Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Julia Hiatt-Steele - Willey's friend and neighbor - used the machine to change her story.
Producers Michael Radutzky and Trevel Nelson courted Willey to tell her story on 60 Minutes and a key selling point was the changing story of Julie Steele, who was (they believed) being pressured by the White House into changing her account in her affidavit in the Paula Jones case, which was drafted with help from the president's lawyers. There was apparent pressure concerning Steele's adoption of a boy in Romania, whether the procedure was handled properly. Radutzky and Nelson had shown up at Steele's house, and when they raised the adoption issue "she really freaked," says her lawyer, Nancy Luque. 9/6/00 AP "…..A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit against a Newsweek reporter accused of disclosing a source's name in stories about a woman who claimed that President Clinton made an improper sexual advance against her. The source, Julie Hiatt Steele, alleged that magazine reporter Michael Isikoff broke his promise not to print her name. Steele's suit contended that Steele, at the behest of her friend Kathleen Willey, lied to Newsweek in early 1997 by saying Willey had confided that she had been the victim of an unwanted sexual advance by Clinton. Steele said she later told Isikoff that she had lied and said her conversations with Newsweek were "off the record" - meaning her comments and her name were not meant for print. …… In 1998, Steele sued Isikoff, Newsweek, and The Washington Post Co., which owns the magazine, citing breach of contract and emotional distress, among other claims. ….."
8/7/98 Freeper report on CNN Julie Hiatt Steele "On Larry King Live, Julie Hiatt Steele appeared to attack Kathleen Willey, Newsweek and Michael Isikoff. During her appearance she disclosed the OIC is currently persuing her for Contempt of Court for not disclosing details related to the picture of Kathleen Willey she sold to the National Enquirer and also gave some hint as to a possible reason why she (Steele) betrayed her friend to protect Clinton. Ms. Steele also disclosed that the adoption of her child may not have been legal. Apparently the adoption was "fixed" so she's not worried about any problems (any more, at least).."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...When the White House saw that she was corroborating Willey's story, officials began asking questions about the legality of her adoption of a Romanian child.... VULNERABILITY: The adoption...." 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Plaintiffs wish to question Ms. Steele on the reason(s) she changed her story about Kathleen Willey's having confided to her the details of Clinton's sexual assault, first stating and then denying that Willey told her about the incident immediately after it happened. Additionally, Plaintiffs also want to ask her whether former United States Trade Representative, Commerce Secretary and longtime Clinton operative Mickey Kantor threatened her to change her story by questioning the conditions surrounding the adoption of her child. Finally, Plaintiffs want to inquire about her friend, Mary Earl Highsmith's, recent testimony in federal court that Steele told her she was "afraid it would be to her detriment" to take a position against Clinton. In her May 11, 1999 interview on Hardball with Chris Matthews, Kathleen Willey stated that 60 Minutes Producer Michael Radutzky told her that Mickey Kantor had threatened her friend, Julie Hiatt Steele, to change her story. "[T]hey told me that -- that my friend, Julie Steele, had been approached by a very high ranking member of the Clinton [A]dministration questioning her about the -- the conditions of her adoption of her child." Willey said that Radutzky told her that Kantor pressured her friend, Julie Steele, to change Steele's corroboration of Willey's encounter with Clinton: MATTHEWS: . . . But its your belief that the [A]dministration used that child as - as a hostage, in effect, to get her to turn around? WILLEY: That's what I was told. . ..MATTHEWS: By whom? WILLEY: Well, by - I was told it was Mickey Kantor that went and threatened her with that. MATTHEWS: Who told you that? WILLEY: Michael Radutzky at "60 Minutes." The next day on Larry King Live, Willey explained that it was this act of intimidation by the White House that motivated her to do the 60 Minutes interview last year: WILLEY: That's what turned me. I didn't go on "60 [M]inutes" to talk about the incident in the Oval Office. I was so outraged that they had - supposedly, that the White House had sent one of their minions to intimidate Julie with this adoption; I thought, well, regardless of what she'd done to me, regardless of how she had said that I had asked her to lie, I just thought that no mother should be threatened with her child. . . .KING: "60 [M]inutes" misled you. They were going to do a story about Julie Hiatt Steele and lying, and they did a story instead about groping? WILLEY: Yes. KING: So why then do you believe them on Kantor? WILLEY: Because I think that's they way the White House operates. I think they try to intimidate people and scare them. They tried to scare me...."
Los Angeles Times 8/12/99 AP "...A former defendant in one of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's prosecutions has lost a legal battle to have the government pay her attorneys' fees. U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton rejected the arguments of Julie Hiatt Steele that Starr's case was "vexatious, frivolous and in bad faith." In an Aug. 3 ruling, Hilton said the government won't have to pay costs and attorneys fees for Ms. Steele because "the evidence was sufficient for a reasonable trier of fact to find the defendant guilty." A federal jury on May 7 deadlocked 9 -3 in favor of convicting Ms. Steele ..." 6/2/00 Brent Bozell "……..... Time, however, has a way of unraveling yarns. In the last few weeks, the media's verdicts have very silently collided with court rulings. For example, on May 19, Steele, who joined a lawsuit alleging Ken Starr pressured her to offer false testimony, was rebuffed by a federal judge. Associated Press reported that U.S. District Judge John Nangle found "absolutely no evidence that (Starr) ever directly or implicitly asked her to lie." In the entire national media, only The Washington Post showed up on this story. …….. Steele first struck the media's fancy when she betrayed her former friend, Kathleen Willey, by recanting her corroborating testimony. Instead, she insisted Willey had urged her to lie to Newsweek about Willey being groped by the president. Steele's media supporters, starting with Geraldo Rivera, championed Steele's plight at the hands of "investigative terrorist" Ken Starr. Steele's attacks on Starr were also carried on the usually apolitical "Dateline NBC." On Nov. 27, 1998, Jane Pauley theorized that "Julie Hiatt Steele is a woman whose 15 minutes of fame was an unwanted consequence of doing a favor for a friend, and it could land her in jail ... She believes Kenneth Starr wants to hear her say something and will do almost anything to get her to say it." It would be foolish, however, to expect these White House mouthpieces at NBC and CNBC to apologize and retract their Starr-trashing "exposes" at this late date. Arriving at the truth is not the point. The point is that Clinton made it through the crisis, and the facts no longer matter. ......"

Susan Coleman - rumored (suicide 7.5 months pregnant)

Washington Weekly 11/30/98 Marvin Lee ".. Another case involving Jack Palladino was that of Susan Coleman. While opposition researchers supportive of President Bush were checking out an allegation that she had an affair with her law professor Bill Clinton at the time of her suicide, the Clinton opposition research team got wind of the investigation and decided to strike a pre-emptive blow. Jack Palladino used CBS reporter Eric Engberg to attack opposition researchers David Bossie, Jim Murphy and Floyd Brown of harassing the Coleman family. Thus, in an attempt to pre-empt negative publicity, it was the Clinton campaign itself that aired the Susan Coleman allegations to the American people through CBS News.."

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