since 2000 has gone to immigrant workers while the number of U.S.-born Americans working has declined by 1.3 million.

The President’s policies also threaten college students who are about to enter a difficult economy. His plan would more than double the number of temporary foreign workers for wealthy tech companies. As Professor Ron Hira, a leading expert on H-1B visas, has noted, the visas are being used for ‘facilitating offshoring and providing employers with cheap, temporary labor—while reducing job opportunities for American high-tech workers in the process.’

Harvard professor Dr. George Borjas found that high levels of immigration between 1980 and 2000 caused the wages of lower-skilled American workers to drop nearly 8 percent. He also found current immigration levels have resulted in a $402 billion annual wage loss for workers but a $437 billion increase in profits for business owners.

It is time to have an open and honest conversation about our shrinking middle class and the consequences of our immigration policies on American workers and their wages. Unfortunately, that is not what we got from the President today.

The truth is that the policy formula favored by President Obama—more regulation, hostility to American energy, anti-growth taxation, surging debt, bigger government, more federal interference, government-run healthcare, and mindless immigration policies—are the cause, not the cure, for growing middle class distress.”

CNN Money, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, SCORE, SBA, Small Business Administration, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, FBN, Fox Business News.

The Cheesecake Factory, Inc. CVS Caremark Corporation Hallmark Cards, Inc. McDonald's Corporation The Wendy's Company The Walt Disney Company The Coca-Cola Company Johnson & Johnson American Express Company 21st Century Fox Darden Restaurants, Inc (Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and others) Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Allstate Insurance Company Western Union Northwestern Mutual American Airlines Inc. Motorola Solutions, Inc. The Procter  Gamble Company (wide range of well-known home and beauty brands) Newell Rubbermaid Inc. AT&T Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. Caterpillar Inc. The ADT Corporation Pfizer Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company HP United Parcel Service, Inc. UPS General Electric Company GE Verizon Communications Inc.  Pay your phone bill (one dollar short) Marriott International, Inc.  Stay somewhere else Hilton Worldwide  Find another room Hyatt Hotels Corporation  Say no to Hyatt McCormick & Company, Inc.  Salt and Pepper Cisco Systems, Inc.  A billionaire doesn't need you anymore, let him sail off Quest Diagnostics Incorporated Eaton E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company BNSF Railway Company Shell Oil Company General Mills, Inc. (many well-known food brands) Ingram Industries Inc. Kronos Incorporated Ingersoll Rand Company General Parts Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. United Technologies Corporation Harris Corporation Illinois Tool Works Inc. Sears Holdings Corporation  There is a reason that Sears and K-Mart is going broke USG Corporation Archer Daniels Midland Company  Destroy people that control your food Johnson Controls, Inc.  Lots of people make their stuff Ally Financial Inc. US Foods Univar, Inc. Kiewit Corporation Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.  Great company really bad leadership W.W. Grainger, Inc.  Too bad, no more money. Avery Dennison Corporation Humana Inc. Novelis, Inc. The Williams Companies, Inc. Avaya Inc. Computer Sciences Corporation Honeywell International Inc. International Paper Company  All they do is cut down trees, cut your cash flow to them Dover Corporation Danaher Corporation TRW Automotive Analog Devices, Inc. Ecolab, Inc. Avnet, Inc. White Lodging Corporation Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Simon Property Group Daikin McQuay Americas Continental Grain Company MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. Hospira, Inc. Cigna Corporation The ServiceMaster Company Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bloomin' Brands Inc. Fiserv, Inc. Carolinas HealthCare System SRA International Emerson Rockwell Automation, Inc. Parker Hannifin Corporationm Saint-Gobain Corporation General Dynamics Corporation A. O. Smith Corporation Praxair, Inc. HCA Inc. Eastman Chemical Company ManpowerGroup Fifth Third Bank Pitney Bowes Inc. Express Scripts, Inc. Cardinal Health, Inc. Aleris International, Inc. DTE Energy Company U.S. Steel Corporation Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation Cargill, Incorporated Assurant, Inc. XL Global Services, Inc Texas Instruments Incorporated ATK WESCO International

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