Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Buying and Selling the Black Man Vote Barack Obama Hillary Clinton It is natural for Barack Obama to fool the Negro because they are so easily fooled. A little food, a token of money, some place to sleep resembling housing and the New World Slave keeps giving their power away to African Masters like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Eric Holder and hold in high regard John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson who invented the Negro Enterprise.

The Negro Slave Market has never closed.  The NBA and Donald Sterling Scandal brings the Negro Enterprise into public view once again.  If you're a Negro, man or woman, young girl or boy, you are part of a centralized Negro Enterprise.  You're still a product.  Yes, you are given food, shelter, pocket change and even free healthcare through ObamaCare to keep your mouth shut and vote for the man within the Democratic Party.  As a vote product, to be bought and sold you have gained little ground and still occupy the lowest levels of the economic ladder.  In fact, Barack Obama is making sure that you stay down and he means way down.

Why didn't Obama set you free?  What happened to hope and change?  Where are all the jobs?  Why are working at McDonalds and Wal-Mart?  The Negro Enterprise has rules.

Negro Enterprise.

1. You must remain poor so you need help.
2. You must remain in the worst neighborhoods.
3. You must sell and use drugs.
4. You must have a master.

If all these things were truly corrected, the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Barack Obama and other Negro Enterprise operators would lose all their political power.  The reason you're not really free is because if they free you, their power is removed.  If you're mad you vote Democrat. If you were prosperous you would always vote Republican, the party of Lincoln.  But people like Jesse Jackson milk you.  Al Sharpton preaches to you even as he owes the IRS, they say, 1.9 million dollars.  Jesse Jackson Jr. is in prison because he stole your hope and money. 

The Negro Enterprise.  Today the Negro is not a slave but he is the centerpiece of the Negro enterprise that's worth tens of billions of dollars and is the cornerstone of the Democratic Party today.

You must wonder why the Black Man is so sensitive about being a Black Man or Negro?   The latest event being the NBA owner stating his feelings about what he thinks about Negroes in a private conversation with his mixed race girlfriend. The Democratic Parties leader Barack Obama scorned the NBA basketball team owner while he was overseas which of course increases the value of the Negro Enterprise.

A few hundred years ago ships anchored off the African shores waiting for their Negro slaves to be delivered to the waiting ship.  The African Kings gathered up the Negro men and women and delivered them to the White ship owner to be delivered as product around the world.

They are not slaves today but of course they still remain in bondage just in different ways.  Barack Obama is just another African King rounding up the black men and women, baby daughters and young sons and delivers them to the centralized government to be enslaved.

It is natural for Barack Obama to fool the Negro because they are so easily fooled.  A little food, a token of money, some place to sleep resembling housing and the New World Slave keeps giving their power away to African Masters like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Eric Holder and hold in high regard John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson who invented the Negro Enterprise.

Tea Party Community, Tea Party Revolution, NewWay 912 Project, One World Order, New World Government, ObamaCare, Iran, Benghazi, ObamaCare, Barack Hussein Obama, IRS, NSA, CIA, DOD, ATFE, FBI, DHS, RETRO, MYSTIC, DOJ, HHS, Affordable Care Act, Politics, Tea Party,Hillary Rodam Clinton, War, Revolution, Constitution, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Tea Party Community, Tea Party Revolution, Tea Party Patriots, History, Historical Documents, Shadow Government,Ar-15, Bundy Cattle Ranch, Benghazi, IRS Scandal, NSA Scandal, Putin, Crimea, Ukraine, Saudi Arabi, Oil, Nuclear, Iran, Islam, Muslim, Syria, Russia, Soviet Union, KGB, 

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